Finally after what happened to Youngjae that day, he fall asleep in the car while they were on their way to what he had thought of Yongguk and Himchan’s house.

All he knew is that his body was sore in pain and he was deadly tired. More to his surprises, that night was the first night he ever slept so peacefully enough that he didn’t care to wake up just for a moment.

The next morning, Youngjae was awake by a sudden light that struck right to his face. His eyebrow furrowed, frowning at the emit lights with his eyes still closed tight. He sighed deeply as he decided to go back sleep and ignore the daylight instead.

As he turned to his left, he felt a certain warm breath touching his face. He felt odd by the warm body temperature that was radiating right next to him. He had no choice but to open his eyes, looking at unknown stranger in front him.

There, he saw a sleeping man, facing directly towards him with a calm yet good looking face. His skin is fairly white; his eyes were beautifully craved with perfect nose and perfect mouth.

Wow – that was the first word came out from Youngjae’s mouth, awing at the perfection in front him and didn’t realize that the guy’s face was just a few inches away from his. But more to his amuse, the guy’s hair was brightly in floss pink color.

He blinked at the unconscious figure as he also realized there was another one to his right. He glimpsed slowly, to see a half brunette sleeping man beside him.

Youngjae’s eyes slightly opened wide when the guy shuffled on the bed, facing his body towards him. He looked at the body attentively, admired by the well build body and the chocolate abs pasted on that fair skin. How he wish he could have that one too one day.

Suddenly, he felt uncomfortable when both started to move closer and closer towards him, cornering him in the middle of the bed. As much as he hated it, he really didn’t want to wake them up while he was trying to get off from bed quietly.

Then, the pink-haired guy raised his leg and slightly damped on top of his body, causing him hard to move. Not enough with that, the other man beside him started to hug him as if he was hugging pillow instead.

Youngjae cursed silently by the situation as he carefully lifted up their hands and legs, slowly but quickly getting himself off from the bed. After succeeding, finally he stood there beside the bed, gasping for air and stared at the two.

He frowned weirdly when he saw the two started to snuggle to each other and hugging their bodies together. So much for a skin ship to start his day, he thought.

“Just woke up from a daydream, I guess?” Youngjae turned around to see Yongguk, who was leaning casually on the door, looking at him amusingly.

“Yeah, and thanks to your friends I manage to wake up earlier than I ever expected,” Youngjae sighed at the fact that he can’t sleep a little longer despite the two seems to interrupt his sleep for awhile.

Yongguk chuckled at the grumpy man. “I’m sorry, I suppose to let you sleep at the guest room last night but the room was completely a mess and these two kids forgot to fill in their duty in this house so I let you stay with them for one night….serve them right.”

“Kids?” Youngjae glanced oddly at the sleeping men. “The breakfast is ready. Come and let’s eat….”

Youngjae scratched his hair in wonder as he followed Yongguk to the dining room. On the long table, he saw a plenty of foods served deliciously and it triggered his hunger completely at the sight of the meals for his breakfast today.

“Woah….this is so nice! Who cooked these?” Youngjae awed at the food as the scent slowly fill in his nostrils.

“I did…” he looked up to see Himchan rushed towards them with a big hot bowl of fried rice and placed it neatly on the table. He stared at him in disbelief, he had never thought that this guy can actually cooked this well.

“In this house, Himchan was in charge of cooking,” Yongguk smirked.

“Woah….cool~” Youngjae looked around the place. “So, who’s in charge of cleaning?”

“Me…” Yongguk tapped his chest proudly as he received a rough snuffle from dark-haired man beside him.

“Yeah, right. It was Zelo and Jongup were the one that cleans this place up. You never help a thing, Yongguk-ah…”

“Hey, I helped with the dishes too okay?”

“Yeah, for once….,” Youngjae laughed when he saw Yongguk pouted at the statement before Himchan taking a seat across him together with Yongguk beside him.

“Should you be waking those guys up? I mean, Jongup and….Zelo, is it?” Youngjae pointed at the room behind him.

“Nah…they’ll get up soon. Judging from the way they sleep, I guess it’s better to leave them alone. And you might wonder which one is Jongup and which one is Zelo, right?” Yongguk glanced Youngjae who was nodding to him.

“The brown-haired is Jongup and the pink one is Zelo by the way…” Yongguk said while he was taking out some rice from the bowl for Youngjae’s plate before served to Himchan next and have one for himself later.

“They’re both working under the same department with us….” Himchan poured some water on Youngjae’s glass. “And both are underage actually….”

Youngjae nearly burst out the food that he stuffed in his mouth when he heard those words as he choked mercilessly and quickly gulped down the water beside him, and gasped as he managed to calm himself down. “Underage??”

“Yup, Jongup is 18 and Zelo is 17 this year….surprisingly, wasn’t it?” Yongguk was eating his food calmly while Youngjae was staring them in disbelief.

“But, they didn’t look like one….are they your brothers?”

“Nope….if we are, we wouldn’t have to suffer such a tough life in the first place anyway,” Himchan chuckled.

“Tough life? Is something bad went happened to you guys before?” Youngjae asked curiously when he realized there’s sadness went across those eyes.

“Well, both Jongup and Zelo are actually orphans. They lived on the streets and barely enough to make a money or find some foods around the city just to feed themselves back then when they were just a kid….before they reached 15 year old if I’m not mistaken,” Himchan said.

“So, in a way to make a living, they become a beggar…roaming around the city alone…and hopelessly,” Yongguk stopped when he recalled the memories he had in mind the first time he ever met those two.

“So….how did you guys manage to take them in?”

“It’s not us….it’s Uncle Jung, the nicest man you ever know in this world. He’s the one who willingly helps someone like us and bring us into his life,” Himchan smiled.

“Uncle Jung?” Youngjae blinked at the name.

“It’s actually our boss, the CEO of the Jung Enterprise Cooperation back then when he was still alive. We called him that instead of ‘boss’ since he insisted with the casual name,” Yongguk smirked at the thought.

“Wow….he must be very kind man…”

“You bet he does! He’s the only who can understand people like us, how tough our life is and how hard it is to never lose hope in life. He’s the reason why our life turned out this good….” Himchan said happily.

“You guys are beggars too?” Youngjae widened his eyes.

“No, no! We’re simply not! We’re actually…..gangsters,” Yongguk noticed the eyes of the blonde were now twice bigger than before, shocking at his words.

“You were a….gangster before???” the both men nodded in unison. “Fuhh….no wonder you looked scary….”

Yongguk scowled at the respond as he thought the guy would admire him but instead, it was in either way around.

“But…how did he manage take you guys in? It’s quite impossible when a respectful man like him to approach someone dangerous like you guys….”

“Well, the first time we met him was during the Christmas Eve. That night, we actually succeed in stealing an old woman’s purse somewhere in the city and ran away to the park. Since it was the first night of Christmas, not many people wandered around there so it would be the best place to hide there before the police come. Then, we saw a man who was standing straightly alone in front of the giant Christmas tree there. At first, we thought that we’re actually doomed since he saw us running here with a luxury purse which is impossible could be owned by someone like us. Then, the police came so we hurriedly hide ourselves behind the bushes….”

“So, did you guys get caught by the cops later then?”

“Actually… Instead of reporting it to the cops, the man was defending us and made the cops rushed away to the other road. We wondered why he would want to do that for someone like us so we asked him and in the end, he said, ‘It’s Christmas Eve. Everyone wants to celebrate it with their friends and family, including you two, am I right?’

Youngjae awed at the story as Yongguk was going to resume the story for Himchan instead.

 “He was smiling at us and first, we thought he was just someone who pretended to be a nice since we didn’t believe any of the citizens in town that time but this man is different. His smile seems pure and his eyes tell us that we should trust him for the better. And you know happened next? Look….” He gestured his surroundings happily.

“He gave us a chance to prove that we can do better for our future by giving us a job under his company. We decided to follow him and left the group forever….and we didn’t even regret with our choice. This is our life now.”

“Woah….what a great man he is….I wish I could meet him in real life too….” Youngjae sighed.

“Well, now that you’ve mentioned it, you only managed to meet his one hard headed son so…you’re still lucky in either way,” Himchan shrugged.

“Hard headed son?” Youngjae raised his eyebrow.

“Here’s the picture….” Youngjae took the frame pictures that Yongguk handed to him and looked at both carefully. He saw a man smiling handsomely in picture with a small cute baby on his lap while the other picture was a good looking guy – brunette with bangs and sparkling eyes, wearing a nice suit.

‘Wow…..that is one very handsome man….’ Youngjae awed at the picture, not noticed that he has been looking at it for too long.

“His name is Jung Daehyun. He might be very good looking man that can melts some people’s heart easily, but believe me, you won’t like him anymore once you know his real attitude towards people around him….”

“Was he really that bad?”

“Yes, he is….he’s one evil boss…” Zelo said as it made Youngjae nearly jumped when he realized someone was sitting beside him and also next to his right.

“He loves to bully his colleagues and treated them badly sometimes. He always looked down on people like us who were working under security department. He thinks that we’re weak and all while we’re actually the one who protects him 24/7,” Jongup shook his head in disbelief and munching down his food.

“Well, I’m sure he will change to a better person one day. It’s not like he would stay like that forever….” Yongguk was being positive thinking.

“Unless….someone might want to change him to a better person instead,” Himchan said.

“Like who?” Youngjae looked up, suddenly noticed that everyone was looking him. “….Me??” he pointed to himself with widen eyes.

“Why not? You’re his new personal bodyguard and personal assistant so you might have some ideas on how to turn that guy into a perfect boss for all of us, Youngjae….”

“Yeah, right….like I can succeed that job easily….” Youngjae rolled his eyes and continued eating.

“He’ll pay you double the prices….” Yongguk murmured.

“Okay….when do I start working?” Youngjae smiled diligently, looking at him with sparkling eyes. Himchan and the others chuckled silently at the guy’s act.

“By tomorrow, Himchan will be showing the whole places in the building before you start working with Daehyun. We can’t start working today since it’s public holiday. So are we clear?”

“Okay!” Youngjae raised his thumb happily before finishing his food.

‘Daehyun….not a pretty bad name either….’ He thought.



Hye , there ! Sorry for the looooong delay , guys......getting pretty busy with my assignments and upcoming projects nowadays...

As you can see in the chapter , they are no Daejae yet....well , sorry about that too >.<

But I promised that you will see these two together in the next chapter so keep update with the story okay ?

Thank you so much for reading this story and you don't how valuable it is for me when someone reads my story.....

The next chapter - coming soon ! (maybe) huhu

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Chapter 10: Update plz🥺I just started reading the fic and it’s really good I hope you do more chapters
Re-green #2
Chapter 10: I just found this fic. And I should have seen this... Updated 2013. 3 years ago
I just focused to funny and good story and suddenly end came. Oh my...
But I hope you have a good time and enjoy your life ^^
This story have been good and funny
sellyafida #3
Chapter 10: poor Youngjae....
I like your story, very very like it...
please update soon, pleeeeeease
Chapter 10: Y U NO UPDATE? ;A; /creys. xD
PLEASE UPDATE SOON. ;A; I'm beggin' you
pandaKuku #5
Chapter 10: not only personal assistant n bodyguard but also now become maid of DH's house...xd
LKyellow #6
Chapter 10: I'm so glad you updated xD I loved the chapter, as usual. :3
BocahHunHan #7
Chapter 10: Aigo... Daehyun pabbo... kekeke, but.. I'd like Daehyun style in here.. kind of bossy lol
Chapter 10: wow..Dae is such a jerk =_= treating everyone like that,srsly?the other members r so good to Jae tho,glad he has companies..but so far,he has done the 'assistant' job,im waiting for. some incident he'd do the other ;)
crossing_by #9
Chapter 10: I wonder under when daehyun will be a prick for youngjae...
And when the time youngjae patience run out and flip it over to daehyun
Gonna be fun ^^
Chapter 10: daehyun is a royal pain