Youngjae stared at them in horror, aware of being surrounded by the most dangerous men ever alive. They walked closer to him, with dead glare fixed on their fierce eyes.

“Going back to work, huh?” Nickhun played with his toys, swinging it playfully. “There’s no reason for you to running away like that if you do, kid.”

“Of course there is! You guys and your-your….weapons! Who wouldn’t be scare when you kept carrying those things around like a toy?!” Youngjae trembled.

“Why? It’s not like we’re going to hurt someone freely or something. We’re only used this against those who tries to fight us….especially for those who lied to us about not paying their debts,” Nickhun glared.

“Y-Yah! I told you before! I’ll pay it as soon as I get one! The dead line is still few months away; I still have time to pay it!”

They laughed mockingly at him as it made Youngjae twitched in agony, frowning at their annoying act. “Well, when we said we want you to pay it, it means.....YOU.HAVE.TO.PAY.IT.NOW,” Chansung snickered.

Somehow, that statement has made Youngjae’s head snapped. He tighten his fists, gazing at the men around him in dreadful and greeting his teeth, held his anger patiently deep inside.

“Looks like someone was already mad, haha!” Junsu mocked as he still laughing his out at the sight of the man in front him. “I hope you’re not crying for mercy after-”


A hard punch reached to his face as a splash of bloods spilled out from his mouth. His body roughly flipped back, flew away by the harsh impact until he lied down on the hard floor unconscious few miles away from them. His weapon merely fell into the river beside.

The remaining men were deeply in shock, witnessing the scene in front them with mouth dropped. The place suddenly turned eerily silence.

Drips of blood fell down to the floor from Youngjae’s fist as it drawn a completely horror on the men’s face, eyes widened at the sudden action.

Youngjae turned around and looked at them, his eyes were burning in fury. They felt a sudden chill at the glare as they began to shiver in terror.

“THIS…IS WHY….I HATED….BASTARDS….LIKE YOU GUYS….” he said dreadfully as he walked slowly towards them.

They started to walk backwards, trying not to get any closer to the younger. Nickhun realized the sudden event and quickly fight his fear back, glanced at .

Taecyeon saw the signal that his leader gave him as he quickly twisted his kama, eyeing his opponent tensely. He screamed his heart out and running towards him furiously.

Youngjae sniffled haughtily and calmly reached to the approaching man. As Taecyeon swings the blade towards him, he dodged the attack and quickly kicked the man’s stomach with his leg.

Taecyeon fell down roughly on the ground, twitching hurtfully at the hard beat before getting up to his feet and go for another attack.

As Youngjae was about to stood back, he saw the 2 shiny blades almost touch his face. He swiftly avoided the attack and quickly grabbed the men’s wrists up challengingly as the weapon was just few inches away from his face.

Taecyeon pushed the man forward, greeted his teeth furiously at the man’s tough strength. He wondered how a small guy like Youngjae can posses such strong power.

Wooyoung, Chansung, and Junho glanced at each other as they spun their weapons around and attacking the younger from behind;

Wooyoung attacked with his staff, Chansung with his manriki chain, and Junho with his tonfa.

Youngjae aware the danger and roughly pushed the man in front forward as he dodged the other 3, right in time. The place was uproar as they attacked him aimlessly with their weapons, damaging the trees and flowers around them as it gradually attracting people’s attention around them.

As Himchan parked his car on the parking lot nearby, Yongguk dashed out from the car and ran towards the park, searching for the troops. His eyes stopped at a place where he found a commotion behind the trees and bushes, beside the riverbanks.

He thought that those guys would beat the small guy out but to his surprise, it was the other way around. His mouth gaped when he witnessed Youngjae ducked all the attacks smoothly and managed to strike those men back, with hard punches and flying kicks like the one that he always saw in action movies.

“Yongguk-ah, what happened? What are you looking at?” Himchan stood beside him before he turned his gaze to the same direction. His eyes widened at the scene in front him. “What the-“

“Yoo Youngjae….DIE!!!” Nickhun grimaced as he swiftly swung his nunchaku and ran towards him. Youngjae made a roundhouse kick, as it hits all the 3, causing them to fell down hurtfully on the ground. Before the hard woods can touch him, he grabbed the Wooyoung’s staff on the floor and swung it upwardly, hitting the nunchaku.

Nickhun yelled furiously as he kept hitting the man in front. More to his rage, all of his attacks seem to be useless, ineffective as the guy kept fighting back.

Yongguk and Himchan watching the fighting scene in tense, stunned at the man’s skillful moves as Yongguk unconsciously reached to the popcorn that Himchan had brought, munching down the sweet corn deliciously.

Youngjae made an end to everything as he quickly wracked the man’s torso repeatedly with the staff, causing brown-haired man screamed in pain.

Nickhun knelt down, gasped when he felt a sudden smack on his hands, with his weapons slipped and flew away. Things just got serious when he suddenly felt the hard wooden staff was beneath his jaw.

“I really don’t want to fight with you guys but you made me no choice….” Youngjae’s voice was deep and hoarse, giving a sense of creep to the elder.

Nickhun gulped thickly as he eyed the serious man above him, he knew he was already defeated in the battle. More to his fear, he might die in this person’s hand today.

But his hope sparkled when he saw Chansung silently stood behind Youngjae with his katana sword – he almost forgot about their secret weapon.

A grim smile pursed on the elder’s lips as it made Youngjae’s eyebrows furrowed deliberately by the sudden change. Youngjae glimpsed at the corner of his eyes as he sensed a man’s presence behind him.

Youngjae quickly knelt down, dodging the sharp blade that almost touch his head and took a small step back, elbowing the man’s stomach strongly, and causing the other to bend down.

He swiftly reached the sword and make a turn, elbowed the man’s face roughly until the guy fell down unconsciously as he make a twist-turned with the sword skillfully, merely slashing out the objects around him before it reach to Nickhun’s neck.

Nickhun felt the cold metal touched his skin, as it made him frozen and brings him shivers, terrified at the man’s brave action. Yongguk and Himchan’s mouth dropped, as the popcorns slipped down from the dark-haired guy’s hand.

Nickhun shivered fearfully as a drip of bloods flowed out from his skin. Youngjae breathed haughtily, tighten his grip on the handle as he glared hatefully at the annoying bastard in front him.

“I’m warning you….I won’t hesitate in killing you with this sword, even if it means I have to end up in jail for my action….”

“P-P-Please….S-Spare…M-Me…I beg you….” Nickhun pleaded as tears fell down on his cheeks, bowed at the younger mercilessly, begging for his live.

Himchan clapped his hands in amaze as Yongguk quickly held the guy’s hands down, scowled at the man’s stupidity and signaled him not to make any noise, turning his gaze back to them and watching them quietly.

Youngjae locked his eyes on the pitiful guy with his hand still gripping on the sword. He breathed deeply and closed his eyes, calming himself down in getting rid of the anger.

“Tell your boss that I’ll pay the debts based on the date he gave….not more than that…got it?” Nickhun widened his eyes as nodded vigorously, kept himself in the same position.

Youngjae pulled the sword back and turned his gaze away. “Go,” he said as Nickhun stood up hesitantly, glancing at him before he ran away, leaving all of his unconscious members behind.

Yongguk still awed at the brave man in front him. Then, he saw Youngjae threw the sword away into the river before gazing at the men on the floor blankly.

“Yongguk-ah, the police….” Himchan nudged his shoulder as the guy pointed him at the opposite direction. A police car suddenly appeared out of a blue as a few officers came out from the car and rushed to the scene.

When he turned back to Youngjae again, the guy already disappeared as he looked around to search for the blonde anxiously. The guy might have run away when he realized the police was already to arrest them all for making such uproar commotion in public.

“Yoo Youngjae….his name is Yoo Youngjae….” Yongguk murmured.

“What should we do? Now that he’s gone and the police are here to arrest them, they might search for him too….” Himchan wondered as he followed the red-haired guy to their car.

“In that case, we have to search for him first before the police did,” Yongguk took out his phone and dialed a familiar number.

Himchan blinked at the statement. “W-What? What…do you mean?”

Yongguk smirked as he waiting for someone from the other line to pick up his call.


“Jongup-ah, this is Yongguk.”

“Ohh, hello hyung! What’s up?”

“Listen, I need you and Zelo to do some research about someone. It’s quite urgent.”

“Ohh, sure. No problem! Who was it?”

“Yoo Youngjae….” Yongguk glanced at Himchan who was watching his conversation with their other members.

“Yoo…Youngjae. Okay, we’ll give you the information as soon as possible, hyung….”

“Alright, thanks,” Yongguk closed his phone and turned at the man beside him who was looking at him in disbelief.

“Yongguk-ah…you don’t mean that-“

“That’s right. Himchan, meet…our new member of the team,” Yongguk sneered.



Seriously , I didn't realized when did Himchan bought that popcorns and bring it along on his way to the park. LOL
Thank you all for subscribing and reading this story. Hope you liked it and understand the action part mostly.

I really want to apologized for my grammar mistakes and even if you didn't realize it , it fine by me. haha
Thank you again ! New chapter will coming soon !

If you interested , you can also read my other story called ONE SOUL, TWO SOUL with pairings of BangLo (sorry Himchan-ah , please don't glare at me with your psychotic eyes) , HimUp , and DaeJae. 

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Chapter 10: Update plz🥺I just started reading the fic and it’s really good I hope you do more chapters
Re-green #2
Chapter 10: I just found this fic. And I should have seen this... Updated 2013. 3 years ago
I just focused to funny and good story and suddenly end came. Oh my...
But I hope you have a good time and enjoy your life ^^
This story have been good and funny
sellyafida #3
Chapter 10: poor Youngjae....
I like your story, very very like it...
please update soon, pleeeeeease
Chapter 10: Y U NO UPDATE? ;A; /creys. xD
PLEASE UPDATE SOON. ;A; I'm beggin' you
pandaKuku #5
Chapter 10: not only personal assistant n bodyguard but also now become maid of DH's house...xd
LKyellow #6
Chapter 10: I'm so glad you updated xD I loved the chapter, as usual. :3
BocahHunHan #7
Chapter 10: Aigo... Daehyun pabbo... kekeke, but.. I'd like Daehyun style in here.. kind of bossy lol
Chapter 10: wow..Dae is such a jerk =_= treating everyone like that,srsly?the other members r so good to Jae tho,glad he has companies..but so far,he has done the 'assistant' job,im waiting for. some incident he'd do the other ;)
crossing_by #9
Chapter 10: I wonder under when daehyun will be a prick for youngjae...
And when the time youngjae patience run out and flip it over to daehyun
Gonna be fun ^^
Chapter 10: daehyun is a royal pain