After a long tiring day, finally Daehyun managed to go home and have a peaceful time all by himself. Instead of waiting for the office hour ends, he decided to check out earlier than his other workers.

He felt so empty with his daily routine. Every day, he would come to the office checking all the files and paper works that were placed in his long desk. After that, he would have a meeting with CEOs from other enterprise and with his other workers about their latest investments and budget planning; which seems to be boring to him. Then, he would go home and repeat the same activity all over again in the next day. How pathetic.

Somehow, he quite envied those who are at his age. Teenagers like him usually went to colleges or universities to further their studies and hangout with a bunch of friends at somewhere else like shopping malls or night clubs and have fun. But sadly he was in the opposite of that world.

Instead of stuck in his place, he rather to be in that zone so he won’t waste his youth on something useless like this. Unfortunately, he’s none social type person.

He sighed at the thought and leaned his head lazily on the leather cushion behind him. With his eyes locked on the scene outside of the window car, his mind slowly roamed away from reality as he recalled his childhood memories again.

Everyday feels like heaven whenever his parents were around him. He would play with them, cuddle with them, eat with them, and spent most of his free time only with them.

The memories were still fresh in his mind; their faces, their smiles, their warm hugs, every single one of it. He remembered.

His mother passed away due to cancer; 5th stage. It was all of sudden and he was just 3 that time; too innocent to understand what it feels to lost someone that loved.

He had no idea why his mother were placed in that coffin and buried under the ground with a bunch of flowers on it while his father was crying, whimpering at his side and holding his hand tightly.

Then, it was his father’s turn. His father died in a tragic car accident when he was 10. It brings shock to him, which send him to trauma for a few weeks, crying over to his father’s death. In the end, he was centered to hospital for a high fever.

Now he knows what it is like; to lose someone that you love for your entire life, someone who you are highly dependable on. It felt nothing but torturing you from inside, every day feel like misery with your spirits slowly breaks down. And he hated it. Very very much.

His tears are slowly formed under his eyes; fall down to his cheeks when he closed his eyes tightly at the bitter recall mind. Why must them? Why can’t it be someone else? He still needs them in his life, why do God had to take them quite earlier?

Ever since then, his personality was completely changed. He swear to himself that there will be no more cheerful Daehyun, no more happy Daehyun like people around him used to know, only the cold and heartless Daehyun; that’s it.

“Sir, are you okay?” his chauffeur glanced at him through the back mirror. Daehyun wiped his tears quickly and turned away, avoiding the man’s eyes.

“No, I just want to get home quickly so I can rest. Keep driving and don’t look back, got it?” Daehyun said firmly.

The chauffeur froze at his words and quickly gazed to his front view. “Y-Yes, sir….” he stammered.



Youngjae walked tiredly on his neighborhood side road, wondering if he can get a peaceful dream for tonight after what happened to him for the entire day just now.

He sighed heavily as he messaging his back neck merely, looking at the sky with blank expression. It’s nearly dawn and he completely forgot about the food for his dinner tonight and his stomach suddenly growling at the thought.

“I guess I’m going to eat some leftover crackers again for tonight….” He bit his lips. Instead of using the payment he received for his job, he rather kept it until the debts are fully paid than buying some dinner for himself. 

Then, he arrived at high staircase where his house was somewhere nearby at the top. His legs began to tremble at the exercises he got for today.

As he already reached to the top breathlessly, his mouth gaped when he saw a bunch of people was breaking into his house. “WHAT THE F****??!!” he frowned and hurriedly rushed to it.

“Yah! What are you guys doing? Who told you to barge in when the owner was not around?!”

“Ohh….are you the owner of this house, kid?” one of the guy who was holding on a file smiled at him.

“No, it was my dog. His name is ‘GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE, NOW’!” Youngjae retorted.

The guy chuckled at his words and shook his head. “Sorry, kid. But, we’re going to garnish everything in this house. It’s an order.”

“An order??!! From who?” Youngjae scowled with crossed hands on his waist.

“The bank. I think your father – as I thought he would be – gambled a lot of money that his debts somehow have been overloaded. Here, take a look,” he handed him his file as Youngjae hesitantly reached it.

Youngjae looked through all the papers on the clipping board. His heart nearly dropped at the sight of the amount of money that was listed down on it. “This…is….madness….” he murmured.

“I’m sorry, kid. It’s not our choice to do garnish this at this time around,” he walked in to the house to check on the items that needs to be taken away but stopped when the younger held his leg down.

“Please, sir. I promised that I will pay the debts as quickly as possible but please, don’t kick me out from the house yet! I don’t have a place to stay for tonight! Just let me stay for the day until tomorrow. Please?” Youngjae pleaded.

The man sighed lightly, pitied the younger man all of sudden. “I wish I can help you, kid. But, I can’t. Pack your bags and things out by tonight, okay? We need to take everything out from the house as soon as possible. I’m sorry…”

He walked to his mates who were busy in carrying out the furniture in the house to the lorry outside. Youngjae limply knelt down, despair at his luck for today. The problem doesn’t seem to end at that time, not even for tonight.

While Youngjae was trying to stop the guys out from taking all the things in his house, Yongguk and Himchan were busy watching him quietly in their car; turning off the engine just to hide from other people to notice their presence in there.

“Poor little guy…not to mention his father has abandoned him, he also left him with some unpaid debts after lost his entire money for gambling. No wonder those mafia were chasing after that kid this afternoon,” Himchan pitied.

“Well, at least he knows how to take care of himself though. Being dependable is better to survive in this tough world,” Yongguk sighed while his eyes were gazing over his cell phone, waiting for another call from his other member.

“Why didn’t Jongup send all the information together? I mean, this could buy some time if he did it one by one…”

“I don’t know. He must have a reason for it….” Yongguk crossed his hands as he started to tap his fingers impatiently. Suddenly, his phone rang, vibrating for an upcoming phone call.

“Yes, Jongup-ah…” Yongguk picked up the call.

“Sorry, hyung. The information that you need was quite a lot and took us some time to get everything completely. But gladly we’ve made it,” Jongup said in relief.

“Ohh really? Cool, that’ll makes our job done pretty quickly then,” Yongguk gestured to Himchan in open his mail box using his Ipad beside him.

“Well, we’ll glad to help you out. Anything else you need, hyung?”

“Nope. That’s all. Thanks for your help. I’ll buy you guys something nice later on,” Yongguk heard a loud shout from the other line.

“Well, you heard him. He wants cherry tomatoes and sweet potatoes for his snacks tonight…”

Yongguk chuckled at their youngest member’s act. “Okay, then. Do you need anything, Jongup-ah?”

“Chris Brown’s new album….”

“Besides that….” Yongguk frowned at the guy’s request. He knew the other was pouted sadly when his request was decline bluntly.

“Fine….Brownie, then.”

Yongguk slapped himself in annoyance. Why would this kid request for a weird stuff? Since when he likes Brownie doll for interest? “I’ll hang up now…”


Yongguk giggled. “Fine, now tell what you want.”

While the other was busy chatting, Himchan was busy scrolling down on the touch screen tablet, reading the articles that their member had sent to them through emails.

“Okay, see you later,” Yongguk hung up and placed his cell phone back to his pocket. “Well, what do we have here?” he stared at his Ipad that Himchan was holding on.

“Yongguk-ah, read this,” the dark-haired guy showed him the article as Yongguk read it thoroughly, although much to his surprises when he almost reach to the middle page.

“Wow, he was once nominated as one of the most known top students in his elementary school?!” Yongguk widened his eyes as quickly grabbed the tablet and looked closer to the screen.

“Not just in his elementary school, but also during his middle school and high school,” Himchan explained. “And look at this; during his high school, when he was in 10th grade he managed to skip a year earlier due to his excellent grades, which brings him to a senior batch student in his school instead.”

“So, he had graduated from his high school a year earlier, huh? That’s quite fascinating….” Yongguk murmured as he kept scrolling down to read the next article.

“And….you won’t believe this either even after you read it….”

Yongguk's eyes nearly popped out from its sockets when he read the articles attentively. Himchan was right, he won’t believe it even if he was reading it now.

“This kid….he was studying more than 4 different types of martial arts before??”

Himchan nodded. “Kung Fu, Wushu, Karate-Do, Kendo, Tae Kwan Do, and many kinds of Dos that you may know in this world; he had studied it too….which is really surprising.”

He saw Yongguk’s mouth dropped when he saw the medals that Youngjae had won. Even though he only participate in his school’s championship instead of national tournament, but the amount of grades he received in his martial arts club was undeniable.

Is he really a human? Learning those skills and manage to get high scores in his exams at the same time? How the hell did he do that?

“Yoo Youngjae….born in 24th January,1994. His blood type is AB with the weight of 65kg and height of 178 cm. He loves video games but he had more passion towards music and arts. His dream is becoming a real artists and the best singer in the country….”

“Okay, seriously, where the hell did Jongup and Zelo get that kind of info from?” Himchan cocked his eyebrow.

Yongguk shrugged in return. To his knowledge, every computer geeks and professional hackers in this world have their own ways in finding the information. So he didn’t know how those kids did it.

“Well, what should we do now? He’s got the brain; probably have no problem in handling those tough works that personal assistants usually handles - and he also got the skills that a bodyguard like us needed. He’s perfect, don’t you think?”

“What should we do? Of course, we’re gonna take him! It’s an opportunity that only happens once in our lifetime!”

“But, what if he refused?”

Yongguk blinked at the thought as he slowly leaned on his chair, thinking of the coincidence that might happened later on.

“Then I guess we have to kidnap him instead.”



O'oh....did he just said that he want to kidnap Youngjae ? LOL

Youngjae , you're in trouble. Haha XD

More subscribers nowadays. Thank you very much , you guys ! Your supports really burning up my spirits more than usual !
But I might going to update a little bit late from now on since I'll be getting busy with my loaded assignments this new semester. However , those who still in schools , please don't forget to study okay ? Study smart and don't study too hard. Haha

Good Luck , guys. May God Bless You All ^^
New chapter coming up soon ! 

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Chapter 10: Update plz🥺I just started reading the fic and it’s really good I hope you do more chapters
Re-green #2
Chapter 10: I just found this fic. And I should have seen this... Updated 2013. 3 years ago
I just focused to funny and good story and suddenly end came. Oh my...
But I hope you have a good time and enjoy your life ^^
This story have been good and funny
sellyafida #3
Chapter 10: poor Youngjae....
I like your story, very very like it...
please update soon, pleeeeeease
Chapter 10: Y U NO UPDATE? ;A; /creys. xD
PLEASE UPDATE SOON. ;A; I'm beggin' you
pandaKuku #5
Chapter 10: not only personal assistant n bodyguard but also now become maid of DH's house...xd
LKyellow #6
Chapter 10: I'm so glad you updated xD I loved the chapter, as usual. :3
BocahHunHan #7
Chapter 10: Aigo... Daehyun pabbo... kekeke, but.. I'd like Daehyun style in here.. kind of bossy lol
Chapter 10: wow..Dae is such a jerk =_= treating everyone like that,srsly?the other members r so good to Jae tho,glad he has companies..but so far,he has done the 'assistant' job,im waiting for. some incident he'd do the other ;)
crossing_by #9
Chapter 10: I wonder under when daehyun will be a prick for youngjae...
And when the time youngjae patience run out and flip it over to daehyun
Gonna be fun ^^
Chapter 10: daehyun is a royal pain