For once in his life, he had never felt this restless before. Not just his father had abandoned him, but he also lost his job….and his house too. The only thing that is left for him is his clothes.

All of his favorite music players and video games are all sold out just for the sake of the unpaid debts. But sadly, it was still not enough.

With everything that is important for him was lost, Youngjae decided to leave the neighborhood and search for another place to stay, if he knew which one that is.

He wandered aimlessly in the residential area, thinking of his luck for the entire day. Being fired from his job, being chased by gangsters, his house was taken away – and now, there’s nothing left behind for him. Nothing.

His family members? Hmph, he didn’t recall any memories of having one. For entire of his life, he never met one of them. His father never introduced him to one, never. Unlike other kids, they have cousins and nephews, aunts and uncles; but him? None.

He blamed everything to his father. If the old man wouldn’t have change into a pathetic and hopeless man like he is now, nothing like this would have had to happen. He sighed heavily at the fact that he’s homeless now.

“This is so unfair! What’s wrong about letting me stay in that house until tomorrow anyway? There’s nothing wrong about it! It’s not like I didn’t pay that f***** debts at all! Haish! I hate this!” he kicked the garbage bags that he found nearby him furiously, screamed in agony.

As he slowly began to calm down, he looked at the mess in front him, released another heavy sigh for his own childish act. He looked at the wall beside him as he leaned closely to it and sat on the cold road with his head facing down.

Then, he stared at the night sky, looking at the moonlight that shining beautifully to his sight with stars twinkling around it. He had never seen such fascinating view for quite long time.

Youngjae smiled sadly at the scenery, and somehow, it had made his heart feel at ease. He merely closed his eyes; his mind was in dazed as he slowly recall his past and thinking of his life in the future onwards.

Would he become like this forever? Living in a misery life endlessly? Why can’t he be happy like those rich men in their luxurious mansion, living with full of cashes and money overloaded in their pockets instead?

His hand reached down to his pocket, opened up his worn out wallet and took out an old picture of the person he cherish the most; a picture of his deceased mother.

His mother passed away giving birth to him. Ever since then, his father had taken care of him, living with a single father without a mother by his side.

He used to remember how awesome his father was back then when he was a child. His father would do anything for him despite his busy and tough work and he is the greatest dad of all….until he lost his job due to the company’s bankruptcy.

Because of that, his father has lost hope in life. Every day, he would come home in drunk, abused him for nothing, and always lost his money for gambling….almost every month, that is.

Then, he left him; leaving him alone by himself, in this quiet neighborhood. Great.

They said everything happens for a reason. But what kind of reason could that be?

He gently pressed the picture, touching his mother’s picture as if he was touching her face in reality. What does it feels like to have a caring mother by his side? Was it warm? Or was it fun like he used to feel when he was with his father during his childhood days? Or was it different?

He always wondered for the answers of such questions. For him, it will always remain as unknown.

Suddenly, he felt some droplets fell down to his cheeks. He touched and looked at it; it was his tears. He didn’t realize that his eyes were watery by those thoughts that lingered in his mind. It’s been awhile since this tear came out from his eyes….or from his heart, maybe.

He clenched on the picture, hugged it on his chest and closed his eyes tightly as more tears coming out. If he was given a chance to grant a wish, he would choose a miracle to happen where his life would change diversely than he was in now, he thought.

Then, he heard a small whimper few meters away from him which brings him a sudden surprise by the weird sound. When he looked around him carefully, there was no one around. He blinked in dumbfounded again, wondering if it was just a dream or something else.

While Youngjae was aware of his surrounding fearfully, Yongguk and Himchan was hiding behind the wall few feet away from him, carefully not to make any kind of sound.

Yongguk sighed lightly and glaring at the dark-haired man beside him; who he had clasped his mouth tightly with for whimpering so suddenly while they were following the younger silently from behind. Luckily, they found a place to hide right in time.

‘Yah! What do you think you’re doing? You almost get us caught right handed, idiot!’ Yongguk whispered angrily at him as he slowly released his grip from the man’s mouth.

‘I’m sorry…I just can’t help it! His story are so….touching. I just….can’t…’ Himchan bitted his fist hurtfully, tried to hold back the whimper from coming out again, feeling sad for the younger.

Yongguk rolled his eyes as he had the urge to smack the guy’s head for his stupidity. He glanced at the sphere shape mirror that was placed on a pole at the corner of the street nearby him, looking for Youngjae’s reflection on it. But, he was not there.

Yongguk widened his eyes as he quickly poked his head merely from behind the wall, looking for the wanted guy carefully. To his depression, the guy was perfectly gone from their sight.

“Gah! We’re lost him! Look at what you did! This is all your fault, Himchan-ah!” Yongguk exclaimed, as he came out from their hideouts and take a full view on the scene.

“Yongguk-ah, you know that I’m a sensitive person. I can’t stand with this type of issue….it really breaks my heart,” Himchan pouted.

“Really? It breaks my heart too…..later after we receive some scolds from our boss for failing him!” Yongguk snorted.

Himchan scratched his hair awkwardly, felt guilty all of a sudden for making the other man angry.

“But Yongguk-ah, why not we just ask him straight forwardly instead of stalking him like this? I mean, it will make our job easier in that way….”

“He’s right. Why not just ask him instead of spying on him like a coward?”

Yongguk was about to open his mouth when he heard some stranger’s voice interrupting their conversation. They both abruptly turned at the direction of the voice, looking at a figure who was watching them from above, sitting comfortably on top the wall.

Both seem stunned when they saw Youngjae’s figure was far beyond their expectations. They thought the guy would have run away but instead, he was waiting for them to come out.

“Umm….hello, there, Y-Youngjae-ah~” Himchan slapped himself mentally when he can’t think of other words to say when the younger was already in front them.

Youngjae ignored it as he swiftly jumped down from the top, landed on the hard road as easily as it looks. He eyed the two with dead glare set on his eyes.

“I told you that I’ll pay the debts later. Which part of my words that bastard like you guys can’t understand, huh?” Youngjae said firmly.

“Waoh….hey, relax! I think you’re misunderstood us here. We’re not here for your money or your debts like those gangsters who you’ve met before…” Yongguk raised his hand in defeat, asking for the guy to calm down before making things up.

“Then, explain to me how did strangers like you guys know my name, huh?” now its Youngjae’s turn who crossing his hands on his chest in displeasure.

“….well, we…urr….”

“Since you had mentioned about those bastards that trying to beat me out this evening, I guess you guys must have been following me for the entire day too, weren’t you?”

The words really made both Yongguk and Himchan froze. Now, they both got caught red-handed as Youngjae continued questioning them.

“Tell me, who are you guys and why are you following me?” Youngjae asked them firmly. Yongguk and Himchan shared glances before turning back to the younger.

“My name is Yongguk and this is Himchan. We saw you this evening about how you beat those guys up alone and flawlessly which is what really attracts us about you.”

“And it was really amazing! Now that we know about your credibility in fighting skills, we decided that we should take you to be as part of our team!” Himchan said happily.

“Team? What team? Wait, what do you mean by that? You search for my background profiles?!”

“….Well, typically yes. We’re just read some information about yourself. Hardly to believe that you’re a genius yet a strong athlete back then when you were kid and have a father who typically running away from home, leaving you all alone with the debts and- “

“Okay, that’s it! You’re just invading my privacy life! I’m calling the police!” Youngjae hurriedly reached to his phone and dialed the emergency number.

Yongguk widened his eyes as he quickly grabbed his wrist to stop the man. Much to his protest, Youngjae pushed the man hardly to the other side and to his surprise, the man fights back as he pulling his wrists down strongly.

Youngjae tried to pull back but the man was fast enough in held him down as his hands was pinned to his back, groaned painfully at the strong grip which slowly made him kneel down.

“For goodness sake, just let us finish our words first before you start acting, kid!” Yongguk nearly yelled at the younger.

“Invading my privacy? That’s simply a crime that cannot be forgiven. I would certainly not sharing my personal life in any kind of social networks and to see strangers like you guys manage to find out that simply does not make you look like one trustable person. You guys must be the…drug-dealer! Or…or…kidnappers!” Youngjae protested.

Yongguk scowled at the guy’s nonsense words as he tightened the grips, causing the younger to moan in painfulness. “We’re simply not! And even if we do, we would have done that in the first place and sell you to the dark market already, kid!”

Himchan blinked at the younger’s statement and looked at himself. Do they both really look like a drug-dealer? He thought that the outfit would make them look handsome and attractive in girl’s eyes, especially him.

Youngjae eyed at the men above him fearfully. With the two strangers dressing in black suit and simply a gun on their waist, he noticed that he was in grave danger. All he can do now….is scream.

Yongguk sighed calmly as he began to notice the younger was finally sat quietly. “Look….we’re not here for something bad. We’re here kindly want to ask you for-“

“HELP!!! THERE’S SOME RAPISTS TRYING TO ME! SOMEONE, HELP!!!” Youngjae screamed his heart out, letting everyone in the residential area heard him.

Yongguk and Himchan froze, flustered at the kid’s sudden reaction as he kept screaming like a girl. 



Hohoho.....Can't believe it that I manage to type this fast and updated two chapters of my stories in one day. Lololol

Sorry if I sounds like I'm bragging.....but I think I still needs some improvement with the writing skills. I apologized if there's some grammar false in the paragraph or maybe the English confused you a little. Huhuhu

Thank you for reading and off to the next chappie which will be coming soon ! ;D

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Chapter 10: Update plz🥺I just started reading the fic and it’s really good I hope you do more chapters
Re-green #2
Chapter 10: I just found this fic. And I should have seen this... Updated 2013. 3 years ago
I just focused to funny and good story and suddenly end came. Oh my...
But I hope you have a good time and enjoy your life ^^
This story have been good and funny
sellyafida #3
Chapter 10: poor Youngjae....
I like your story, very very like it...
please update soon, pleeeeeease
Chapter 10: Y U NO UPDATE? ;A; /creys. xD
PLEASE UPDATE SOON. ;A; I'm beggin' you
pandaKuku #5
Chapter 10: not only personal assistant n bodyguard but also now become maid of DH's house...xd
LKyellow #6
Chapter 10: I'm so glad you updated xD I loved the chapter, as usual. :3
BocahHunHan #7
Chapter 10: Aigo... Daehyun pabbo... kekeke, but.. I'd like Daehyun style in here.. kind of bossy lol
Chapter 10: wow..Dae is such a jerk =_= treating everyone like that,srsly?the other members r so good to Jae tho,glad he has companies..but so far,he has done the 'assistant' job,im waiting for. some incident he'd do the other ;)
crossing_by #9
Chapter 10: I wonder under when daehyun will be a prick for youngjae...
And when the time youngjae patience run out and flip it over to daehyun
Gonna be fun ^^
Chapter 10: daehyun is a royal pain