Yongguk and Himchan started to panic as the younger kept screaming with his high pitch voice. Youngjae’s voice was loud enough that it made both of them thought whether the younger was really a guy or girl in some either way.

“Yongguk-ah, what should we do?” Himchan clasped his ears, looking around him scarily, afraid if some people might see them like this.

“Quick! Get him into the car!” Yongguk quickly urged him as Himchan didn’t barged and hurriedly lifted Youngjae’s legs and followed the red-haired guy ran into their car.

Yongguk annoyed at the noise the guy made as he quickly clasped his mouth, keeping Youngjae muffled his words under his hand.

Youngjae kept protested and thrashed his body around, but the both men seem to overpower his strength. Maybe it’s because that he was lacking of energy after what happened to him for the entire day.

Fear began to roaming his mind as he already reached into the car, surrounded by darkness interior as he watched the dark ulzzang locking the door in front him, staring at him attentively.

“Damn it, kid! Quit shouting and listen to us for a moment! If not, I’ll kill you with my f****** damn gun, you hear me?” Yongguk yelled as it made Youngjae jumped a little, suddenly become quiet and stopped thrashing.

Himchan and Yongguk sighed lightly as the man between them became quiet, looking at them fearfully. Youngjae muffled under Yongguk’s bare hand, gesturing him in release him from the tight grip.

Himchan noticed that and quickly urged the other to loosen his grip from the poor man. Yongguk slowly release the man out as Youngjae roughly pushed him away, glaring at him while massaging his wrists painfully.

“It’s alright, Youngjae-ah. We didn’t mean to do that to you and we’re meant no harm to you at all….”

“Tell that to him!” Youngjae pointed disrespectfully towards the elder, scowling at what Yongguk had done to him. “He threatened to kill me! How does that meant you bring no harm to me at all?”

“You’re the one who didn’t stop moving! You’re even screaming like a girl! You’re making us look bad here, kid!”

“I’m just trying to protect myself from a decent stranger, but you guys seem more than just a stranger! So I have no choice but to do this….”

“Yeah, by calling us as rapists??”

“….Well, you guys do look like one….” Youngjae said bluntly.

Yongguk’s eyes flicked with fire, burning in rage. He felt like he wants to reach for his gun and shot directly towards the younger man’s forehead. But suddenly, Himchan held him back, looking at him with concern eyes.

“Stop, Yongguk-ah! We’re not here to fight, remember? Control yourself and let’s do this in a right way…okay?” Yongguk kept his dead glare to Youngjae as he roughly moved Himchan’s hand away from his chest and looked away, crossed his arms on his chest and sulking.

Himchan turned to Youngjae who was watching them confusedly. “Youngjae, this won’t take too much time as we’re kindly wanted to ask you a question that you might want to reconsider later on. Is it okay with you?” he asked the younger politely as he tried to calm him down.

Youngjae flustered at the sudden change of action from the guy as he positioned himself comfortably on the leather seats and nodded to him.

Himchan smiled and patted his shoulder gently, “Youngjae, would you like to work with us as a bodyguard?”

Youngjae blinked at the statement. “A bodyguard?”

Himchan nodded. “Yes, a bodyguard. And also…a personal assistant to our boss, maybe?”

“Woah….hold on just a sec. Did you just say a personal bodyguard and a personal assistant?!”


“In the same time?!”

“Urr…..yeah?” Himchan hesitantly answered. Yongguk rolled his eyes and sighed heavily when he thought the younger would refuse the offer. “Kid, if you really don’t want it, you can just-“


Yongguk and Himchan froze when they heard those words coming out from the blonde’s mouth. They stared at each other before turning to him speechlessly.

“You….really do accept the offer?” Yongguk asked for a confirmation from the younger.

“I willingly take the offer and I don’t care how tough or hard the work is as long as I can make a living with it….”

Yongguk and Himchan shared glances, cocking their brow in amusement as smirks craved on their mouth. “Well, okay then. It’s official. You’re part of our team now, Yoo Youngjae!” Himchan shook the man’s hand happily while Yongguk was sighed in deep relief.

Well, glad that was over, he thought.

“Wait, what about the payments? You haven’t told me how much you offer for such jobs….” Youngjae looked at them suspiciously.

Himchan laughed at the question and ruffled the younger’s hair playfully. “Don’t worry, kid. We’ll pay you 2 times higher for your job and we’ll promise you that.” Youngjae smiled broadly as the answer as he can hear ‘kechink’ sound in his ears.

“Damn, you guys should have said it in the first place. Why do you guys have to make things look harder and tougher anyway? You guys are funny…haha,” Youngjae chuckled.

The words made both Yongguk and Himchan totally stun as they shared weird glances again, wondered if the brain guy was actually realized about what just happened or just stupid for saying that after getting through all that fuss just now.

They quickly brushed off the thoughts as Yongguk get out from the car and transferred back to the driver seat while Himchan followed him and sat at the front.

“So…when do I start to work?” Youngjae suddenly become cheerful and excited about the new job. He felt like God has finally granted his wish and answer his prayer for a miracle to happen. And it does.

“Well, as soon as you’re ready, we probably can start it tomorrow….” Yongguk started the engine and prepared to drive away.

“Cool! But….does that meant I need to have my own uniform like you guys too? I don’t have enough money to buy one by the way….”

“Don’t worry. We’ll taking care of that later on. We’ll give you everything that you need to prepare for your work tomorrow,” Himchan explained.

“But then….where should we meet? I mean, I’ll be staying at somewhere else place tonight. Probably at the park or under the bridge since my house was already taken away….” Youngjae said sadly.

“Who said that you’ll be sleeping under the bridge or the park anyway?” Yongguk cocked his eyebrow, looking at the man behind on the rear mirror above him as he saw the puzzle look on the guy’s face.

“You’ll be staying with us for tonight before we transfer you to our boss house the next day afterwards….okay?” Himchan and Yongguk heard Youngjae cheered excitedly at the back as it made the car nearly bounced by his action.

They both grinned at the kid’s act as they finally feel relax when their problem solved entirely. Well, they just hoped that younger won’t turn off the offer once he got to know their boss real personality, that’s all.

Well, that’s the least thing they have to worry about for now though.



Nickhun walked scarily into the dark room until he reached to the light that was displayed in the middle, knelt underneath it and let it flashed above him.

He can sense a bunch of people were surrounding him and his boss who was sitting comfortably in front him with his chair and table between them.

“Well, Nickhun….I expected that you’ll bring me some good news today….” A gentle yet cold voice echoed the room as he shivered in fear and kept his gaze down on the floor.

He was really afraid of telling the man about what was happening today. His boss surely going to kill him if he knew that he failed for today’s task.

“Well?” his boss voiced out again, urged him to respond quickly at his question. Nickhun winced as he turned his gaze to the man in front, who was hiding behind the darkness himself.

“I…I actually manage to met him….in person, asking for the payments….again…” Nickhun stuttered.

“And?” Nickhun gulped thickly as the chill lingered down to his bones, scared at the circumstances that might happened later on. “But, I failed….sir….”

The room became quiet. Nickhun knew it was a signal that his boss was in gravely mad by his answer as he quickly responded him back, “But, sir! It’s not our fault! That kid was too strong for us to handle! Suddenly he beat us out like a mad man! We can’t do anything about it-“

“Are you saying that a small kid manage to beat out 6 big men whole together easily?” Nickhun nodded vigorously as he kept his ear opened. “Well, that’s interesting. Where are the others, then?”

“…..they…I think they got arrested by the police….” Nickhun had to answer even though everyone in the tribe already knew that. What other reasons he was called into the room if it wasn’t for that?

“Please, sir….save them….I beg you…”

The man was humming in thoughts as Nickhun heard the other was tapping his fingers on the table. “Don’t worry, Nickhun. I’ll do that as soon as possible. After all of those hard works, I think you guys deserve something better as a reward…”

Nickhun looked at him in disbelief. “R-Really? Y-You really…meant that, sir?”


Nickhun smiled widely as he felt all of the heavy feelings suddenly gone, he felt a huge relief instead.

“You and your members can have a full rest after this. I’ll give you the permission to go on vacation as long as you wanted. You may go back to your place now….”

Nickhun quickly bowed respectfully at him, “Thank you very much, sir! Thank you! I wouldn’t forget your kindness! I promise to do everything only for you, master!”

He stood up and bowed momentarily before left. Everyone gazed at him before turning to their boss, watching him curiously.

“Where are you going to send them for vacation anyway, Chanyeol?” One of the men, Suho asked his boss calmly.


They shared glances as dark smirks formed on their face. Luhan, who stood nearly the door entrance, swiftly undrawn his gun and aimed it at Nickhun.

A spill of bloods splat on the hard tall wooden door entrance, as the gun shot sound echoed throughout the wide room. The lights in the entire room were , as it shown the whole true faces of the group.

The 12 people who were hiding behind the darkness were now watching a pool of bloods that was slowly drawn in the middle of the room blankly.

Chanyeol cackled slyly at the thud on the floor, enjoying the scene excitedly. 



I got a class tomorrow and yet I'm still writing this chapter until 4 am ! LOL

Yes , you got it. It's EXO , babe ! XD

Please don't get me wrong. I didn't mean to make them look bad here , I just that think they're look better as 12 to be one bad tribes for gangsters.....don't you think so ? Huhu

well , off to the next chapter soon ! ^^

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Chapter 10: Update plz🥺I just started reading the fic and it’s really good I hope you do more chapters
Re-green #2
Chapter 10: I just found this fic. And I should have seen this... Updated 2013. 3 years ago
I just focused to funny and good story and suddenly end came. Oh my...
But I hope you have a good time and enjoy your life ^^
This story have been good and funny
sellyafida #3
Chapter 10: poor Youngjae....
I like your story, very very like it...
please update soon, pleeeeeease
Chapter 10: Y U NO UPDATE? ;A; /creys. xD
PLEASE UPDATE SOON. ;A; I'm beggin' you
pandaKuku #5
Chapter 10: not only personal assistant n bodyguard but also now become maid of DH's house...xd
LKyellow #6
Chapter 10: I'm so glad you updated xD I loved the chapter, as usual. :3
BocahHunHan #7
Chapter 10: Aigo... Daehyun pabbo... kekeke, but.. I'd like Daehyun style in here.. kind of bossy lol
Chapter 10: wow..Dae is such a jerk =_= treating everyone like that,srsly?the other members r so good to Jae tho,glad he has companies..but so far,he has done the 'assistant' job,im waiting for. some incident he'd do the other ;)
crossing_by #9
Chapter 10: I wonder under when daehyun will be a prick for youngjae...
And when the time youngjae patience run out and flip it over to daehyun
Gonna be fun ^^
Chapter 10: daehyun is a royal pain