"My Bunny^^"

"My Bunny^^"


I ran for what seems like forever. I didn't even see if Zelo was behind me. I finally got to the hospital. I went into the emergency room and ran to the counter. 
"Where's my friend?! he name is Amber Choi and she was in a car accident!" I yelled in English. 
"I no understand," said the nurse. 
"Anna!" yelled someone from behind me. I turned around and saw Himchan. I was in tears, and I ran to hug him in hope of comfort. 
"I heard Amber was in a car accident, I need to see her!" I said crying even more now.
"It's okay. Here, sit down," he said leading me to a vacant couch. I put my face in his chest and he held me. He was humming trying to calm me down. After about an hour, I was a little more calm. My head was in Himchan's lap and I laid in a ball on the couch. YongGuk and JongUp came in with coffee.
"Hey guys. Anna, I'm really sorry about Amber," said YongGuk sitting next to me and hugging me. 
"I brought you coffee. Zelo said it was your favorite." said JongUp handing me a cup. 
"Gomawo," I said and took a sip. Aish! I forgot all about Zelo! We were on a date and I just ran off. He must hate me... 
"Where is Zelo? I ran to the hospital in the middle of our date," I said feeling guilty.
"He's with DaeHyun and YoungJae. DaeHyun is really upset," explained JongUp. 
"Why is DaeHyun upset?" 
"He's dating Amber. They were in a fight and she left really mad at him. He thinks it's his fault." 
"It isn't his fault. I didn't know they were dating."
 I wondered when It happened, or most of all, why she didn't tell me. I wanted to see her.
"Have you seen her yet?" asked Himchan my hair. 
"Aniyo. The lady won't let me." I said.
"I can fix that." he got up an walked to the desk. He talked to her for a bit, wrote on something, then he came back with a piece of paper. 
"So?" I asked standing up. 
"Got directions to her room," he said. I hugged him. We walked down halls, up elevators and around corners. We got to room 159. I looked through the window and say her laying in a hospital bed, wires everywhere, a tube in , and she wasn't moving. I walked in and laid in the bed next to her. I hugged her and I cried. 
"You can leave me!" I yelled crying. I laid there for hours. The boys were sitting around. JongUp and Himchan were sleeping. Zelo walked in. He looked at me, then the boys. They got up and talked quietly, and they left. 
"Let's go bunny," said Zelo picking me up from Amber's bed. 
"Can we come back?" I asked looking up at him. 
"Ne," he said and we walked out. He carried me to a car and the boys go in. I refused to leave Zelo, so I sat on his lap. We drove through a weird neighborhood. 
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Our dorm. I hope thats okay," said YongGuk. We got to the building, and went in. I walked into the boys dorm and it was messy. Zelo led me into a room with a big bed. 
"Do you mind?" he asked taking off his jacket.
"Ani," I replied. He took off his little mask, and his shirt. He was really built. He was hot. 
"I'll be right back," I said walking out. I ran into Himchan in the hall. 
"Ah. Mianhae," I said picking up what he dropped. It was some pjs. 
"They're for you. JongUp is the smallest member so he told me to bring you these." he explained.
"Gomawo sunbae," I said.
"I think we're close enough. Call me oppa," he said smiling.
"Okay oppa. I'll see you tomorrow." I said and walked into the bathroom. I changed and washed up. I called my dad and told him everything. 
"I know. The hospital called her mom, and she called me. They trust you to take care of her. I won't be back for a while, then I go to Japan. Are you gonna be okay?" he said.
"Ne appa. I promise to take care of Amber. The BAP members are taking care of us too. You don't have to worry." I reassured him. I was crying again. Why do I always cry?
"Okay. Ill send some more money. Don't cry Anna. I'll see you soon. Bye," he said and hung up. 
"Bye." I got up and walked out of the bathroom. I went back into the room, turned off the lights and crawled into bed. I cried for a long time. Good thing I was alone. I heard members talking outside my door, then it opened. I looked up to see Zelo. He closed the door and got into bed next to me. 
"Come here," he said pulling me towards him. I nuzzled next to him and I continued crying. 
"It's okay. Saranghae bunny," he said calmly. It was warm and soothing.
"Saranghae oppa." I said. He sang to me, but I didn't know what song because before I knew it, I was asleep in the warmth of his protective arms. 
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ilabya24 #1
Chapter 8: I feel bad for Zelo, but he deserved it.. somehow.
Chapter 7: oh my. Zelo ò.ó
super_juniorelf #4
Chapter 4: Ending the chapter like this just to get back at me.... -.- Sooo not cool dongsaeng...
super_juniorelf #5
Chapter 1: YAY!! It's sooo good!! I can't wait for more omg!! xD