"My Bunny^^"

"My Bunny^^"


"Anna! We gotta talk," yelled my mom. I closed my laptop, and went to see my mom. When I walked in, she got off the phone.
"What's up?" I asked.
"You remember how your dad lives in Korea right?"
"Well he just called and he wants you to live with him in Korea for a year or two."
"Chincha?! Can I bring Amber?!"
"I knew you'd ask, so its okay with him if her parents say its okay." 
"Gomawo mom! I have to go call Amber!" I yelled hugging her. My name is Anna and I'm half Korean, half American. My dad is Korean, and my mom is American. We live together in Arizona. My best friend Amber is full Korean and she's always wanted to go. I ran onto my room and called Amber.
"Hello?" she answered in English.
"Amber! I have amazing news! My dad invited us to live in Korea with him!"
"Omo! Chincha?!" 
"Ne! It just has to be okay with your parents." 
"Hold on," she said and I heard screaming and thank yous. She got back on the phone. "I can go!" she yelled.
"Yay! We leave next week, so be ready by then okay? My dad already sent us our plane tickets." I said.
"Okay, I gotta pack! Call you later!" she said and hung up. I went on my computer and some music to pack to. I was so excited to go! I wanted to see my dad.
*Next week*
Me and Amber we're at the airport about to board.
"Bye Anna. Promise to Skype and call okay?" said my mom hugging me. 
"Ne. I promise. I'll miss you," I said. Amber said bye to her parents, and we waved goodbye. We were on the plane for a log time, but we finally got to Seoul. We got off, and put all our stuff into a cab.
"I'm so excited we're here. Promise we'll have fun okay?" I said.
"Of course," said Amber. We pinky swore. We got to my dads house and got all of our stuff into our room. My dad wasn't home because he was working. 
"Hey! Let's go get some coffee and walk around a bit before your dad gets home," said Amber.
"Good idea. Too lazy to unpack," I said grabbing my bag. We walked to the coffee shop down the street. 
"You go find a seat, I'll order. What do you want?" I said.
"Okay. Mocha Frappachinno, double blended, whipped cream, chocolate drizzle, extra coffee." I stood wide eyed.
"Yeah, let's see if I remember that," I said walking to wait in line. I finally got to be front of the line. 
"Hello, what you order?" said the man at the counter in engrish. 
"Haha. Annyeong, mocha Frappachinno, double blended, extra coffee, whipped cream, chocolate drizzle, grande. And a grande iced black coffee. Kamsahamnida," I said in perfect Korean.
"Ah, Mianhae. 10,000 won. Name?" 
"Anna," I said giving him money. I didn't look Asian, I looked American. I have Korean features, but I had curly black hair and big brown eyes. I walked out of the way to wai for my coffee. Someone tapped on my shoulder, and I turned around. I looked up to see a really tall kid with dark eyeliner, a black beanie over curly blonde hair with a blue streak. He wore black jeans, black converse, and a blue t-shirt. I topped breathing. 
"You dropped your keys," he said holding our my keychain. I slowly grabbed them still not talking. He laughed a bit.
"Kamsahamnida," I said quietly.
"Anna!" yelled the guy behind the counter. I walked to grab my coffee. I couldn't reach one. 
"Anna huh? I'm Zelo," he said handing me my other cup. He was way taller than me. 
"Kamsahamnida," I said. Why is that all I can say?!
"Is that all you can say?" he teased. I smiled, and he smiled just staring at me. 
"JunHong!" yelled the guy again. Zelo walked over to grab his order.
"That was quite an order you had there," he said laughing.
"Haha yeah. That was my friend. Shes something," I replied. He laughed more. He was so cute! 
"You speak good Korean. But, you look American." He said confused.
"Ne, I'm living here with my dad and my best friend. I'm half Korean."
"Awesome, that means I can see you again," he said smiling.
"I gotta to give this to my friend before she gets cranky," 
"So can I see you again?" 
"Ne, follow me." I walked over to my table and he followed. I gave Amber her coffee and looked for my phone in my bag. Where was it?!
"Its right here," said Zelo taking it from  my back pocket. Woah!
"Umm..." i said taking it. He smiled. That smile. We switched phones and I put my number in his. 
"I'll get you later," he said handing me my phone. He walked to his table and I sat down.
"What was that?" asked Amber.
"I met him in the line. Isn't he adorable?" I said siping my coffee.
"Do you know who he is?" 
"No.. Who?"
"He's the maknae from the rookie group BAP." a K-pop singer?! He looked the part. I was a big fan of K-pop, but I've never heard of BAP.
"Look who can't take his eyes off you," said Amber looking behind me. I turned around and saw Zelo staring at me. He didnt look away, he just smiled. I smiled back. He looked away when the two guys that sat with him looked like they were teasing him. One had spiked black hair. He wore a hoodie and sunglasses. The other guy had dirty blonde hair and he wore a red beanie. 
*Zelo's POV*
Her friend noticed me staring at her. She turned around and smiled at me. 
"Who are you staring at?" asked Himchan following my gaze.
"No one," I said looking away.
"Not no one! She's cute! But her friend... Hot!" said Daehyun staring at her now. I hit him.
"Please tell me to got her number?" said Himchan.
"I go the American girls number. Her name is Anna. Idk her friend." I said. 
"Text her later and invite them to hang out with the members tomorrow," said DaeHyun.
"I'll text her tonight," I said. I wanted to see her, and I was excited.
*Anna's POV*
Me and Amber left the coffee shop and headed home. 
"Anna! Welcome!" said my dad hugging me.
"Hey appa! I missed you!" I yelled.
"Amber! How are you girl?" he said hugging her too. My dad was a hugger.
"Hey Mr. Lee. I'm good. We're gonna go unpack. Goodnight!" said Amber.
"Goodnight girls!" he said handing us bowls of food and chopsticks. We went to our room and unpacked. We finished late, so Amber passed out on my bed. Nice Amber. I got a text. Zelo.
Zelo: Hey! You up for hanging out with me tomorrow?^^
Me: Sure^^ Where are we going?
Zelo: Ice cream?
Me: Perfect!^^
Zelo: Pick you up at 10. I have a surprise for you.^^
Me: Can't wait!^^ Can Amber go? My friend?
Zelo: Of course! Goodnight bunny^^
Me: Goodnight Zelo^^
I slept in Amber's bed. I fell asleep once I hit the pillow dreaming about Zelo.
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ilabya24 #1
Chapter 8: I feel bad for Zelo, but he deserved it.. somehow.
Chapter 7: oh my. Zelo ò.ó
super_juniorelf #4
Chapter 4: Ending the chapter like this just to get back at me.... -.- Sooo not cool dongsaeng...
super_juniorelf #5
Chapter 1: YAY!! It's sooo good!! I can't wait for more omg!! xD