Santa is REAL!!!

Shinee's Stories of Love---One-Shot Collection


Title: Santa is REAL!!!
Character/s: Taemin, Rinhyo(OC)
Rinhyo rested her chin on her fist and stared at the ceiling, while waiting for any costumer to come in and buy decorations for their houses on Christmas and dresses or any item to send as a gift.
"Rinhyoooooo-ssiiiiiii." A blonde haired boy started singing as soon he stepped in the store, pulling a large sack behind him.
She rolled her eyes and gave him a lazy stare.
"What are you doing here?" She grumbled, He smiled and yanked the sack up to her desk.
"I'm planning to put this up there." He said pointing at the store's glass window where mannequins was displayed for people to see the new dresses and things they were selling.
"What's this? A costume? Why does it look so heavy?" She asked.
"Because it is heavy, pretty, it's a Santa mannequin I'm going to display it there." He pointed to the window again. Rinhyo rolled her eyes, he can do anything he wanted to the store since it was owned by his family.
"Don't you like Santa too Rinhyo-ssi?" Taemin teased.
"Aish~ I don't like that fat guy." She shooed Taemin away, He chuckled and went to the window still pulling the sack behind and started to fix the Santa mannequin.
She stole glances at his way, and he would smile showing either the arm or hat of the fat guy.
"Rinhyo-ssi, what do you want to receive from Santa this Christmas?" Taemin asked Rinhyo who was cleaning the counter as soon as he finished putting up the Santa mannequin. Rinhyo snorted.
"I don't even believe in that fat guy, how's he going to give me a gift." She mouthed. Taemin pouted.
"Santa is real believe me, he will be using your chimney to get into your house on Christmas eve he will give you anything that you would wish." Taemin insisted.
"We don't even have a chimney at home, heater is what's common now Taemin, and how would he fit inside a chimney, that's so lame." She said, wiping her desk with a cloth.
"That's not lame, what's lame is that people like you don't know how to appreciate Christmas." Taemin commented, crossing his arms to his chest.
"I love Christmas Mr. Lee but Santa is not the Christmas, he's just an object of Christmas." Rinhyo countered.
"He represents Christmas, therefore he is Christmas." Taemin argued.
Rinhyo scoffed and turned to glare at him.
"Christmas is a season to be celebrated Taemin, Christmas is not a fat man with white beard and a huge heavy belly who's forcing himself to fit in a chimney to send gifts to good children." 
"And he will not give gift to a naughty person like you." He stuck his tongue out to her, She rolled her eyes.
"Who would want to receive any gift from him." She winded her eyes at him and went back to cleaning the table.
"I do want to receive something from him." Taemin mumbled. Rinhyo shook her head and turned to Taemin again.
"How old are you anyway?" Taemin looked up and thought for a moment.
"Uhm, I just turned eighteen." Rinhyo snorted and shook her head. 
"Tell me, have you ever received gifts from Santa?" She asked, Taemin thought again for a moment.
"Err not yet, but he promised to send me my first gift from him on Christmas eve." 
"What???????" Rinhyo exclaimed, 'Is he mental or something?' she thought. Taemin was just smiling at her.
"Rinhyo-ssi, I'm so hungry, let's eat." Taemin pleaded pointing at the clock above them that was pointing at number twelve.
"Why don't just eat alone, I don't want to argue about Santa again with you." Rinhyo said shooing him away.
"I can't help it, you keep on contradicting me, I have to defend myself." 
"You're defending Santa not yourself." 
"It's because he's special and you're the only one who can't see it." 
"When did he become special?" She glowered.
"He's special every December."
"December is special because it's Christmas."
"I'm not talking about December." 
"Then what are you talking about?"
"What's special about him?" 
"He's Christmas, he gives gifts."
"He's not Christmas, Christmas is a season."
"But Santa is special every Christmas." 
"Prove it." Rinhyo challenged. He pointed at the Santa mannequin he fixed himself on the window.
"How can he be special because of that mannequin?" 
"Because if he's not special he wouldn't have a dummy model like that one, you're called special if you have one identical to you." He said, Rinhyo sighed but didn't surrender.
"Why am I even arguing with you?" 
"Because you're lonely, Santa hates you because you're a meanie." Rinhyo rolled her eyes.
It was still early when Rinhyo decided to open up the shop, she doesn’t even have anything to do at home so she would just spend her time waiting for costumers to come and look inside.
She was settled on her desk at the counter when she noticed an exceptional difference on it, there on her desk rested a rather huge box wrapped in green metallic paper.
There was no name written on the box, but she just assumed that it was for her, she pulled the box towards her then a small note slid underneath.
She took the note first and read.
Your Christmas gift.
From Santa Clause.
She grimaced. 'Lee Taemin, he would really do everything to prove that fat man is real' She thought, he even made up a signature of Santa below the name, she chuckled and hustled to open the box.
Rinhyo stared at ivory furred bear on her hands, it was wearing a Santa costume and was smiling at her.
"Cute~" She mumbled smiling to herself.
"Rinhyo-ssi--" Taemin stood on the door and stared at Rinhyo and the bear, he smiled and ran towards her.
"Wah~ that's cute! Where did it came from?" He gushed. 
"It came from you." She pointed putting down the bear. "But thanks, I really like it." Taemin looked at her curiously.
"From me?" he repeated.
"Yeah from you, Mr. Santa." Taemin's brows furrowed.
"Mr. Santa?"
"Taemin please stop playing with me, I know it's from you, you wrote Santa Clause and even sighed it remember, but sorry I still don't believe in Santa." 
"Rinhyo-ssi, I really don't know what you're talking about." Taemin shook her head.
"Whatever Taemin." She turned away. "Annyeonghaseyo." She exclaimed when a costumer entered the shop.
Taemin stood there wondering.
"Another one?" Rinhyo gushed after seeing another box on her table, this one was wrapped in a pink metallic paper and has a white ribbon on top, again there was a note saying he was Santa and still has the same signature under the name.
It was a star shaped pillow this time, it was in light shade of yellow and has a smiley in the center. It was soft and fluffy, and Rinhyo liked it a lot.
Taemin came late that day, and not like the usual happy aura, he looked sleepy and was always yawning.
"Yah, you have to send me anything every day, because whatever you do I will not believe that Santa exist."
"What do you mean?" Taemin yawned.
"What 'what do I mean'? You send me another gift using the name of Santa, but don't worry I also liked it."
"I really don't know what you're saying Rinhyo-ssi, but I need to sleep, can I sleep here?" He asked pouting his lips to Rinhyo's side.
"Go on." Taemin stood up and sat beside her, and rested his head on the desk.
"Good night Rinhyo-ssi." Taemin yawned. She chuckled.
It was a long moment after Rinhyo felt sleepy herself, she yawned and glanced down at Taemin who was deeply asleep, she rested her head on her hand that was resting on the table and stared at his angelic face.
"Gomawo, Taemin...oppa." She sighed.
"Rinhyo-ssi." Taemin exclaimed at the sight of Rinhyo and ran to meet her.
"Taemin? What's wrong?" She asked, he stopped in front of her and panted but suddenly smiled.
"Yah Taemin, what do you want?" She snapped.
"Nothing, I was going to give you this, I found it on your table." Taemin handed her a small box that  
Taemin took from his pocket.
"What's this?" 
"Why should I know, just open and let's see what's inside." He gushed, peering at the box excitedly.
"Aish~" She sighed and slowly opened it, inside was a sliver bracelet with small hearts hanging around it. Taemin's mouth fell open.
"Rinhyo-ssi, it looks expensive, I'm sure it is, by the way it came with this note." He handed her a small piece of paper, she took it and read.
She wasn't surprise when she saw the name and signature. She looked up at Taemin.
"Thanks." She said, Taemin looked at her and arched an eyebrow.
"For what?" He asked.
"For the bracelet, I know it's from you stop denying it." She patted his shoulder and went inside the store which was already open.
"But it's not from me." Taemin followed her inside.
"Fine, it's not from you it's from Santa." Rinhyo sighed.
"Wait." She waited.
"Santa has been sending you these gifts?" He asked.
"Yes, I already told you about it, didn't I?"
"I can't remember, but Santa has been sending you gifts! I told you he was real!" Taemin gushed.
"No, I know it's from someone who is dying to prove that Santa is real, but he failed, I still don't believe in him." Rinhyo marked putting down her bag.
She took the bracelet from the box and was putting on around her wrist but Taemin snatched it from her hands.
"Hey! give it back." She ordered, Taemin looked at her oddly, he was now putting up a serious face as he looked at her and pulled her hand, putting the bracelet around it.
Rinhyo was stunned to see Taemin act to seriously, making him look almost...'manly' Rinhyo thought as she stared at Taemin who was looking down on her hand and twisting it softly as if checking the bracelet.
Rinhyo cleared and pulled her hand away, not looking at Taemin.
"It looks good on your hand." He commented, looking up at her, then he smiled, washing all the manly aura away.
"Rinhyo-ssi, I gotta go, see yah!" He waved at her before getting out of the shop.
Rinhyo shook her head, and exhaled heavily staring at the door.
Rinhyo prepared to leave the house on the day of Christmas eve, not knowing what would happen next with Taemin pretending to be Santa Clause.
What would he give her this time? What would he do this time that will surprise her.
Rinhyo thought about what happened the other day, how Taemin suddenly transformed even just for a short moment, she blushed.
She shook the thought of him out of her head walked faster.
She arrived at the store and surprise to see eat open but no Taemin waiting for her outside.
Curiously, she went inside quietly and found Taemin sitting with his legs apart on her desk staring intently at something that was on it.
"Taemin." She called.
"Rinhyo-ah, there's another one." He said pointing at the box on her table that was now bigger and was wrapped in a red silk cloth and tied up on top with an ivory colored handkerchief.
"Another one." She mumbled pulling the box towards her. She untied the clothing revealing a red box she took the cover and red satin dress greeted her.
She gasped.
"What?" she inspected the dress, and frowned.
"Lee Taemin, are you sure it's not you?" She turned to him who was looking down at his shoe.
"Of course, why would I give you such gifts?" He stood up and left the store.
She somehow felt a little disappointed, if it wasn't Taemin at all? Then who was sending the gifts? Who was Santa?
She put down the dress and puffed her cheeks, she stared blankly at the dress.
"Annyeonghaseyo, is Kwon Rinhyo-ssi here?" A man wearing a cap peered inside.
"I-I'm Kwon Rinhyo, what can I do for you sir?" She asked. The man smiled and went back out, he return inside and placed a box on Rinhyo's desk.
"It's a delivery for you." He said. "Can you please sign this?" He asked, giving her a pen, she signed on his log book.
"Wait, sir, Can I ask who is this from." She asked looking suspiciously at the paper.
The man smiled. "It's from Santa." He said and left.
Rinhyo stared at the box for a long time, until she finally decided to see what was inside.
It was a pair of red stiletto, with a letter inside.
Rinhyo hesitated but read the letter and thought for a long time.
The note was the same as the other's that she received from the same person, there was a signature and Santa's name but it was a little longer.
It says to meet her tonight in front of her house and please wear the dress and the shoe.
She frowned, 'in front of my house?' she repeated inside her head.
Rinhyo looked at the mirror and grimaced, she liked the dress but she felt uncomfortable, it wasn't her color and she wasn't used to wearing a high heeled shoe and she doesn't know what to do with her hair.
"Why am I bothering anyway?" She wondered.
A little later she heard a car stopped, she peered at the window and found a white Mercedes parked in front of her house, a man climbed down and peered at the door, he wasn’t at all familiar. She bit her lip and called.
"Hey, ajjusshi! Nuguseyo?" The man looked up and smiled at her.
"Ms. Rinhyo, are you ready?" He asked.
Ms. Rinhyo? Kidding right? She went down carefully on the stairs, sighing before opening the door.
"Ms. Rinhyo, you look magnificent." He smiled and opened the door for Rinhyo to come in.
"Ajjusshi, can I ask where were going?" The man smiled at her and bowed, you'll see." He said, she pouted and hopped inside the car.
She wondered why the car stopped in front of the store she works at, checking if something was wrong with the car or they really were meant to go there.
The man jumped out of the car and helped her out, leaving after bowing down to her and she thanked him.
"Bwoyah?" She mouthed, entering the store, she was surprised to see the store empty.
"Woah? Where did everything go?" She gasped.
"I cleaned it up." Rinhyo jumped, looking around but didn't found the owner of the voice.
"Ho ho ho." He mimicked the fat mans laughter but he failed.
"Taemin?" She whispered after realizing how familiar the voice was.
She heard a sigh then a tall shadow came out where her desk was usually standing.
"I knew it." She exclaimed. "You are such a bad liar Lee Taemin." He chuckled behind the dark and finally stepped into the light, Rinhyo laughed upon seeing him.
He was in a red suit paired with black boots and a Christmas hat, with a cotton beard.
"What's this all about?" She asked after collecting herself from laughing so hard, however Taemin stayed still and didn't smile.
He walked closer to her and didn't eve change his expression.
"Yah." Rinhyo panicked stepping backwards.
Taemin grabbed her arm and pulled her closer, he stared at her eyes for a long moment and suddenly smiled.
"Aish~" She rolled her eyes. "Do you really have to wear that costume, and send gifts using Santa’s name to prove that he exist, you're unbelievable." 
Taemin frowned.
“I didn’t do it for Santa, but he was s part of it.” he said looking up as if thinking, 
“Then what did you do that for?” She asked, Taemin looked down at her and pouted.
“I did because I want to give you gifts…because…because…I…err…ah…like…” He stumbled for words.
Rinhyo chuckled nervously.
“Then did you keep on denying?” 
“Because it’s supposed to be a surprise.” He said. She blushed.
“Anyway, I still have a last gift, but you have to say the magic word.” He said. Rinhyo frowned.
“Then I’m interested with the last gift.” She crossed her arms to her chest.
“Please!” Taemin pleaded. 
“Okay, say ‘Santa is real’.” He ordered, she glowered at him.
“You know I’m not going to say that.” She shook her head.
“Say it.”
“Santa is…re…ee…l.” She shuttered.
“I can’t hear you.” Taemin grimaced.
“Santa is REA—“ Rinhyo was suppose to yell, but Taemin cut her, his lips landed on her cheeks, and stayed there for so long that Rinhyo didn’t have a chance to move.
She blinked when Taemin pulled away.
“Good, Santa is REAL!” He exclaimed, smiling widely. Rinhyo didn’t recover from the shock and kept on staring at Taemin who was celebrating his victory.
- E N D -
Merry Christmas Everyone!! Hope you like them!!!
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thank you tammers for the oneshot.<br />
<br />
adik! Oppa? My eonnie's the one who made the munchkin. kekekeke. Ga shutter c Onew? grbe daw horror movie eh. Stutter gru??? hehhehehehehe. Ka nami-nami, daw ga ka gisi q kng magbasa. I'm torn already man! <br />
<br />
Oto-oto man ni c Dubu man. Wla cla nag halokanay haw? kekekeke. Maniac ang author, kaw.<br />
<br />
Gah! Ka gagoow kay Jonghyun uh!!! Ka sabad cya! Nga-a ara cya xa story man??? How dare him? Must kill him with all my heart!<br />
<br />
I'm Tofu???? Tofuer? Ka drama kay Onew uh... nyahahahahahahhaha.<br />
<br />
Thank you again ahjumma! <br />
<br />
Ma request q liwat. Na hatag q naman ang application form ko. Ato bla kay Key, rinrin kag onew. ara to xa folder muh. Amo lang to akon. gomawoooooooooooooooooooooo eh.<br />
Bak0d dubu! Haha, aut0matic defense mechanism!<br />
Jj0ng, traid0r ka! Gus2 mu pah breakan, hmph!<br />
Minho, dn ka yah?<br />
Taemin, abn0 ka, c rinhyo lng yah hatagan mu gift? Santa is real!... NOT!<br />
<br />
Btw, thanks, halmuni!
Tam, pwde na ku mapatay bwas! Haha<br />
AAah!<br />
Time to read the other four!
LOL~~ yah..!!kanami snag one shot ni sha sha...munchkins....yudii na miss ko nah..!!!merry christmas agiyah..!!I love you~~~ hope to see you soon..!!!
YoOngMun #7
booolleeeeee!! hahahaha lllooolll!! <br />
i like it like it like it. hahah
ya..ok..inhale exhale..!!Wah agiyah..!!!thank you..!!!!mwah mwah..!!! I LOVE YOU~~~ nami nami gd yah...i love it..!!!weee..kilig to the bones man ko bah~~
wahahha. wla story c ex-minho-frogeerrsh.
gahhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~~ ka gwapa gd yah kay Rinrin. *Nods*<br />
dasun lang q ma comment. Thank you tammers.