.:Chapter 15:.

Beauty And The Baozi

You and Minseok continued to stay in your cuddly hugging position for the next 10 minutes. No talking, no moving even a muscle; it was a nice feeling for the both of you. When you had both figured it was time to go, you looked up at Minseok and he looked down at you, smiled, and pulled away slowly.

He took his coat and slipped your arms into it, “Now that you’re all bundled up and warm, let’s get you home,” he grined, holding out his hand for you to take it. You gladly accepted it and took your hand into his and begin to walk side by side.

As you walked, you began to ponder a question over and over and can’t help but ask Minseok, “Minseok?” you spoke up.

“Hm?” He looked down at you, tilting his head to one side.

“This may be a bit of a random question all of a sudden, but why me?”  you looked up at him with worried eyes.

Minseok gives you his signature warm smile and rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, “Why you? Because you are you. You aren’t like any other girl I have met before. You don’t want to get closer to me for the idol me, or EXO. You like me for me, and I like you for you. Do you understand now?” He asked sincerely.

You nodded, but couldn’t help but let yourself tear up. The two of you continued to walk in silence until Minseok decided to speak up.

“You know,” Hm? You turned your head to him, still swinging your arms, hands laced together, “now that we’re dating we’re going to have to tell the rest of the members,” Minseok smirked down at you and you blushed furiously. That was one little part you forgot about, letting everyone else know. Not that you had minded, you wanted to tell the whole world that Kim Minseok was your boyfriend. It was just the fear of them taunting you in some way.

“They won’t make fun of you,” You looked in shock, had he read your mind? “I’d probably be the one that they’d make fun of… or possibly congratulate.”

“And why is that?” you asked.

“Oh, well, in all of EXO I’m the one with the least experience in relationships, hence never kissing anyone,” your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as he continued, “So with that being said, they legitimately thought that I was incapable of getting a girlfriend, but now I have one!” he winked at you and you smiled back.

“But I don’t get it,” you spoke up, and this time Minseok turned to you, “Why have you never dated anyone? You’re kind, funny, talented, and adorable,” you smiled and Minseok smiled back, kissing the top of your forehead.

“You know, I should be saying the same to you, missy,” he winked and you grinned and walked closer to him, leaning your head atop his shoulder.








You opened the door to your house to find your brother asleep on the couch with the T.V still on. You let out a sigh and smiled, turning off the T.V and putting a blanket over him. Minseok followed through the door shortly after. He grinned at the sight of your brother and you grabbed his hand and quietly led him upstairs.

You leaned against your door, closing it quietly as you stripped off Minseok’s jacket and his eyes widened in surprise.

“Woah there Jaejae, we just started dating, don’t you think we should wait a while before that?” His eyes remained as wide as possible.

You looked at him confused at first, but when it finally clicked it you started to hit him with his own jacket.

“Minseok! You’re such an idiot!” You whined and he chuckled.

“Shh,” he placed his finger to your lips, “I thought you wanted to be quiet.”

You grumble and throw the jacket onto your chair. You then checked your phone for the time.

“3:26 AM…” you said quietly to yourself looking down at your phone.

“Oh man,” Minseok ran his hand through his hair, I should get going, you need rest for out hangout with EXO tomorrow.”

As he began to walk to your door you grabbed his hand.

“It’s too late for you to be driving home, Minseok,” You said worriedly.

“But I have to go home sometime tonight, Hyunjae,” Minseok chuckled and you smiled widely.


“You can stay here for the night!”

Minseok furrowed his eyebrows, “are you sure it’s okay? You’re brother doesn’t even know I’m here…”

“Minseok…” you frowned, “you’ve slept in my house before, I don’t see what the problem i—” you paused, “wait… do you not want to stay because we’re going out now?”

He looked away from you and that just proved the point that you were right.

You sighed, cupped his cheeks, and turned him to face you, “Minseok, just because you’re my boyfriend now doesn’t change anything, ok?” You planted a kiss on his forehead and patted him on the back, “now, I’ll go get you spare clothes to sleep in,” you smiled and walked out the door.

Minseok sighed and sat down at your desk, looking at the many pictures that were put up of you two together. He smiled when he spotted a picture of you and Kai together and a picture of you and Tao together as well. He then noticed one of your drawers had been open and when he peered inside, there laid a diary. Minseok looked quickly at the door and back at the drawer, slowly inching towards the book until his vision was instantly blocked by articles of clothing being thrown at him.

“YAH,” you screamed in a quiet voice, “I don’t care if you’re my boyfriend, you do not, and I repeat NOT, look at my diary. Got it?” 

Minseok slowly uncovered his face with the shirt and shorts thrown at him and nodded.

“Now go take a shower and put those on,” you said, shooing him to the bathroom.

Once the door was closed, you smiled and happily took out your diary. You jumped on your bed and turned to read all of your entries. Constantly talking about Minseok and how he was the perfect guy and how it’d have to take a miracle for him to ever be so close to you.

You grab a pen from your night stand and turn to the next empty page:

“Dear Diary,

I think I’ve finally been blessed with that miracle…”







By the time Minseok was done with his shower, you had fallen asleep on top of your diary, almost like you were guarding it with your life. He stepped out in just a towel wrapped around his torso and smiled at you. He walked over and gave you a little pat on the head. However to his surprise, your eyes shot open. You immediately sat up, gripping your diary in your arms, not even aware of what Minseok was wearing in front of you… or, what he wasn’t wearing that is.

“A-ah, sorry Hyunjae,” Minseok said, slowly backing up back into the bathroom, which was when you noticed the towel.

Your eyes widened at him, “Minseok. Get. Your. Clothes. On. Now,” you demanded.

“Yes, yes, yes,” He said running back to the bathroom.

You sighed, covering your eyes with your hands and landing, back first, onto your bed.







In about 15 minutes, Minseok slowly opened the bathroom door to find you, arms crossed in front of your chest and staring back at him.

“You know you take as long as a girl does,” You smirked at him and he grinned that gummy grin of his.

“I like to look my best before bed,” he winked and you rolled your eyes. He grinned once more and in one swift move, placed you on his lap, and hugged you from behind, “I don’t like when people roll their eyes at me, got that?”

You looked behind your shoulder at him, “Oooh, so this is what the dominant side to Minseok is like~” you teased and he gave you a quick peck on the lips to shut you up.

“Hush,” he whispered, nuzzling himself in the crook of your neck.

You giggled, “So what’s going on with EXO tomorrow?”

“Well, first of all we’re gonna tell them about you know…” he paused, “us.” You nodded.

“So … Just a ‘Hi guys we’re going out now. Ok bye’ kind of thing? Seems good enough.”

“No, no, no,” Minseok shook his head, “We’re going to be hanging out with them for the rest of the day, maybe go to an amusement park, I don’t know.”

You sighed, “And you’re sure they won’t taunt me in any way shape or form?”








“You chose to go out with him!?” The 11 other members shouted in unison.

“Hey! What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Minseok pouted.

“It means that there were 11 others that she could’ve chose one, yet she chose the one with the least experience in relationships,” Tao spat.

“Oh please, like a little boy like you has experience with any woman,” Minseok crossed his arms.

“Oh, because I’m such a little boy,” Tao’s sarcasm was more than enough to set you off.

“Guys can you stop arguing…” You asked, annoyed at the two and they bowed their heads, gesturing a ‘sorry.’

It remained silent for a few more seconds until Suho was the one to break it, “So! Where did you all want to go today?” The members shrugged and Suho pinched the bridge of his nose at their indecisiveness. “I know! Hyunjae, where would you like to go?” All heads immediately turned towards you.

“Uhh,” you stopped to think, “Hm, well yesterday Minseok mentioned the amusement park, how about there?”

“That’s a wonderful idea,” Suho smiled, “since we’re all ready why don’t we go to—“

“LOTTE WORLD!” Tao shouted. He had never been there in his time in Korea, so this would be the perfect chance to go.

“Is that okay with you, Hyunjae?” Suho asked.

“Fine by me,” you smiled.

“Alright then, Lotte World it is!”





Hey everyone!! 

I'm so so SO sorry i've been gone since March! I feel horrible. School's been such a , and health has been an issue for me as well, BUT i'm back! And I hope to make more chapters quite often now. Hopefully once a week at the maximum.

As a reward I prepared a double update. For now, most of these chapters are drabble/fillers until I can finally get to the "dramatic" part of the story OTL

Anyways, I hope you like it!

I love you all and missed you! o u o

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Chapter 18: i really love your story author-nim!
please keep it up~ c:
Chapter 18: Awe, just read this story and it is sooooo adorable!!!^^
Chapter 18: I missed this story. It still is extremely cute and I stillo love it ♡♡♡ haha now Hyunjae has to have a date with Tao, cuties. I missed you author-nim and welcome back. ^_^
NocturnalSparrow #4
Chapter 18: I'm Glad That You're Back. Thank You For The Double Update!
Congrats on winning in the Exo fanfic awards!!
Toeko-chan #6
Hello I am your new reader ^ ^ I'm Brazilian, and I really liked your fanfic! update as fast as possible please >___< ~
Chapter 16: Aww~ he got so upset! D8
Hyunjae took it a little too far.
At least they're together now!
Chapter 16: Cuuuuuute <3 Omigad, You super duper need to update sooooon. ^^
Chapter 16: Xiumin xD Why you so jelly ;) Haha so cute <3 I love this <3 So worth the long wait <3
Chapter 16: ahhhh~~Xiumin so cute~He is jealous!!