Yes? Or No? Let's do both!




Am I seriously gonna do this? Why can't I just say no? I know my life's going to be miserable if I'll continue this nonsense. But everything's set and How can I back out now? Oh God! Please help me....

I was so lost with my thoughts that I didn't realized that the car already stopped.


“Ms. Dara, we're already here...” Mr. Lee, our driver said...

I took a deep sigh and was about to get out of the car when it suddenly opened and there was my brother rushing inside. Before I could even asked him what's the matter, he cuts me....

“Dara, are you sure about this? You could still back out. I know you don't want this and that you hate my bestfriend. You two can't harldy have one conversation without fighting and now you two are getting married? This is absurd. Insane!” Dong Wook rushly said to me without even blinking...

“I..... just.... ahm.... I don't know... Dad's gonna be mad if....” I stutterly repiled to him


“Bull!” Dong Wook cursed as I was fidgeting my hands. Everything he said makes sense, I know that. I actually know that from the very start.


Dong Wook suddenly took my hand and said “Dara, look at me, Don't do this. Do not let Dad control you. C'mon, I don't want to see you live your life under Dad's radar......” I just stared at my brother and is making up a decision on my mind whether to continue this or not when the car's door opened again...


“What are you still doing here? Sandara, everyone's waiting for you already. Don't keep my bussiness associates waiting...” my Dad sternly said to me. He turned back and walk on his tracks to the church.

“Dara...” My brother looked at me with pleading eyes as if telling me Do not be a coward!

But then again, I guess I am a coward......“I guess, I have to this. I'm sorry bro..” I helplesly said to my brother.


“But Dara....” I cutt him of... “C'mon, let's go. I can manage that erted friend of yours...” I smiled at him.... Dong Wook shook his head. He didn't spoke anymore. He knew I already made up my mind and there's no turning back.

I hate to admit this, but the jerk is right, I AM A YES-DADDY GIRL.




Author's Note:

Sorry for just updating now... I was busy with work...Will do a triple update... Hope you like it... :)

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Gzb123 #1
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeeee :'(
Chapter 13: So interesting, I read in one way. Kkkk, thak u authornin. Dont let Dara will be weak. I want shes strong.
wenkie0414 #3
Chapter 13: i hope dara can still stay as cold as ice even if jiyong is making an advance here.. i want a tabisan moment too
Chapter 13: New reader here! ^^ This is really funny and a very good story! :D I hope you updated again~
Hello everyone! Sorry for the lame update! I will update again tomorrow! Kekekeke!
Kianarain #6
Chapter 12: Pls update soon..,
xiena529 #7
Chapter 12: Welcome back auhornim :)
Khalizzie #8
jennabui #9
authornim please update soon...woah...woah...
jennabui #10
haha...iam still waiting for you authornim...your fanfic is funny...take care..^^