In The Beginning

Yes? Or No? Let's do both!

Mr. Happy Go Lucky



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, that's me laughing inside my head. I mean, who wouldn't laugh when you see a prim and proper rabbit watching you having a hot steamy in the shore and she looks so embarrassed and disgusted... Funny right?! And I could only imagine she's thinking that I tainted her sanctuary. Yes, I know that that beach is her secret place. Not that I stalk her and why would I do that? It's just that I would always accompany my bestfriend, Seven, who unfortunately is the brother of that rabbit, here every time he fetches her when she runs away from their home. 

You might be thinking that I purposely did it because it's her sanctuary! Hell no! I mean,I didn't even know that she's gonna be there. According to Seven, she's working on their company in California branch. So I have no idea why she's here and why she would choose this day to go there in the beach.

I smirk again as I remembered her pissed face when I about the memories of the past... Well, it's not my fault if she would always be there every time I'm having a steamy session with girls. 

Nine years ago, when I was 16 years old and she was 15 that time, Ms. Know It All, Sandara Park, caught me having with her cousin. Sulli, her cousin, and I are in the girls bathroom humping each other in oblivion when, Parky entered the bathroom. I could still remember the horror in her face when she saw us. Like she'd seen some unforgivable act in front of her... was widely open as she starred at Sulli and me at that time....

"Oh my God Dara, can't you just go? You see, we're busy here..." Sulli shouted at her... That was just the time that she went back to her senses. I was about to get off Sohee and apologize to her...When she suddenly spoke...

"You're such a low-life Sulli! No wonder, you and Mr. Kwon here are so CLOSE together...." she snapped to Sulli before she went out of the room...

I guess she stepped on a bit of my ego that time. What does she mean? That I'm a low-life too? Hell no, I'm not! I just love girls! I love exploring those God-given gifts... If you know what I mean.... Plus, they're the one who's shoving their bodies at me. Who am I to say no?! 

There was also this time when I went to their house to fetch Seven when I heard that brat saying bad things about me... She's convincing her brother not to be friends with me... Saying I'm such a bad influence....blah blah blah... Doesn't she know that saying "The birds of the same feather flocks together"? Her brohter, Seven' is as erted as I am.. I wanted to shout that to her..... Such an idiot rabbit! 

So that's when I started to have indifference with her...and also because of that, I piss her off every time we see each other. It's not that I hate her. I just hate her guts, that''s all...Also, she seems to be not smitten by my gorgeous self and I hated that. Don't get me wrong, I don't like her. It's just that, it's a little bit weird and irritating knowing someone's not aware of your hotness when you're ooozing with it...If you know what I mean! And to think, I myself consider her beautiful and she really is. She has that classic beauty, petite body and porcelain skin that any girl would want to have and any man would want to ravish. So wouldn't it be just fair that she would also show some appreciation on my gorgeousness..,right?

I was driving towards our ancestral home when my phone rings... I looked at the phone's LCD and snorted when I saw my father's name on it... 

"Yes Dad? I'm on my way... I just went somewhere..." he answered lazily... "Okay, Okay... I'll drive carefully" he said and ended the call.

He doesn't really know, why he's here or what his dad wants from him. He just called one night when he was partying hard with his friends in New York. He said that he needs to go home since they have to talk about some important matters. He told him to just say that important matter on that phone or just email him but his dad said that no, he needs to go home and they need to discuss this personally.

I don't even understand why he can't just tell me about it over the phone. How important could that matter. Is it about their business? But his dad perfectly knows that he doesn't want doing business stuff or whatever they call that. And well, there's his brother Top who is in charge of that and so good about that. Psssssh! So it puzzles him, what matter his father would want to discuss with him. 

So even if he has still a lot of projects and commitments (and parties, not to mention playmates) that were left in New York, he decided to just go home, not just because of his father's request but also because he also misses this place, Casa de Blas. How long has it been since he left, 9 years? You see after high school, I went to New York and finish my studies there and after college, I started my professional career as a model. Mom would just always be the one to visit me there but I never wen't back here, even on vacations. And because of that, his brother, Top was the one who was left in charge of their business. He's good in that anyway, unlike him. Not that he's jealous about him or anything. He loves being a model. He loves his life full of parties and ladies! 

Top and him are the exact opposite of each other. Top's the responsible one. He's the happy go lucky. Top's a one-woman man... He's a ladies man. Top's the neaty-handsome. He's the ruggedly handsome... Top's the favorite son. He's not... Now, you see the difference? Oh I can't wait to see that brother of mine... Pwe! This is gonna be a loooooooooooooooong vacation...... 



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Gzb123 #1
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeeee :'(
Chapter 13: So interesting, I read in one way. Kkkk, thak u authornin. Dont let Dara will be weak. I want shes strong.
wenkie0414 #3
Chapter 13: i hope dara can still stay as cold as ice even if jiyong is making an advance here.. i want a tabisan moment too
Chapter 13: New reader here! ^^ This is really funny and a very good story! :D I hope you updated again~
Hello everyone! Sorry for the lame update! I will update again tomorrow! Kekekeke!
Kianarain #6
Chapter 12: Pls update soon..,
xiena529 #7
Chapter 12: Welcome back auhornim :)
Khalizzie #8
jennabui #9
authornim please update soon...woah...woah...
jennabui #10
haha...iam still waiting for you authornim...your fanfic is funny...take care..^^