1-0 In Favor of Kwon Jiyong

Yes? Or No? Let's do both!

Guys, i don't know why it keeps going back to a Rated Chap (M) when I didn't even check the box... errrrrrrr... Please bear with me... Anyway here's Chapter 7 for all of you! 



It's been two days since that heated argumenent I had witht the ice queen. And here I am going to the Park's Mansion to have dinner and discuss details of the marriage! Like I care? I don't even want to marry that rabbit. Psssssh! But since I've already said my words, I will not take it back. And hello? There's this thing called, DIVORCE! So no worries. And though I'll be marrying doesn't mean I'll be leaving my bachelor's ways. Oh no! Plus, I have an agenda here... So let's pursue this wedding the sooner, the better! 

When I reached the Park's Mansion, one of the maids said that they are all waiting for me already in the dinning room. I saw dad glared at me the moment I step inside the dinning room. I could only shrug. I went to the rabbit and sat beside her. Hmmmm... She smells good... Not bad.... Don't worry, I still hate her... It's just my playboy hormones acting on me.... hahahahahahaha!

I leaned closed enough that my lips are almost touching her left ear... and whisper to her. "Hey ahjumma.." She gasped and had an irritated look on her face. I leaned forward again and kissed her on the cheek. She gasped for the second time and louder this time. Hahahahahahaha! What an ahjumma really!  I saw my mom smiling giddily in front of me while Dad has that confused look. Hey Dad, this is what you want right?  Dong Wook on the other hand gave me that What-The--Are-You-Doing-With-My-Sister look? I just grin back at him. Mr. Park's expression is the best....NOTHING! 

"Are we not going to eat now?" I cut their reverie... Geez, what's up with these people, it's just a freaking kiss on the cheek. 

We've already finish eating and now Mom's talking about the details of the wedding. Ugh! This is boring the hell out of me... The rabbit on my side is insanely quiet since we've been here. She just nods from time to time. But that's just it....So I was quite shock when she suddenly spoke...

"Auntie, when will be the date of the wedding? I still have a job to go back to..." She said.. Wow! Just Wow! All she could think about is her job, eh? SPELL BORING AHJUMMA?!

"Awwwww.... You really can't wait to get married to me, huh babe? So sweet!" I mocked her! Her face is so funny. I swear I could see smoke and fire coming out from her nose and ears! 

"Sandara, after the wedding, you'll be having a 3 month vacation from work.. You have to follow Jiyong in New York and do your duty as his wife." I suddenly heard her father said in one go...

"But Dad... I still have a....." The rabbit trying to explain herself when Mr. Kwon just looked at her which made her stop and just agreed helplessly...."Okay Dad."

"I smell some coward rabbit in here..." I mumbled but enough for her to hear it... I smirk... The game's starting honey..


Have you been in that situation wherein you want the punch someone to death but you can't? I tell you, it's nerve-wrecking! What is freakin' wrong with this ? Awhile ago, he just kissed me in front my and his family. I admit that freaked me out. I need to have a shower later to clean this dirt on my cheek. 

So with the entire dinner, I was really silent. I'm scarred that when I open my mouth, I'll just curse the bastard. So with that in mind, I didn't spoke... But when I already decided to spoke, that bastard just freakin' mocked me! And I can't even do anything about that.. Not in front of my dad and her parents. ! I could only curse on my mind. Just when I thought, things wouldn't be worst than it is, Dad just have to say that I have to stay in New York for 3 months to fulfill my wifely duties. Are you freakin' kidding me? What am I? A slave of this ? Sad thing is, and I guess you all know about this already, I can't say no to dad. Yes, I AM PATHETIC!

At long last, the crap talking is done. It's decided that the wedding will be on two weeks time and on saturday, there will be an engagement party. I'm so excited. Oh whatever! 

"Dara, you accompany you're fiance and in laws on their way out..." Dad said to me... Ugh... i could only nod... My life ....

So here I am walking side by side with this towards the door...

"Hey, please do look pretty and not boring on the engage party. I don't want my friends to mock me saying I have a boring and ugly fiance.." the devil spoke.... Can I kick him now? Ugh, he's parent's still in front of us...

"Don't worry, I'll let your mouth hang open widely on saturday..." I replied back to him while smiling... Oh finally, we've reached the door.... Mr. and Mrs. Kwon turned back and say their goodbyes to me before they went to their car. I was about to turned back and the jerk pulled me and gave me a peck on the lips! What the hell!

"Bye Ahjumma..." he said while grinning at me... I didn't even noticed that he was already outside of the house. I was too shocked! 


Author's note:

I need inspiration. I need your comments... kekekekeke! So what do you think guys? 




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Gzb123 #1
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeeee :'(
Chapter 13: So interesting, I read in one way. Kkkk, thak u authornin. Dont let Dara will be weak. I want shes strong.
wenkie0414 #3
Chapter 13: i hope dara can still stay as cold as ice even if jiyong is making an advance here.. i want a tabisan moment too
Chapter 13: New reader here! ^^ This is really funny and a very good story! :D I hope you updated again~
Hello everyone! Sorry for the lame update! I will update again tomorrow! Kekekeke!
Kianarain #6
Chapter 12: Pls update soon..,
xiena529 #7
Chapter 12: Welcome back auhornim :)
Khalizzie #8
jennabui #9
authornim please update soon...woah...woah...
jennabui #10
haha...iam still waiting for you authornim...your fanfic is funny...take care..^^