Peaceful Breakfast, NOT!

Yes? Or No? Let's do both!


Dara's POV

I grunt as I open my eyes just as this moment.... ! What a nightmare that is! And if you're asking what nightmare I had, it's of course that stupid ert and his doings last night! again! My head's aching! 

Last night when I went home from the beach, I was greeted by the silence of our house. The maid who was waiting for me told me that Dad and Seven was already asleep. At that moment, I don't know if I should also sleep or not, because I feel like I'll be having a nightmare.... So I battled with my self and eyes from sleeping. It was already 3 AM when I couldn't take it anymore and surrendered.... And I was right, I did have a nightmare! STUPID ERT, this is all his fault!

As I was rubbing my forehead, I heard a knock from the door.... I stood up and open the door and there I saw one of our maids....

"Miss Dara, your brother called you to eat breakfast..." the housekeeper who waited for me last night said... 

"Okay... I'll be there.....and can you please get me some medicine from headache. Thanks." I replied to her...

After I washed my face and brush my teeth, I started heading down to the dining room... I didn't even bother to change clothes since it's just gonna be Seven and I whose gonna be eating, so why change? 

As I was nearing the dinning room, I heard the most annoying voice in this world.... A nightmare last night and now a bad reality... Could this day be any perfect?

"Oh my God! I'm so glad you're back hottie...." said the annoying voice... I could just imagine her y facial expression while saying that........Wait, Hottie? Who's hottie? Don't tell me, that is talking about Seven. Are those two into now? No no no no... That can't be... Even if she's the -est of all the , I don't think she would do that, or should I say, my brother wouldn't do that... So who's Hottie? Just as realization came over me.... I already reached the dinning room and can't turn back anymore... 

What the hell is this bastard doing early in the morning? Gosh! Kill me now....


Hmmmmm....not bad.. I didn't know Ms. Prim and Proper, is not so Prim and Proper anymore... She's wearing a short shorts and black sando......hmmmmm, Hot! If only she would try to smile... But ofcourse, like a cold ice as she is to me, she wouldn't do that...

"Goodmorning Princess" Seven greeted the ice queen... She break her glare at me and went to his brother.... 

"Goodmorning too, oppa! I missed you!" she replied while hugging him...

"I missed you too. What time did you arrived here last night? I thought you'll be here at 8... Sorry, I wasn't able to wait for you..." Seven said...

"I just went somewhere...." The ice queen replied stuttering... Did she just stutter? Hahahahahahahahahaha! Oh, i guess it's time to start the pissing game...

"Oh Where did you go rabbit?" I butted in and flash her my infamous grin...

"It's non of your business, Kwon!" she hissed back at me while throwing me a deathly stare.... Oooooh.... I'm scarred! hahahahahahah! Her annoyed face is so funny!

As I was about to throw some pissing lines to her... One of the maids spoke while handling some medicine to the rabbit... "Excuse me Ms. Dara, here's the medicine for your headache...."  

"You're not feeling well, Dara?" I heard Seven ask her......


"Not really... I just haven't slept much..." ! Why did I say that? Now that bastard will think I haven't slept because of what I saw last night... 

"Awwwwww.... Poor rabbit....Did you have a nightmare?" the bastard said while giving me a smirk....  See? He thinks I had a dream about him.... which I really did... But....Ugh.....

"Oh shut up! Why are you even here early in the morning?" I replied to him... 

"You're such a meanie Dara!" the annoying cut me off....

"Oh my God! Did you hear that? I didn't know we have ghosts here in our house..." I ask my brother while acting scared and shivering....

"I didn't know you were scared of me,dear cousin...." Sulli said while rolling here eyes at me....  

 "Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you, Sulli... And well, you can't blame me you know... You really look....scary..." I innocently smiled while replying to her.... Oh the war is on ! She was about to counter back when Seven interrupted our World War 3 battle....  

"Stop it you two. Can we just have a peaceful breakfast here?" my brother said while eyeing both on me and the ...

"A peaceful breakfast with a and ? I doubt" I murmured under my breath...

"What did you say Dara?" asked Seven...

"Nothing bro. I said let's just eat..." I answered back... I was about to get and eat some bread when the in front of me spoke again...

"Dude, Dara said there's a and a here... I wonder, who are they, Dara?" the bastard asked me while grinning like a ert that he is.... Then I heard my cousin cursing me... Whatever ! 

"Dara!" Seven glarred at me....

"I didn't say that... Gosh!  Can we just continue eating..." I hissed.... Seven just shook his head and continue eating..... I looked in front of me and saw the devil grinning like stupid hyena ... IT'S OFFICIAL, THIS IS GONNA BE A BAD DAY! 

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Gzb123 #1
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeeee :'(
Chapter 13: So interesting, I read in one way. Kkkk, thak u authornin. Dont let Dara will be weak. I want shes strong.
wenkie0414 #3
Chapter 13: i hope dara can still stay as cold as ice even if jiyong is making an advance here.. i want a tabisan moment too
Chapter 13: New reader here! ^^ This is really funny and a very good story! :D I hope you updated again~
Hello everyone! Sorry for the lame update! I will update again tomorrow! Kekekeke!
Kianarain #6
Chapter 12: Pls update soon..,
xiena529 #7
Chapter 12: Welcome back auhornim :)
Khalizzie #8
jennabui #9
authornim please update soon...woah...woah...
jennabui #10
haha...iam still waiting for you authornim...your fanfic is funny...take care..^^