The Clash

Yes? Or No? Let's do both!



"YAH! Sandara Park!" I heard someone shouted all of a sudden...

Am I going crazy? Was that the ert? Why did I just hear that ert's voice? Gee... I'm really becoming delusional right now after that talk with dad...

I feel like my mind's floating somewhere. I don't know what to do...But somewhow I know that at the back of my mind, I couldn't say no to dad... But....

"HEY YOU! RABBIT" I heard his voice again... 

I slowly turned back, and there I saw the guy that I don't really want to see at this moment... He looks pretty pissed. Well, I guess, he knows it already too... Sigh!

"What are you doing here" I asked him when he reached my side...

"Well, I'm here to put sense in that stupid mind of yours..." he replied.... Wait, did he just said... Oh he's really gonna get it from me...

"Who are you calling stupid ha?" I replied furiously at him! Didn't he know.. He's the stupid one, I'm not...

"You, who else!" He replied again.. I was about to counterback at him when he cut me off! 

"I know you're going to agree to this ridiculous idea. So I'm telling you don't even think about it. We can't marry each other.... You're cold. I'm hot. You're boring. I'm interesting. You're an ahjumma. I'm a hot oppa... You see my point? We can never be..." He replied while glaring at me...

"YAH! WHO'S BORING HA? ME?! OH NO! AND I'M A WHAT? AN AHJUMMA?!" I shouted at him... How dare this guy insult me! I'm certainly not those things. I'm not boring or an ahjumma! Stupid ert.... Just as I was defending myself in my mind, he spoke again...

"OH YES! You are boring, cold, uninteresting ahjumma! Even the real ahjummas are better than you are. Come to think of it, I would marry a real ahjumma than marry you!" he said... "Plus you're not really into hot oppa, right? So don't agree to that favor..." he continued.... 

I'm freaking mad right now! That guy is not gonna get what he wants... Insulting me is the biggest mistake in his life!

"You know what, come to think of it, I actually want to get married already. I think I'm gonna cold dad right now and tell him to prepare for the wedding already..." I replied smirking at me... 

"YOU CAN'T! I DON'T WANNA BE MARRIED TO YOU!" He shouted at my face... What the hell is this guy think? I want to be married to him? And the way he said that he doesn't want to marry me seems sounds like I'm the worst and undesirable girl in this world. What a jerk!

"Oh! So you think, I wanna marry you? AN IRRESPONSIBLE, STUPID, USELESS ? GOSH!" I replied glaring at him.... 


"Oh! So you think, I wanna marry you? AN IRRESPONSIBLE, STUPID, USELESS ? GOSH!"  She shouted at me!


"Did I just heard it right? An irresponsible, stupid, useless ?" I asked her...

"Oh you're also deaf, I see..." She replied to me...

"Fine, let's do this!" I hissed...

"What do you mean?"

"LET'S MARRY EACH OTHER! AND I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW JERK I AM!" I shouted before I started walking away from her.... 

Unknown to him... Dara is also thinking the same...

'Okay jerk, let's marry each other... and I'm gonna prove to you that I'm not a boring, uninteresting ahjumma... you wait and see' She thought...  

Author's Note:

I hope you're enjoying reading my fic... I will try to update tomorrow... Leave some comments, arasso? :)

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Gzb123 #1
Chapter 13: Update pleaseeeeee :'(
Chapter 13: So interesting, I read in one way. Kkkk, thak u authornin. Dont let Dara will be weak. I want shes strong.
wenkie0414 #3
Chapter 13: i hope dara can still stay as cold as ice even if jiyong is making an advance here.. i want a tabisan moment too
Chapter 13: New reader here! ^^ This is really funny and a very good story! :D I hope you updated again~
Hello everyone! Sorry for the lame update! I will update again tomorrow! Kekekeke!
Kianarain #6
Chapter 12: Pls update soon..,
xiena529 #7
Chapter 12: Welcome back auhornim :)
Khalizzie #8
jennabui #9
authornim please update soon...woah...woah...
jennabui #10
haha...iam still waiting for you authornim...your fanfic is funny...take care..^^