

The girls were being back at Seoul, after being three days two nights at Jeju Island to visit their friend. They were now in their dorm, resting.

"Jess, hows Yuri?" Tiffany asked while eating some bread.

"She is fine, except for the heart attack." Jessica sighed, remembering back those days when Yuri would constantly got an attack thrice a day. Jessica sighed when she remembered back how painful Yuri was, how pale her face was everytime she was suffering from the attack.

"I'm sure she is fine. We just need to wait." Hyoyeon said and sat down on the floor.

"Why don't we fold 1000 cranes." Yoona suggested.

"Why?" Sooyoung asked with her hands full of snacks.

"Because they said that if you fold 1000 cranes and make a wish, the wish will come true." Yoona said cheerfully.

"We should try." Taeyeon said.

"I suggested we all fold 1000 each." Sunny said.

"Why?" Tiffany asked.

"Because if we all fold 1000 craned together, we only could make one wish. If we all fold 1000 cranes each, which mean we have 8000 cranes and we can have 8 wishes. With those 8 wishes of wishing Yuri to get better, Yuri will surely get better." Sunny said and earned applause from her members.

"We can ask help from Super Junior oppa or TVXQ oppa or even Shinee." Seohyun suggested.

'Good, lets start now!" Taeyeon said while pumping her fist to the air.

"Guys, thank you so much." Jessica bowed.

"Nonsense! Jess! We're Yuri's friends, wait. We're Yuri's sisters. We will do anything for her." Tiffany said and the others nodded their head. All eight girls began to fold paper cranes, even the lazy Jessica, was doing it without any complaint. She was putting all her love and hope when folding the cranes, same went to the other members. Each of them folded each crane by putting their hope and prayer. Super Junior and Shinee even helped them without asking too much. 

After a whole week of hardwork, they finally able to finish the cranes and put it all into one huge glass bottle.

"Good job guys!" Taeyeon said.

"We need to do something to repay our oppas and dongsaengs." Sunny said and everyone nodded. Suddenly Tiffany's phone rang.Tiffany the loudspeaker.

"Hey girls. I guess Tiffany the loudspeaker when she saw my name as caller ID." Andrew said.

'Andrew! How is Yuri?" Jessica asked.

"Can't you guys care for this man. I am still your oppa."

"Yah! Oppa~" Sunny used her aegyo.

'Okay, stop stop. I surrender. Yuri is doing fine, just like usual. Suffering from the attack thrice a day." Andrew sighed.

"Oh, is she sleeping?" Sooyoung asked.

"Nah, she is chatting with Mary, while eating Mary's porridge."

"So what bring you to call us?" Taeyeon said.

"Oh, good news. Yuri had found a suitable heart donor for her." Andrew said in an exciting tone.

"Hello?" Andrew said when he heard nothing from the other side of the phone.

"YEAH!!!!! THATS GREAT!!!!" The eight girls shouted as loud as they could after a moment of silence which startled Andrew.

"Yah! You girls seriously are going to make me deaf!" Andrew shouted back.

"Sorry. We are just too excited. When is the surgery?" Taeyeon asked.

"Will be tomorrow, why?" Andrew asked.

"Oh, good. Tomorrow we will be going to Jeju Island again since we are having our holiday for a week." Sunny said. Hyoyeon and Sooyoung just hugging each other and jumped around. Yoona and Seohyun just hugging each other and smiled. Taeyeon was cheering like a dork while Tiffany kept smiling.

"Okay. See you guys tomorrow." Andrew hung up, leaving the eight girls screamed for joy.

'Oh yes! I knew it! I knew Yuri is going to be alright!" Hyoyeon jumped around.

"Jess, isn't this great?' Tiffany hugged Jessica tightly. Jessica only nodded her head and smiled. Her seobang was fine now. Her seobang was going to be okay right now. She shed a tear of joy.

"Yuri is coming back with us!!" Sooyoung shouted.

"Yah! Girls quiet down! I know you girls are excited but please quiet down. We shouldn't make too much noise. Go pack your things for tomorrow." Taeyeon said like a leader. Everyone went to their room and packed their things. Jessica was just too happy to sleep, and its the first time that the sleeping beauty didn't felt sleepy at all. But she still drifted to her dreamland.

On the other hand, Andrew walked into the room.

"You told them?" Yuri asked and Andrew nodded.

"You told them all about it?" Mary asked this time and Andrew shook his head.

"I just told then that you found a suitable donor." Andrew sat down.

"So you didn't tell them that there still 40% of possibility that this surgery would fail and I would die." Yuri nodded her head.

"But don't worry. The surgery would be a success." Mary said and Yuri smiled.

"Of course it will. I don't plan on leaving you guys behind." Yuri pumped her fist to the air. Mary and Andrew just laugh but suddenly Yuri frowned.

"You two, I will leave the shop to you two. Please take care of it when I'm resting. I don't want to suffer any loss."

"Of course. We will wait for your return, boss." Andrew said and all three of them laughed.

"I just hope, this surgery would be successful." Yuri mentally sighed.

The next day, the girls had come to visit Yuri and all of them were chatting happily.

"Yuri-ah, we will pray for you." Taeyeon said and Yuri nodded her head.

"Yuri unnie, here!" Seohyun took out a whole big glass bottle which fulled of paper cranes.

"Omo! What is this?" Yuri was shocked.

"These are all the paper cranes that we folded with help from Super Junior oppas and Shinee dongsaengs." Tiffany explained.

"Each of it contain our prayer and hope. So you must be healthy and join SNSD again." Yoona continued.

"Of course I will." Yuri smiled brightly with Jessica resting her head on the taller girl's shoulder.

"You better be back, seobang." Jessica whispered.

"Of course I will be. You never able to get rid of me now."

"Guys, sorry to interrupt your sweet moment, but Yuri need to get ready for her surgery." Mary said.

"Okay. We will wait outside." All the girls headed out from the room. They were now waiting in front of a surgery room where Yuri would be.

"Girls, there's one more thing I need you all to know." Andrew said while giving Seohyun the bottle of paper cranes. All eight pair of eyes were fixed on him which made him nervous. He gulped. Mary just gripped his hand tightly to give him support.

"There's still some possibility that this surgery will fail and the possibility is 40%." Andrew sighed in relief.

"W-why?" Sunny asked.

"The doctor said maybe the body will reject the heart. And every surgery had its danger." Mary explained and the girls lowered their head.

"Nevermind. Girls, we still had our paper cranes. Lets wish upon it." Tiffany suggested and everyone nodded their head. They closed their eyes and began to wish.

"Yuri, please be back to us. We miss you, I miss you." Taeyeon thought.

"Yuri-ah, please be back. Lets go visit Yoochiri again, okay?" Sunny thought.

"Yuri-ah, be healthy and dance with me, buddy." Hyoyeon sighed.

"Unnie, please be healthy. I found a new recipe for Ma. And I know you will like it." Seohyun mumbled.

"Unnie, you need to be back and help me to prank Sooyoung unnie for revenge." Yoona said.

"Yuri-ah, lets go on variety show together. I don't care about those ert host anymore, as long as you're there to protect me." Tiffany thought.

"Yuri, wake up. You still owe me food, you kkab!" Sooyoung mentally scolded Yuri.

"Seobang, wake up please. Please survive through this. I want you be by my side. Please." Jessica prayed sincerely.

"Yuri, stay strong. They need you." Andrew thought after seeing eight girls closed their eyes and made wish as hard as they could. Mary only smiled after seeing how strong their friendship were.

Time past slowly as they waited for the surgery to be finish. Sooyoung and Yoona had ate their tenth serving of ramyun from the hospital cafeteria. Sunny kept playing game from her psp, Hyoyeon just fall asleep. Taeyeon and Tiffany still paid full attention to the surgery room. Yoona and Jessica started to yawn and sleep while Seohyun immersed herself in a book.

"Guys the surgery is done." Taeyeon called out and all of the girls quickly stood up. Jessica, Yoona and Hyoyeon were rubbing their eyes.

"Doctor, how is she?" Taeyeon asked as soon as the doctor walked out. The doctor sighed and smiled.

"Congratulation, the surgery is a success. The body accept the heart completely. Ms.Kwon will awake in no time." The doctor smiled. The eight girls smiled and hugged each other.

'Our wishes work!! Yuri is fine!!" Sooyoung shouted. This time Taeyeon didn't smacked Sooyoung since she was also very happy.

"Jess, Yuri is fine. She is fine now." Tiffany said and hugged Jessica. Jessica was crying due to her overgrown happiness. Her seobang was fine and would joined SNSD again, be by her side again. All of the girls except  went back to hotel and Andrew and Mary went back to the shop. Jessica was now sitting beside Yuri, holding Yuri's hand.

'Seobang~, wake up soon." Jessica muttered and fell asleep.


A/N: The next chap is the end....XD...YEAH....Now I didn't let Yuri die...XD....Please comment and subscribe~~

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Chapter 10: Me encanto el final
Chapter 4: Mira nomas
Yeonnie_24 #3
Chapter 10: After reading it again. I prepared myself for the upcoming diff ending but saw it wasn't there anymore so I'm like "oh my gosh author~ you changed it~"
mascott #4
Chapter 10: Oh my gee~ mixed emotions. I don't know if i'll cry, laugh, be angry or what. This story was one hell of a kind. Thanks author for this amazing story!
jasonds #5
Chapter 10: nice story author nim
sone_marg14 #6
Chapter 10: I wish snsd will 9 again the same in this story...
author your jjang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you make me cry :"(
It's a great story author..
Your story always make me cry a lot
Thank you for the story author
Chapter 10: I hate you Author! XD You make me cry hard enough! Your story is Daebakk! :)
Chapter 10: Awww such a happy ending!! LAWL Yuri all hyper again after the surgery haha