Truth revealed


The eight girls had arrived at Jeju Island. Sooyoung stretched herself and breathe in the fresh air.

"Fresh air! Nice view! Vacation!" Sunny shouted and jumped around , dragging Sooyoung along.

"Guys, don't forgot that we're here for work too." Taeyeon reminded her members, like a leader would do. All of them nodded their head and headed to hotel that they were going to stay. After they unpacking their stuff, they met up in Taeyeon's and Sunny's room.

"Tae, I'm hungry! FEED ME!" Sooyoung shouted and shook Taeyeon violently.

"Y-yah!" Taeyeon only able to shout in protest but Sooyoung just kept on shaking Taeyeon violently.

"How about we go to a cafe that locate just near this hotel?" Hyoyeon suggested.

"How do you know there's a cafe?" Tiffany asked and looked at Hyoyeon suspiciously.

"From a fans. Here, the message." Hyoyeon showed it to Tiffany and Tiffany nodded her head.

"So, what are we waiting for?" Sooyoung asked.

"Lets go!" Yoona shouted with Sooyoung by her side, on the door. Everyone was shocked about how fast Sooyoung and Yoona were, a minute before, they were talking and standing just beside them, another minute they already wore their shoes and waited for them,

"Unnie! Faster! I'm hungry!" Yoona shouted and jumped up and down.

"Yoong, don't jump. You will be hungrier if you jump." Sooyoung said and Yoona stopped immediately.

"Lets go. Aish, these two shikshin." Taeyeon sighed and shook her head. So all eight of them went to the cafe and that cafe owned by no one but Kwon Yuri.


There weren't many customers at this time since it was just after lunch break. So I decided to went into the kitchen and took my lunch.

"Andrew, I'm going to eat in the kitchen." I said and Andrew just waved his hand, telling me that he was totally fine with it, especially Mary was beside him. I smirked before walked in. I quickly made myself a sandwich and a glass of Ma juice. I slowly ate my sandwich as I heard the bell ringing, indicate there were some customers. I quickly ate finish my sandwich and gulped down that glass of Ma juice. I wore my baseball cap since it was part of the disguise. There were still some of the customers didn't know who I was, they just thought I was a person that had the same name as SNSD Yuri.

"Welcome. May I take your order?' I heard Mary's voice. Andrew walked in with a face of mixed emotion, a mix of surprise with a bit of scared? I didn't know and I was too lazy to ask. I needed to start making coffee for the customers. I patted his shoulder and walked out from the kitchen. I saw the back of the customers and there were eight customers. It was quite a lot so I sighed. I needed to make eight cups of drinks.

"Yuri, those girls are crazy." Mary whispered to me and I looked at her with confusion.

"They ordered super a lot!!! I wondered how they eat so much. You see the orders!" She showed me the order and I was shocked. A whole pages full of foods' name. How could such eight girls had such nice body ate so much? Well, since they brought me money, so I would stop complain.

"Two cups of latte, two cups of mocha, two cups of ice tea, one cup of ice capuccino and one cup of ice caramel coffee." She said and I nodded my head, remembering all those orders. I began to place one by one on the tray with extra care. I treated every coffee that I made like my own children. I smiled and took the tray that full of eight cups of coffee to the customers.

"Excuse me. The coffees are here." I said and placed the tray on the table, gently putting each cup of coffee on the table.

"Yuri?!" I looked up and saw the person that I didn't want to see the most, Tiffany. I glanced around and saw the other seven girls.

"My name is Yuri. This i sice capuccino. This is caramel coffee. These two is ice tea. These two is mocha while the others are latte." I stood up and wanted to walk away but a strong force prevented me to do so.

"Yuri! Is me! Tiffany, Fany." I could heard her voice cracked. I turned around and lowered down my baseball cap.

'Sorry, I think you had mistaken me with SNSD ex member, Yuri. I'm not her." I said and wanted to turn away but being stopped by Yoona.

"Unnie." She said.

"I am not the Yuri that you want to find. Sorry for that."

"You're Kwon Yuri, Yul! You look like her." Tiffany said again. I clenched my fists.

"There are a lot of people had the name 'Yuri' and there's a research say that in the world there are at least two people look the same." I said in a calm tone. I glanced at her, Jessica, who was shocked when she saw me.

'Y-yuri-ah." Taeyeon said but I turned around.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding. I need to go back to my work. Enjoy your meal." I walked away but soon fell down on the floor with a person behind me,

"Sooyoung, good job!" Oh, so its the tall shikshin. Argh! She was heavy. I tried to struggle for freedom but I couldn't so I decided to shout.

"ANDREW! MARY! HELP!" I shouted and my two workers also my friends came out and forcefully pushed Sooyoung away. Mary helped me to stand up. I smiled at her and looked back at the others.

'Look, I don't know what kind of bussiness you had with my boss but you can't just pounce on her like that. We can go report you guys to the police." Andrew said while pushing me and Mary to his back, just like a brother, protecting his younger sister protectively.

"But she is Kwon Yuri." Taeyeon said.

"Yes, her name is Kwon Yuri but I believe she is not the ex member of SNSD, Taeyeon-shi. If she really is the ex member, there should be news flooding the whole South Korea and our cafe should be full with bussiness. Not in this state." Andrew pointed to the cafe, which only have all of us in for that time.

"But she is the Yuri that I know. SO just go away!" Sooyoung pushed Andrew forcefully and with Sooyoung's strength and Andrew;s shock, Andrew stepped a few steps back. No! I didn't want this to happen! I just want to stay away from eight of them! I didn't want my friends to get hurt because of my selfishness. I knew Andrew was helping me to hide my identity from the eight girls since he knew I didn't want them to know me.

"I won't." Andrew said with a firm tone. I sighed.

"What the?!" Sooyoung pushed Andrew again and punched Andrew's face. No! I didn't want this to happen. I wanted to help Andrew but Mary stopped me. I just watched Sooyoung kept punching Andrew. I knew Andrew would never hit back since he was a nice guy that didn't hit a girl. I quickly free myself and ran toward Andrew. Suddenly I felt a strong force at my chest so I lifted up and saw Sooyoung's face.

"Y-yuri. W-why?" Sooyoung stuttered. I looked down and saw Sooyoung's fist on my chest. I guessed I blocked the punch from Sooyoung.

"PABO! Why did you come?" Andrew hold my shoulder and looked at me. I started realize it was hard to breathe but my lungs wanted all the oxygen it can got. But breathing was just so hard for me until I began to slump on the ground with Andrew holding my shoulders and Mary holding my hands.

"Yuri, hang on. We will send you to hospital. Hang on." I could heard Mary's voice but my vision started to blur.

"A-andrew, M-mary, d-don't b-blame Soo-sooyoung." I said.

'Shh, breathe in and out. You're going to be alright. Mary go take the car keys." I heard Andrew's voice and slowly my vision turned black.

(A/N: MY POV~~~)

"YURI! YURI! MARY! FASTER!" Andrew shouted as loud as he could. Sooyoung only stepped a few steps back since she was shocked. She never knew her punch would cause Yuri to be unconcious. Andrew glared at Sooyoung.

'You idiot! How could you punch her? And at her chest!" Andrew shouted.

'Stop it, Andrew. Yuri threw herself in front of Sooyoung-shi. Sooyoung-shi couldn't control where she hit." Mary said and brought along the car keys. Andrew carried Yuri in a bridal style and dashed outside the shop, leaving all eight girls dumbfounded.

"W-what had I done?" Sooyoung asked and slumped down on the ground. Sunny rushed over and hugged Sooyoung.

'Whats wrong?" Taeyeon was confused and looked at everyone.

"Not good. Seo! We need to go to the hospital!" Yoona shouted with panic all over her face.

"Calm down, Yoona unnie." Seohyun said and they saw Mary was back in the shop.

"You guys can leave. Sorry for Andrew's behaviour." Mary bowed.

'Mary-shi, can you take us two to Yuri unnie." Yoona grabbed Mary's shoulder tightly.

"I don't know. Yuri might kill me."

"We will protect you." Seohyun said and stared at Mary from Yoona's back. Mary sighed.

'Okay. I guess you two know her condition too well." Mary said and the two maknaes nodded their head.

"Seohyun! Yoona! What are you two hiding from us?" Hyoyeon asked and stomped toward the two maknaes.

'Hyoyeon unnie, we can't tell you. Yuri unnie will kill us." Yoona said and lowered her head.

"But Yoona unnie, we should tell them. After all, they are one of SNSD too." Seohyun said and looked at the other six girls.

"Tell us. Whats with Yuri?" Taeyeon asked in a demanded tone.

"Okay, I will tell. Since Yuri is going to kill me anyway. Yuri is sick. She is diagnosed with a heart disease. Only can be cure with a heart transplat surgery." Mary shrugged her shoulder, thinking she would be so dead right now. The six girls were all staring at Mary with widened eyes.

"N-now what h-have I done?!" Sooyoung punched the ground.

"Thats why Yuri unnie faint just now. Her heart can't afford a huge impact. And she can't dance anymore sinc eher heart can't cope with it." Yoona sighed.

'WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" Jessica grabbed Yoona's collar and shouted.

"With you treating Yuri unnie like a trash, how am I able to tell you?" Yoona asked. Jessica let go of Yoona and stepped a few steps back.

"Y-yuri." She said and started to cry. Just now she was shocked and happy when she saw Yuri after a whole year of searching but now she was shocked and sad, hearing such news from Yoona.

"Lets go and meet Yuri." Taeyeon said and wiped her tears. The others only crying and nodded their head. All of them went to the hospital after Mary had locked the shop.

All of them rushed to the emergency room where they saw Andrew sitting outside, with his head hung low.

"Baby?" Mary called out and Andrew lifted his head with tears on his face.

"Honey, I'm so useless. How could I let Yuri be like this?" Andrew cried in Mary's embrace.

'Shh, none of us want this to happen." Mary comforted her fiance.

"I am scared, Mary. I am so freaking scare!" Andrew shouted.

"Shh, she will be alright. Yuri is strong." Mary continued to comfort her fiance. Yoona pushed Sooyoung to Andrew, wanting the taller girl to apologize.

"Andrew-shi. I'm sorry." Sooyoung lowered her head, waiting a scolding from Andrew.

"Its okay. " Andrew said and lowered his head. Mary sat beside him and gently rubbed his back.

"They all know about Yuri's condition." Mary said.

"Oh, Yuri going to kill you, you know."

"I know you're there to protect me." Mary pouted and leaned on Andrew's shoulder. Andrew only smiled weakly and stared back at the room. The others were doing the same too.

"Yuri please be alright. Please." Jessica thought. After a whole year of being seperate with Yuri, she finally realized her feelings to Yuri. She loved Yuri and the moment she realized that, she forgave Yuri right away.

A doctor walked out and sighed. They surrounded the doctor.

'How is Yuri?" Andrew asked.

'Ms. Kwon is fine for now but her heart is getting weaker which mean her heart disease is getting worst. But for now everything is fine, as long as she doesn't do any sports like running or jogging. Or getting too angry or upset. She will be in room 302."

"Thanks doctor." They all made way for the doctors and rushed to the room. They went into the room which was a private room and it was quite huge and more than enough to put ten people in.

"Yuri." Andrew and Mary sat beside Yuri and sighed. Both of them never thought of something like this could happened and that time when Yuri faint, both of them were so scared that Yuri would left them behind. The other eight girls only cried silently as they saw Yuri lying on the bed lifelessly. They missed Yuri so much but this type of reunion broke their heart. They never expected that a health freak like Yuri could had a heart disease.

"Yuri?" Mary asked when she could saw Yuri stirred. Yuri slowly opened her eyes and smiled weakly as she saw Mary's face.

"H-hey." Yuri said weakly.

'Let me help you." Andrew helped Yuri to sit up. Yuri nodded her head and smiled at her two friends but she frowned when she saw the other eight girls that she didn't want to meet.

"Yuri." Tiffany called out for Yuri.

"Mary, ask them go away. I don't want to see them." Yuri said in a cold tone which surprised everyone, especially the eight girls.

"But Yuri there're your friends." Mary said in a motherly tone.

"Y-yuri-ah, its us."

"Just tell them to go away, please." Yuri begged.

"Yuri, just let them be here. They want to tell you something." Mary said again but Yuri just shook her head.

"I want them to disappear from my eyes. I don't want to see them." Yuri said and pouted.

"Dear, just follow Yuri's order." Andrew said and looked at Yuri with a fatherly aura all over him. Mary sighed.

"Lets just go outside. I will have a talk with them outside." Mary walked out with the eight girls followed her, leaving Yuri and Andrew behind.

'Andrew, what should I do?" Yuri asked.

"I don't know. I know you still love Jessica-shi and you miss all of them."

"I know but I'm not one of them anymore."

"They miss you, Yuri. They want you back."

"But this made me harder to stay away from them."

"Then don't stay away from them."

"I can't dance anymore. I can't be with them anymore."

"You no need to be in SNSD. You can be by their side and support them." Andrew said and gently rubbed Yuri's back.

"Andrew, I'm lost. Before meeting them, I was so sure that I will stay away from them and stare at them for afar but now after meeting them, I am not so sure anymore." Yuri began to cry.

"Shh, just don't think too much for now." Andrew said and sighed.

On the otherhand, Mary was leaning against the wall and she saw Yuri was crying inside the room.

"Mary-shi, what should we do?" Taeyeon asked, she didn't want to leave Yuri behind. She wanted to be by Yuri's side.

"I don't know and just call me Mary. Yuri's emotional is not stable when she met you guys." She looked at Jessica. She knew what had caused all this since Yuri told her three months ago.

"I don't want to leave. I want to be by Yuri unnie's side." Yoona whined.

"I don't know.  You guys could just wait for awhile and go into the room."

"Did Yuri unnie had any surgery before?" Seohyun asked.

"No. I know that she need to have a heart transplant surgery to get better but there's no suitable heart donor for her." Mary sighed.

"Thats not good." Yoona said and sighed.

"Hey, you guys are still here." Andrew walked out and hugged Mary.

'Whats wrong?" Tiffany asked.





wanted to meet you guys now."



A/N: DOUBLE UPDATE...I will try make it triple update but i might cant since theres an event for me to attend tonight. But i will try my best.. Thanks for the comments and subscription and please comments...XD

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Chapter 10: Me encanto el final
Chapter 4: Mira nomas
Yeonnie_24 #3
Chapter 10: After reading it again. I prepared myself for the upcoming diff ending but saw it wasn't there anymore so I'm like "oh my gosh author~ you changed it~"
mascott #4
Chapter 10: Oh my gee~ mixed emotions. I don't know if i'll cry, laugh, be angry or what. This story was one hell of a kind. Thanks author for this amazing story!
jasonds #5
Chapter 10: nice story author nim
sone_marg14 #6
Chapter 10: I wish snsd will 9 again the same in this story...
author your jjang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you make me cry :"(
It's a great story author..
Your story always make me cry a lot
Thank you for the story author
Chapter 10: I hate you Author! XD You make me cry hard enough! Your story is Daebakk! :)
Chapter 10: Awww such a happy ending!! LAWL Yuri all hyper again after the surgery haha