The decision


(A/N: From here will be Yuri pov...I just like to write Yuri's pov~~)

"Aww man. Today was one tired day." Sooyoung slumped herself on the couch, didn't even bother ran to the kitchen and grabbed some food. I just looked around to find a certain someone, the one who stole away my heart and never wanted to return it back to me. That some one was her, Jessica Jung. She was now chatting happily with Tiffany. Aish, this had been the 20th day she ignored me. It was all because of a mistake that I made. I sighed and went into my room. I threw myself on the bed, closing my eyes, wanted to forget all things around me.

"Yuri-ah, come out. Manager need to tell us something." I heard Taeyeon calling for me so I headed out from my room, and I saw Jessica looked at me, with disgust and hatred in her eyes. I lowered my head and stood beside Yoona. Yoona only rubbed my back without letting any other members knew. She knew what happened to me. She knew what's wrong with me. She even could saw that I was losing weight and couldn't concentrate in my show anymore. I sighed and leaned closer to her.

"Guys, there's a great news for you guys." Manager oppa said.

"What is it?" I could heard Sunny's voice.

"You guys will be having a whole month of vacation! And the place will be Okinawa, Japan!" I could sensed the happiness in manager's voice. Maybe he was just happy because he didn't need to fetch us anymore.

"OH GOD!!! YEAH!!!" I heard Hyoyeon shouted. She was really happy because we hadn't get any rest for half a year now, due to promotion of our 'Oh!' album.

"You guys can go pack your things. The flight is tomorrow. Except for one person."

"Yuri unnie, manager oppa is staring at you." Yoona whispered into my ears and I looked up, staring at him.

"Yuri, there's a recording for you." Manager said to me but his eyes told another things.

"Okay. I will message you for the details later." I said and nodded my head.

"But Yuri unnie should be having a vacation with us too." The maknae, always being so thoughtful but Seohyun-ah, it was not like you think.

"This had been planned since last month so we just can't cancel it." Manager oppa was trying to explain to our maknae.

"Its okay. I ask for it anyway. You guys just enjoy our trip. I will join you guys later." I said and smiled.

"Okay, I better leave you girls packing. Bye." Manager oppa left our dorm. I walked to my room with Yoona and Seohyun behind me.

"Unnie, are you really going to be okay?" Seohyun asked as she sat on my bed. Yoona only nodded her head at Seohyun's question. I just smiled and gently caressed both of their cheeks.

"I'm fine. I ask for it."

"But your health-"

"Yoong, I'm fine. I am still taking the medicine so don't worry." I said and gave them a bright smile.

"Unnie, do you want Sica unnie to continue to ignore you?" Seohyun asked and that question had struck my heart. I just chuckled bitterly.

"Its better for her. She's ignoring me because of that happen. At least she was still happy with you guys, although she had break up with DongHae." I just shook my head.


"Seo, I know what I am doing. You two just take care of her when I'm not around. She hate cucumber and melon type of fruit. She doesn't like to go under the sun so don't force her. Let her sleep until she is satisfied if you don't want to encounter HellSica. And, ask her out on a shopping and never, I repeat, NEVER reject her offer of asking you go shopping with her. When she cry, just go rubbed her back and don't say a word. She will slowly tell you what happen to her." I said and listed out all preference of Jessica.

"Unnie, you know Sica unnie so well." Yoona was staring at me with amusement.

'Yoong, when you truly love someone, you will wanted to know everything about that person and as you know more, you will fall harder and deeper."

"But Unnie, why didn't you confess?"

"Seo, she is straight and I'm letting her go. There's a saying, say' If you love that person, set him or her free'. I guess I'm doing that." I shrugged my shoulder.


"You two stop it. Just take care of her. And don't tell her about our secret." I said with a stern voice. The two maknaes only nodded their head.

"Now you two go prepare yourself." I stood up and walked outside. I wanted to go for a walk, to clear my mind.

"Tae, I'm going out for a walk." I told the kid leader and walked to a park nearby. I felt my phone vibrated so I took it out and it was manager calling me.


"Yuri, where are you?"

"I'm at a park nearby."

"Good, its about tomorrow."

"I know. I am not staying for a job, right?"

"Yup. Lee Soo Man-shi want to meet you. He was angry about your condition."

"I will meet him. When is it?"

"8 in the morning."

"Okay. Thanks." I hung up and sat down on a bench, staring at those children playing and smiling happily. I wished I could be like them but I couldn't. I sighed. I continued to stare at the sky and humming 'Mistake'. It was the first song I composed and I was happy when it recieved good comeback. That song totally expressed my feelings to Jessica. I really didn't know what should I do to make her forgive me and maybe what I did was something unforgivable. I hit my head. Pabo! Why didn't you control yourself?!

I stood up and slowly walked back. I could felt my feet was getting heavier because I didn't want to face her. Suddenly it rain andd I stood still, letting raindrops hitting my face. I started to run around and jumped around too. I ran back to the dorm.

"OMO! Yuwree, why are you so wet? TAETAE! BRING TOWEL FOR YURI PLEASE!" Tiffany shouted. I smiled at her weakly. I was lucky to have such good friends or sisters to me.

"Okay. Omo! Here, go and wipe yourself." Taeyeon just threw me the towel. I wiped myself as I walked into my room. I saw Jessica, was snuggling on the couch with Sooyoung.

"Hey, buddy. You better go take a bath." Sooyoung said and I nodded. I lowered my head and fasten my pace to my bedroom. I locked myself in the room and sent a message to Yoona, telling her to go sleep with Seohyun tonight. I needed all the time by myself. I wanted to be alone. I sent a message to Sunny, telling her I'm not having dinner since I'm too tired and using tomorrow 'job' as an excuse. I threw my phone on the table and went to take a bath. After that, I walked out and looked at my phone, recieved messages from Sunny and Yoona. I threw myself on the bed, slowly engulfed myself with dream and brought myself away from the reality.

The next day, I woke up earlier than others. Drinking Ma juice and eating a piece of toast. When I was wearing my shoes, Sunny saw me and walked toward me.

'So early gooing for your job?" Sunny asked and rubbed her eyes.

"Yup. Its better to be early." I flashed my biggest smile at her.

"Okay, take care."

"I will. You guys too. Help me say to them. Bye!"  I ran out and saw manager oppa waiting for me. I bowed at him and got onto the car. We reached at the head quarter and we were now in the meeting room, waiting for the boss. I tapped my fingers on the table, pretending the table was a piano and I was playing 'Mistake' .

"Ehem. Good morning, Yuri." I quickly stood up and bowed at Lee SooMan.

"Good morning, sir."

"I think that you know the reason I calling you." I nodded my head. I saw him took a deep breath before continued.

"Look, your performance in these 3 weeks were being terrible. You had lost weight and you weren't paying attention during the show. You were too quiet. Your fans were asking and I needed to know the reason behind this."

"Sir, I'm sorry. I couldn't tell you."

"I won't force you but Yuri, you need to be back your old self."

"That might be a problem to me, sir."

"You need to be professional. You shouldn't bring your own problem to your work. This will not only affect you but it will affect the whole groups."

"I clearly understand that. But it was not easy to solve that problem."

"Look, I had one suggestion. I will produce a sub unit from SNSD and leave others in hiastus."

"NO! You can't do that. I can't drag my members down because of me!" I slammed the table and stared at Lee SooMan. He just sighed.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Pull me out from the group." I said it calmly.


"You should pull me out now. Since you're going to pull me out anyway." I shrugged my shoulder and took out a file, sliding it to Lee SooMan. He took it and read. He was frowning and looked at me with sad expression. I could saw he was sad and depress but it's not like I wanted to be like that. If I could choose, I would never choosen to have a heart disease.

"Look, the doctor said I only able to dance for one more year. After that, my heart will not able to cope with it. So you are going to pull me out by that time. So I suggested that, why don't I quit now? Its easy for both of us. You just need to tell the media and fans about my health. Thats all."

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure."

"Mark, bring the termination contract." A man beside the boss walked out.

"Yuri, I treated you like my own daughter. You need to take care of yourself."

"I know. and I'm sorry."

"You no need to compensate us since I pulled you out. Instead I'm going to give you some amount of money."

"But I don't deserve it."

"You deserve it, Yuri. You helped the company in so many ways and this is the only way we repay you." I was so happy for him being this kind to me. I soon signed the termination contract.

'Thank you for all of this. Thanks." I bowed and walked out from the meeting room.

"I guess, I won't be calling you manager oppa anymore." I chuckled.

"Let me send you, for this one last time." He sighed. I patted his back and shook my head. Manager sent me back to the dorm. There was no one in the dorm so I assumed that all of them had went to Okinawa. I quickly walked to my room and packed all my things. I walked into each room, bidding goodbye with the things and remembering back all those nice memories I had here.

'Guys, thanks for the memories. I appreciate it very much and sorry, I need to left you guys. Bye. I love you guys. I love you, Jessica Jung." I said and closed the door of the dorm. Walking away from my seven years of memories and happiness, my seven years of one sided crush. My seven years of heart breaking memories. I couldn't cry, its not like I didn't want to cry but I just couldn't cry. My tears had went dry for a long time of crying when Jessica ignored me. So I guessed I was too tired for crying.

I stared back at the building for one last time and sighed. I smiled weakly and turned away, getting on the car.

"Oppa, airport please." I saw him nodded his head and drove toward the destination. I bowed to manager oppa for the one last time and walked into the airport, bought the ticket back to my hometown.

"Goodbye Seoul." I mumbled and walked toward my flight.



A/N: TADA~~ Hope you guys like it and please comment~~~XD

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Chapter 10: Me encanto el final
Chapter 4: Mira nomas
Yeonnie_24 #3
Chapter 10: After reading it again. I prepared myself for the upcoming diff ending but saw it wasn't there anymore so I'm like "oh my gosh author~ you changed it~"
mascott #4
Chapter 10: Oh my gee~ mixed emotions. I don't know if i'll cry, laugh, be angry or what. This story was one hell of a kind. Thanks author for this amazing story!
jasonds #5
Chapter 10: nice story author nim
sone_marg14 #6
Chapter 10: I wish snsd will 9 again the same in this story...
author your jjang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you make me cry :"(
It's a great story author..
Your story always make me cry a lot
Thank you for the story author
Chapter 10: I hate you Author! XD You make me cry hard enough! Your story is Daebakk! :)
Chapter 10: Awww such a happy ending!! LAWL Yuri all hyper again after the surgery haha