Yuri's condition


"Yuri is in the hospital right now." Andrew said calmly in the other side of the phone.

"WHAT?!" The seven girls shouted, Jessica was left stunned at such news.

"Quiet down girls. You girls are making me deaf!" Andrew scolded.

"Why she is in the hospital?" Sooyoung asked.

"When is it?" Followed by Taeyeon.

"How is she?" And Hyoyeon.

"Is that why she didn't contact us?" And Sunny.

"Why she didn't want to tell us?" Lastly Yoona.

"Oh gosh, stop it! You guys are making me dizzy. She's in the hospital because of her heart disease, and it was two weeks ago. She is fine, for now. She didn't want to worry you guys. Thats all. Gosh, you girls are quite a handful to me. I wonder how your manager take care of you." Andrew sighed.

"I mean her condition, Andrew. Why is she in the hospital? Did she fell? Someone punch her? Or she run?" Tiffany asked.

"Fany, treat your guest nicely. Don't be so rude." Taeyeon scolded Tiffany.

"It's alright. Well, she didn't fell nor being punch nor overwork nor running. Why don't you guys come here? Mary and I will explain to you and there's something you guys need to know although Yuri kept asking me to keep a secret."

"Okay. We will going there tomorrow morning." Taeyeon said and Andrew hung up.

"Jess, are you okay?" Tiffany asked her best friend who was still staring at them.

"T-tiff, Y-yuri is." Jessica began to cry.

"Shh, Yuri is going to be alright. We will going to find her tomorrow." Tiffany said while Taeyeon called their manager.

Of course she is going to be okay. Yuri is stronger than all of us." Sooyoung said.

"Manager said that he will help us to buy plane ticket. So all of you go pack your stuff right now." Taeyeon said after finishing her call with their manager.

"Yes, leader!" All of them quickly went to their room and packed their things, except Jessica. She was sitting on the couch and staring at the floor. Taeyeon noticed it and sat down beside her.

"Jess, stop being like this. Yuri will hate herself if she know you are in such state." Taeyeon said in a motherly tone.

"B-but, Y-yuri." Jessica's voice cracked as she thought about her husband.

"Shh, Yuri will be fine. Just like Soo said, Yuri is the strongest among all of us. There's no way that she will back down from this." Taeyeon gently rubbed Jessica's back.

"Really?" Jessica finally looked up and stared at Taeyeon with her red eyes.

"Yup. I bet she will be there smiling like an idiot and apologize when we reach there tomorrow." Taeyeon smiled dorkily.

"I guess you're right." Jessica began to smile too.

"Okay, go pack your things and had a sleep. Tomorrow lets go scold that Kkab." Taeyeon stood up. Jessica only nodded her head and went to her room.

The next day, the eight girls rushed to the airport and took the earliest flight. They reached Jeju Island around noon and the rushed to the hospital right away. There, they asked Yuri's room number and rushed to the room, only saw Andrew sitting outside of the room.

"Dude!" Sooyoung shouted but being smacked by Taeyeon.

'We're at the hospital, not shopping mall. So no shouting." Taeyeon glared at Sooyoung. Sooyoung only smiled sheepishly.

"Girls you all are here. Come, sit down here." Andrew asked the girls to sit on the bench while he standing, facing the girls.

"Where's Mary?" Sunny asked, wondering where was Andrew's fiance.

"She's inside, taking care of Yuri." Andrew sighed,

"What happened to Yuri?" Taeyeon asked immediately since she was worried about her friend.

"Well, you see Yuri is-"

"Andrew, go call for help now! Yuri is suffering again!" Mary cut Andrew off but opening the door and shouted. Andrew nodded his head and ran to find a doctor.

"Mary." Hyoyeon called out when she saw such worried Mary.

"Girls, you're here. Sorry, but just wait for awhile." Mary opened the door for the doctor when she saw Andrew ran toward her. The opened door let the girls had a good view of what happening inside. Yuri was lying inside, gripping the bed sheet as tight as possible and was having a hard time breathing. One of her hand were gripping at her shirt around the chest area and her expression had clearly shown she was suffering.

'Yuri!" Jessica wanted to run to her lover but being pulled back by Yoona.

"Sica unnie, calm down." Yoona said and forcefully pulled Jessica back to her seat.

"Yoona." Jessica began to cry.

"Look girls, Yuri is going to kill me when she know about this but I need to tell you girls about her condition."

"What happen to her?" Sooyoung asked.

"Well, it all started two weeks ago, when she backed from Seoul."


"Mary, did Yuri called you?" I asked when I was mopping the floor, preparing to open the shop. It was weird that Yuri was late for work. She never been late for work and normally she was the one who arrived the earliest.

"Nope. She even not accepting my call." I heard my fiance answered. I stopped mopping and stared at the floor. Somehow, I didn't like the sound of this.

"Mary, lets not open the shop today. Lets go to Yuri's apartment."

"Okay, wait, I need to take the spare keys that Yuri gave me." So, both of us went to Yuri's apartment.

"Yuri-ah! Its us! Andrew and Mary!" I knocked the door and shouted but there were no response.

"YURI-AH!! OPEN THE DOOR!" I bang the door but there still no response. Mary quickly took out the spare keys and opened the door.

"OMO! YURI! Dear, call ambulance!" Mary shouted since she went first. I walked in and saw Yuri was there, lying on the ground , clutching at her chest, her face showed pain and hurt. I quickly called the ambulance but as soon as I finished the call, Yuri collapsed.

"Yuri! Yuri hang on!" Mary lifted Yuri up and gently smacked her face. I kneeled down and put my finger under Yuri's nose, to see whether she was still breathing or not and thank god, she was still breathing but her breathing was slow.

"Yuri-ah, hang on. The help is here." I said while Mary continued to shake Yuri. At that moment, I was afraid that Yuri would just left us. I clenched my fists as I saw Yuri lying lifelessly in Mary's embrace. How could I not notice this earlier? Maybe things wouldn't go so bad if we came here earlier. I hated myself for this. Mary seemed to notice my weird behaviour. She caressed my cheek.

"Dear, its okay. Yuri will be fine." She said and I nodded. Soon, the help was here and they brought Yuri to the hospital. Mary and I were sitting on the bench, waiting for the doctor patiently. And so the light went off and a doctor walked out. Both of us stood up.

'Doctor, how is Yuri?"I asked, hoping that she would be fine.

"Aish, Ms.Kwon is getting weaker and her heart disease is getting worst. I never expect that it would become this stage in such a short time. She should has one more month for her."

"What do you mean?"

"Omo! Ms.Kwon didn't tell you guys about it? Two months ago, when Ms.Kwon was in this hospital, that time her condition had worsen. I told her about her condition and her maximum of living for three months if she didn't find any suitable heart donor. I had gave her a stronger type of medicine." The doctor explained.

"And you did mention the disease getting worse, right?" Mary asked.

"Yeah. I though there will still have one month time for us to find a suitable heart donor but for now, her condition is critical. She need to find one donor fast , better in this week. Ms.Kwon will be in a private room where we have a suitable facility for her. There's a possibility of her heart stop beating anytime so we need the best facilities to monitor her." The doctor explained and left us.

"Mary, how could this be happening?" I asked my fiance. She just sighed and shook her head.

"I don't know, Andrew. I really don't know." Mary's voice cracked.

"Lets go see that Kkab. We need to be strong beside her." I hold her hands and both of us walked to the room. We saw Yuri already sitting up and smiled at us.

"Hey guys. Sorry for let you guys worry." She smiled weakly.

"Yuri, your c-"

"I know my condition well, Mary. I know I don't have much time left." Yuri sighed.

"Do you want to tell them?" I asked and she shook her head.

"No, they need to focus on their career. I am fine by myself."

"We will take care of you." Mary said and Yuri shook her head.

"No, you guys need to go back to the cafe and work."


"I don't want my shop suffer any loss of customers." Yuri pouted.

"Okay." Mary sighed.

"I will leave the shop in your care. Andrew know the way of making drinks so there no problem." Yuri said and I shook my head.

"No! Mary and I will stay with you."

"But my shop." Yuri whined.

"Don't worry. I will let Jisoo and Kyuhyun in charge of it." I mentioned the two names of our friends who would constantly came and help us.

"Oh, okay. As long as my shop still open." Yuri nodded her head.

"Yuri-ah, why didn't you tell us?" Mary asked with tearsin her eyes.

"I don't want you guys to worry. But I guess I'm busted." Yuri chuckled. Aigoo, how this girl was still able to laugh?

"We're your friends. We need to know." Mary said and Yuri lowered her head.


"Its okay. You need to stay in the hospital and both of us will take care of you." I said.

"I know about this. I thought of not dying in the hospital but I guess I will have to anyway. Don't worry about the money. There's amount of money in my bank account that I save. Use those."

"Okay but Yuri, you're going to be okay."

"I know my condition very well, Andrew. I'm not going to survive from this. There's impossible to find a suitable heart donor for me in such a short time." Yuri sighed.

"We will pray for you. Every single day." I said but there was no response from her.

"Yuri, you sure you want to keep it from them?" Mary asked.

"Yes, just let them focus on their work." Yuri smiled. Mary and I looked at each other and sighed. From that day, Mary and I were staying by Yuri's side everyday, every hours, every minutes and every seconds. Yuri's heart attack was getting frequently and more painful for Yuri. Although Yuri still ate her medicine but the attack would still came after her. Sometime, thrice per day, sometime twice. Mary and I kept begged for the doctor to search for a suitale heart donor but everytime the result was the same.

"Mary, we need to tell them." I said.

"But Yuri is-"

"I don't care, Mary. They need to know this. Especially her." I said and looked at Yuri's face, who was sleeping.

"Okay. Go call them." Mary said and I walked out from the room. Searched for the name and dialed it.


"N-no way." Sunny said with Andrew sighed. The girls were just staring at Andrew and couldn't believe what had happened to their black pearl.

"Andrew, told me that you're just joking. Please!" Jessica stood up and grabbed Andrew's sleeves.

"I can't because its the truth. Just now Yuri's suffering from the attack again and the doctor said Yuri's heart is getting weaker day by day." Andrew said and looked away from Jessica.

"Guys. you all can come in now." Mary opened the door and said. The doctor left the room and sighed.

"I will try my best again." The doctor said and walked away. All girls walked in and saw Yuri lying on the bed, beeping sounds could be heard. Jessica walked and sat beside Yuri, holding the tanned girl's hand and put on her face.

"Yuri-ah, why didn't you tell me? I miss you so much." Jessica said and tears streaming down her face.

"Yuri?" Hyoyeon said when she saw Yuri opened her eyes.

"G-guys?" Yuri asked and wanted to sit up. Yoona quickly went to help her.

"Why are you all doing here?" Yuri asked again.

"Andrew told us and don't kill him. We force him to tell us." Taeyeon said and Yuri sighed. She saw Jessica was crying. She pulled Jessica into her embrace and wiped away the older girl's tears.

"Sorry. For letting you guys worry." Yuri lowered her head.

"Nonsense! We're your friend. We want to be worry for you!" Sooyoung shouted but being smacked by Taeyeon.

"Here is hospital, not shopping mall." Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

"Yuri, we worry about you. And we know what happen to you." Tiffany said.

"I guess you guys know I don't have much time left." Yuri smiled bitterly. She never wanted to let her friends knew about this.

"Seobang~, stop saying such thing. You will be alright." Jessica cupped Yuri's face.

"I want to be alright. But I can't. My fate didn't allow me to." Yuri said and caressed her wife's cheek.

"Yuri, there's still hope. Don't give up." Sunny said and wiped off her tears.

"Thanks Sunny." Yuri just smiled.

"We will be here for three days two nights. Jessica can stay with you." Hyoyeon said.

"Yes, let me take care of you. Mary and Andrew can rest and go take care of the shop." Jessica said confidently.

"As long as you are not cooking. I guess its alright." Yuri teased.

"Yah!" Jessica shot an icy glare to Yuri. Yuri only giggled.

"I guess we need to go now. Mary and I will go back to the shop." Andrew said.

"We need to unpack our stuff too. Jess, I will bring your luggage here so don't worry." Tiffany said. So all of them, excpet Jessica left the room.

"So now, its just two of us." Jessica said and Yuri nodded her head, hugging Jessica tightly.

"I miss you, Sica-baby. I miss you badly."

"Me too. I miss you too, seobang. You had no idea how worry I was for the past two weeks."

"I'm sorry but with my condition like this, I can't call you."

"If you promise me that you are going to be alright, then I forgive you."

"But I not sure about this."

"Promise?" Jessica arched her eyebrow and asked again.

"Okay. promise." Yuri sighed and did the pink promise with Jessica. Jessica smiled and leaned closer to Yuri.

"I was afraid you would left me again." Jessica said.

"Do you hear my heartbeat?" Yuri asked.

"Yes, of course your heart still beating." Jessica rolled her eyes.

"As long as my heart still beating, I won't left you." Yuri whispered in low and husky voice.

"Seobang, I will pray for you. So you must become tougher and stronger."

"I will, Sica baby. Anything for you." Yuri lifted Jessica's face and gave a quick peck on the older girl's lips. Well, Yuri wanted it to be a small and quick kiss but it turned out Jessica wanted more. Both of them engulfed in a hot and pasisonate kissing soon turn to be making out session, exploring each other mouth and enjoyed each other warmth that they missed for two weeks. They broke apart when they needed oxygen.

"Is this good for your heart?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know but I know its good for my mind." Yuri said and pulled Jessica back to her embrace,

"I am the happiest and luckiest person in this universe for having such goddess be my girlfriend." Yuri said and Jessica blushed.

"I am also the luckiest person for having such understanding seobang who willing to accept me although I treated her badly last year." Jessica snuggled closer to Yuri. Yuri just smiled.

"There's nothing could stop my love for you, Sica. Always remember that I love you." Yuri whispered into Jessica's ear. Jessica only nodded her head and enjoyed the moment together, with beeping sounds of the machine as their background music.


A/N: Another chap up...Hope you guys like it and sorry for the cliffhanger...I just like cliffhanger....XD please comment and subscribe...XD...

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Chapter 10: Me encanto el final
Chapter 4: Mira nomas
Yeonnie_24 #3
Chapter 10: After reading it again. I prepared myself for the upcoming diff ending but saw it wasn't there anymore so I'm like "oh my gosh author~ you changed it~"
mascott #4
Chapter 10: Oh my gee~ mixed emotions. I don't know if i'll cry, laugh, be angry or what. This story was one hell of a kind. Thanks author for this amazing story!
jasonds #5
Chapter 10: nice story author nim
sone_marg14 #6
Chapter 10: I wish snsd will 9 again the same in this story...
author your jjang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you make me cry :"(
It's a great story author..
Your story always make me cry a lot
Thank you for the story author
Chapter 10: I hate you Author! XD You make me cry hard enough! Your story is Daebakk! :)
Chapter 10: Awww such a happy ending!! LAWL Yuri all hyper again after the surgery haha