"I Just Can't Forgive You Anymore..."

lıllı ((((|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|)))) ıllı Because of You


I will not break the way you did
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way, to never let it get that far 

“Yoon Doojoon of Beast has officially resigned as the leader of the group. He was caught cheating on his 10 year girlfriend and also fiancé. Apparently he has always been cheating on her. Let’s go ask him for some clarifications! Doojoon-ssi, what does it feel like to cheat? Why did you cheat on your fiancé?”

The TV shut.

“I just can’t forgive you anymore…”

“Yeboseyo?” Hyejae said to the phone, her hands shaking.

Ever since the day Doojoon was caught with photos, cheating on her, the reporters have wanted to know the details and Hyejae’s phone bill was increasing every time she got a call.

“Hello, this is Reporter-“

Hyejae slammed down the phone and groaned in agony.

“Just leave me alone! I don’t want to be associated with him anymore! Anything about him I just don’t care!”

She threw a sofa cushion out into her living room.

She pulled in her legs and wrapped her arms around them. Suddenly, her apartment that was once too small for two people was suddenly too big…too empty.

“Why…why did you have to do this to me…? To yourself even…?”

Hyejae said as she put her head down into her arms.

Her phone rang.

She picked it up and looked at the ID: Doojoon oppa.

She threw her phone onto the floor and let it ring for a few more minutes and then stopping.

But then it rang again.

It rang, hung off, and rang again consistently for 10 times before it was finally quiet.

Hyejae smiled.

It was a sad and reproachful smile.

Whenever the two of them were in a fight and one of them were to make up, one of them would call each other ten times consistently, following the “ring then hang up then ring” again pattern.

To Hyejae, it always worked.

But this time, it was a different story.

“I just can’t forgive you anymore…”

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i'm crying because of someone too.. just like this story of yours.. T_T
because of you<br />
lol ^^
hahaha love this. its really good and sorta reminds me how i write except its much better of course XD its nice and keep writing! ^^
Oh! It's so sad~ <br />
Sorry for not commenting immediately but I love this story<br />
it's super interesting, nothing like what I have read before ^^<br />
Keep up the great work~ <3
awesome story (:
Nice chapter. Update soon ! ^^