"It Isn't My Fault..."

lıllı ((((|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|)))) ıllı Because of You


I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I Will not let myself cause my heart so much misery

Hyejae stared out the window as the rain hit the window pane, making a distinct yet unique drumming sound that was following and in sync with her slow heartbeat.

She peered out into the grey and foggy streets and smiled sadly to herself.

“It isn’t my fault…”




Hyejae looked at the surprised and angry Doojoon in the face, her own blotchy with her tears.

A figure ran past her, half undressed, her hair flowing behind her.

“You used my love…you made me wait for you uselessly while you were here…while you were here…”

Hyejae’s eyes brimmed with tears for the 100th time and Doojoon made a motion, trying to wipe her tears away and soothe her like what he would do every time she cried.

But things weren’t the same anymore.

She pushed him away and wiped away her own tears, refusing to let him get his own way.

“I knew this wasn’t going to work. From the moment you became an idol, I knew, I knew this was going to happen.”

Doojoon took a step forward and opened his mouth, to interject but Hyejae stopped him with a glare.

“I told myself every second of every hour of every day and every week that you would never do that to me. I told myself that you loved me more than anything and would never want to hurt me.”

Doojoon didn’t say anything this time, his chest bare and only a pair of sheets was covering the bottom part of his body.

“But, every time you called to say you were coming home late, I began to worry. ‘Was I wrong?’ ‘What if he really doesn’t love me anymore?’ But then, you would always come home with a smile on your face and I would tell myself that I’m thinking too much.”

Hyejae looked at Doojoon and then, finished,

“I knew this was going to happen…Let’s break up Doojoon. The engagement is off…”

Hyejae walked past Doojoon and prayed that he would grab her and tell her that he could explain that he still loved her.

He didn’t.

He didn’t even turn around.

Hyejae smiled ruefully to herself and, as a tear slipped out, she whispered,

“It isn’t my fault…”



A/N: the chapters are kinda short but I want them this way for suspense >< anyways, errmmm....i think i made this story kinda sad-ish enough to cry so....maybe you should get some tissues ready? i dont think this chapter was very bad but...if u ended up crying then...the other chapters are going to be worse >< anyways, hope this chapter was up to standards ^^

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i'm crying because of someone too.. just like this story of yours.. T_T
because of you<br />
lol ^^
hahaha love this. its really good and sorta reminds me how i write except its much better of course XD its nice and keep writing! ^^
Oh! It's so sad~ <br />
Sorry for not commenting immediately but I love this story<br />
it's super interesting, nothing like what I have read before ^^<br />
Keep up the great work~ <3
awesome story (:
Nice chapter. Update soon ! ^^