"I'm Not Lost."

lıllı ((((|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|)))) ıllı Because of You
I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out

Hyejae walked out into the cold and wet street that was so empty it hurt.
She didn’t bring an umbrella with her, thinking that it wouldn’t rain. She walked out into the rain and in less than a second, she was soaked, inside and out, top to bottom.
She didn’t have to rush anywhere.
Her job doesn’t start until 11 in the morning and it was only 7. 
By the time she got back to her apartment, it would be 10 minutes before 8. She could shower and then sleep for two hours before leaving for work.
A man suddenly appeared in front of her, he was tall, lean and well built. He was wearing a suit but Hyejae knew that he was wearing it just to seem business like.
His eyes gave out every clue and missing puzzle.
“Hey girl! I think you’re going the wrong way~ Want me to show you your way?” 
Hyejae looked up at him, gave him a cold smile and then said,
“I’m not lost.”

Hyejae sat on the couch with a bright smile on her face, her waist was occupied with a long and strong arm that looked like it was protecting her from harm.

She looked up at Doojoon who was staring intently at the screen and smiled, moving her head more towards him.

She felt him look down and she smiled, glad to have gotten his attention.

“Hyejae, do you think you’re going in the right direction?”

Hyejae looked up confused and saw Doojoon have a faraway look on his face.

“You’ve been with me for 9 years already, since you were 16…is this really what you want?”

Hyejae frowned, still not getting the question.

“Do you really want to marry me?”

Hyejae pulled away from Doojoon and felt his hand lack on his side.

“Oppa, what the hell are you talking about?!” She demanded.

Doojoon sighed.

“I always feel like you feel that you’re lost, that’s why you’re with me. You just want to figure out your own life and once you do, you’ll leave me.”

“Oppa! I won’t ever leave you!” Hyejae protested but Doojoon didn’t reply.

Hyejae suddenly noticed his eyes that were usually so insistent on focusing on the present. They were more focused on the future now.

“You want to break up with me.”

Doojoon swerved his head towards Hyejae and instantly denied it.

“Don’t think like that! I just want you to think about your path! What do you want to be?”

“I’ve majored in accounting.” Hyejae stubbornly replied, crossing her arms on her chest.

“I know, I know. I know that better than anyone! But look at you now, you’re always sitting at home, waiting for me, cooking meals. You’re only 25! You should be having fun with your friends but-“

“Oppa! You are my friend!” He smiled patiently at Hyejae and replied,

“But I’m your boyfriend. There’s a difference…”

Hyejae pouted.

“Just promise me you’ll think about this. Think about your future and don’t get lost!”

Doojoon patted Hyejae like a puppy and then hugged her.

“I’m not lost.”



A/N: thank you all for reading this fanfic ^^ i was supposed to make it sad enough to cry but i guess that isnt going to happen kekeke~! ill be updating slower from now on due to technical difficulties ^^ xxx

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i'm crying because of someone too.. just like this story of yours.. T_T
because of you<br />
lol ^^
hahaha love this. its really good and sorta reminds me how i write except its much better of course XD its nice and keep writing! ^^
Oh! It's so sad~ <br />
Sorry for not commenting immediately but I love this story<br />
it's super interesting, nothing like what I have read before ^^<br />
Keep up the great work~ <3
awesome story (:
Nice chapter. Update soon ! ^^