
My Sickly Disorder


I landed in the cemetery wearing nothing but a white dress. Gray clouds formed and soon light drops of rain came drizzling down. People dressed in black were weeping under a willow tree. I took a few strides towards them and saw a white casket slowly descending into the ground. Goose bumps arose from my skin, as the weather grew colder. Familiar faces were everywhere. I recognized my parents, some relatives, and the whole EXO.


“Hello?” I said from the back of the crowd. No one heard me. Was I too soft?


“Hello! Can someone tell me what’s going on?” No one responded. I reached out to grab the person in front of me, but my hand went through his body. I was invisible… a ghost you can say.


I moved through the crowd and into the center. My parents were grieving for some reason I did not know. I watched them and only then noticed that my mom was holding a picture frame. A relative of mine must’ve died… It was strange though; the crowd surrounded my mom and dad, leaving a gap in between. So it’s not a family member?


“No… no this can’t be.” Thoughts rushed into my head as it all started to make sense. I looked around hoping it wasn’t what I thought it was. I didn’t see myself in the crowd.


“No, no, no, no!” I screamed and shut my eyes.


“Oh, but it is” A familiar voice spoke out. I opened my eyes and, a-and…





I woke up in a lavender colored room. My room? I was laid on my bed, school uniform still on. I lay there staring at the ceiling. The images from my dreams were flashing in and out of my brain. My fingers curled as a specific person from my dream was seen.


She wore the same white dress, barefoot and all. She was I. A dead Hana. The funeral was mine. I was in the white coffin being buried under the earth. I was the reason why they were weeping. I die-


“Oh, you’re awake. Hana’s awake!” Kris yelled out the door. Loud footsteps grew nearer until the whole EXO were in front of my room. I motioned them to come in. Some settled themselves on the edge of my bed while others on the floor. I sat up and leaned myself against the wall.

“You fainted…” I looked at Sehun and he averted his eyes.


“Are you feeling any better?” I nodded to Lay.


“What happened?” “Are you sick?” “You look pale Hana noona” “Is something wrong with you?” “Why’d you faint?” Floods of comments came at me like a brick wall. The loudness gave me a headache. I opened my mouth but Kris interrupted me before I could say anything.


“That’s enough, Hana just woke up so take it easy.” I mouthed my thanks to Kris and he nodded. Silence filled the air. It was too quiet for me to handle.


“You guys can go back home, I’ll be fine.” I pushed the boys off my bed and urged the others to stand up.


“But your parents aren’t home.” “They’re at the store by the way.” Kai said after Tao. I looked out the window and the sun was setting.


“They’ll be back sooner or later, so go home” I made a shooing motion. They stood there with concerned expressions. I sighed. I grabbed my teddy bear and held it up.


“I won’t be lonely. I have Mr. Bear with me” I shook the teddy bear. They weren’t amused. I rolled my eyes and sighed for the second time.


“I’ll stay, so go home.” Kris said as he raised his hand.


“Bu-“ Luhan was cut off. “I live across the street so that means I can stay. You guys live further away so go home.” Kris leaned on the side of the door and ushered them to leave.


With uplifting comments and goodbye hugs the boys finally left with the exception of Kris.





The next chapter will just have Kris and Hana. I have it written but I will not release it till Monday or Tuesday. And theres like no fluff or what I consider fluff to be, in it. 

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Chapter 10: Awww man she really left! So i am guessing a sequel...?

I really enjoyed this!!!

Thank you!
Chapter 10: I feel this chapter should contain kris fluff, he might want to spend a day with her...if school is still in, then they may attend school together...

Mostly there should probably be some fluff for entertainment and awwwness since it has been a lot of turmoil...

Thank you and update when you can!!!
baekyeols #3
Chapter 9: I'm so glad she told them!
Your writing skills are daebak! xD
Chapter 9: Ok ok, i am sooo glad she told them!

Kris got jealous as the guys consoled her...haha...

I will keep the hope alive!

Chapter 8: Move in with kris!!!!

Ohhh man...

wintxry #6
Chapter 8: She heard! SHe heard him!!!!
Chapter 7: Feelings FEELINGS!!!

HE CONFESSED she heard him...

Dont calm down hana!!! Act up!!!

wintxry #8
Chapter 7: They need to be together! Please she needs some happiness in her life!
Chapter 6: Whoa . Your writing skills are awesome ! *thumbs up *
Chapter 6: Awwww! She needs kris right now...
