Final Goodbye

My Sickly Disorder


Last week… 3 days… Boxes were everywhere in my now empty home, or should I say old home since this’ll be my last week. White sheets were laid over the furniture I would leave behind. This really is it, huh? The emptiness was overwhelming; I mean, how could I just leave the place I’ve been calling “home” ever since I was a new born? Just like in those shows, I walk around reminiscing about the past. I don’t want to go… Do I really have to? My fingers dragged themselves against the walls as I did a little tour around the house. I’m going to miss you~ Tears came strolling down as more and more memories were remembered. I felt a presence following me but I kept on walking, ignoring it in the process.


“I really am moving, huh? I really am leaving all of this behind. I-I… Kris?” I stopped and turned around. I leaned against the wall and slowly sat myself on the floor. I hugged my knees and rested my head on them as Kris sat beside me.


“You know, I’m going to miss you.” Kris said in a hushed tone. “I know. I’m going to miss you, EXO, everyone really.” I sighed. I lifted my head from my knees and rested them on Kris’ shoulder. Kris nudged his shoulder but I really didn’t care.


“I don’t want to go…” I mumbled. Kris rested his head on top of mine. “I don’t want you to go, no one does, but reality .” “Yeah, it really does.” I agreed. Reality did .


We sat there in silence. A good type of silence where I could just stay like this, with Kris for a long period of time. Over the last couple of weeks, I was able to recognize the feelings I unknowingly held for Kris. I realized that it wasn’t just a friend kind of love but a love kind of love if that makes sense. If it weren’t for overhearing Kris’ little confession, I wouldn’t have realized until it was too late. I did not speak to Kris or anyone about this and I don’t intend on doing so. I don’t have that much time left but I’ll just let Kris take the initiative, as it has been seen in countless scenarios in which the man/woman is going away and the love interest finally confesses. Right now, I just want to spend my time with Kris without all those romantic crap.


“3 days… 3 days…” Kris mumbled. “There’s something that I’ve been meaning to tell you…” Could this be it? Will he officially confess? I stayed still.


“I like you, Hana.” I slightly nodded. “I know and I like you too, Kris.” I said nonchalantly. “I don’t think you understand. I really, really like you, as in not just friends.” “I knew what you meant Kris, and I sort of, feel the same.” I shrugged.


“How?” I knew what Kris meant but I decided to play dumb. “How what?” I pushed my head up, lifting Kris’ in the process, and rested them on my knees. Kris rolled his eyes. “Don’t play dumb with me.” Oh darn. I shifted my gaze to Kris. “Someone told me.”

“Who?” Kris raised an eyebrow. “I’m looking at him right now.” Kris was confused. I shook my head. “I heard you one day. I remember what you said, ‘I really, really like you.’ I was in shock when I found out. I figured that you would eventually confess, so I kept quiet and continued as if nothing happened.” Kris was silent by the time I finished. “Oh, okay.” Those were the only things Kris uttered before we were in engulfed in silence once again.






I held my breath. Here goes nothing. I scooted closer to Hana and then put my arm around her shoulder, bringing our bodies closer together. Hana let out a little gasp but soon made herself comfortable by resting her head on my shoulder. So far, so good.


Time passed with no words spoken. I grew bored and started poking Hana’s right cheek. She slapped my hand away, but that didn’t stop me from poking her sides. I chuckled as I watched Hana wiggle under my hold after being poked numerous times on the sides. I was about to poke her again until she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.


“Well that’s one way to stop me… but I do have another hand.” I started poking Hana’s right cheek with my free hand. “Kris…” I continued to poke her cheek. “What?” “Can you stop with all the poking?” Hana said in an exasperated tone. I shook my head. “I’m afraid I can’t.”


Hana slightly lifted her head to look at me with those pleading eyes. My body acted on its own and in a blink of an eye, my lips met hers. I was quite shocked and so pulled back just about a couple of inches. Hana looked at me, clearly surprised about the brief contact. I looked away as blood rushed through my head causing me to blush furiously. Calm down, calm down. I breathed in and out to steady myself. After regaining composure I turned my attention to the now snickering Hana. I felt a bit hurt, embarrassed that she was laughing at me. I cleared my throat, Hana stopped and looked at me. Our eyes locked, I leaned in and soon our lips met for the second time.






What does this make us? Friends? Friends with benefits? Or something more…


 “Are we going to continue our relationship as friends, Hana?” Kris asked, it was as if he had the ability to read my mind. I shrugged. “I don’t know. What do you want us to be?” I looked at Kris. “I want us to be something more than just friends…” Kris took hold of my hand before continuing. “I want us to be a couple.” He looked at me with sincerity in his eyes. I frowned at the thought of a long-distance relationship. “I know you’re moving but do you think we can make it work?” His words were dipped in hope. Can we make it work? “Yeah, I think we can…”






Last day… an hour left… We, as in EXO and I, stood outside of the airport.


“I’m going to miss you guys so much…” I wiped away a strand tear with my thumb and gave them a heartwarming smile. My smile started to falter, tears stung my eyes as I kept them from falling. I tilted my head to prevent them from streaming down whilst using my hands to fan my eyes. “We’re going to miss you too~” They chorused. That one statement caused all the held in tears to finally drop.


“Don’t cry or else we’re going to cry.” Suho handed me a tissue. “I’m not crying… and thanks for the tissue.” I held the tissue in front of my face to prevent them from seeing me cry any further. “Don’t listen to Suho, I read that crying can relieve stress. Google it.” Lay stated. We all gave him a strange look. “What? It’s true and it also is supposedly good for your health. Just Google it, I’m not telling you guys anything else…” Lay pouted and crossed his arms over his chest.


“I have to go now…” The mood darkened. I opened my arms for hugs. One by one, they hugged me as tight as they could as they said their farewells. “I’m going to miss you the most out of everyone here.” Kris said, swaying me left and right. “I’m going to miss you too.” Our lips met.






“Bye~” I walked backwards into the airport while I gave my farewell to EXO. “Bye!” They shouted whilst waving their hands.


Goodbye and farewell…





And that marks the end of My Sickly Disorder. I'm finally done after a week and a half, so yeah... 

Check out my other stories 

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Chapter 10: Awww man she really left! So i am guessing a sequel...?

I really enjoyed this!!!

Thank you!
Chapter 10: I feel this chapter should contain kris fluff, he might want to spend a day with her...if school is still in, then they may attend school together...

Mostly there should probably be some fluff for entertainment and awwwness since it has been a lot of turmoil...

Thank you and update when you can!!!
baekyeols #3
Chapter 9: I'm so glad she told them!
Your writing skills are daebak! xD
Chapter 9: Ok ok, i am sooo glad she told them!

Kris got jealous as the guys consoled her...haha...

I will keep the hope alive!

Chapter 8: Move in with kris!!!!

Ohhh man...

wintxry #6
Chapter 8: She heard! SHe heard him!!!!
Chapter 7: Feelings FEELINGS!!!

HE CONFESSED she heard him...

Dont calm down hana!!! Act up!!!

wintxry #8
Chapter 7: They need to be together! Please she needs some happiness in her life!
Chapter 6: Whoa . Your writing skills are awesome ! *thumbs up *
Chapter 6: Awwww! She needs kris right now...
