
My Sickly Disorder


I sat there absentmindedly. My stomach was growling for food but I didn’t have the will to eat. After minutes of long thought, I wrapped my breakfast and put it into my school bag. Although I wasn’t going to eat it I knew a pack of hungry boys who would. I rushed upstairs to my bedroom to put on my uniform. I was already tired by the time I arrived.


“Kris is here!” My mom yelled from the kitchen.


Kris lived in the house across of mine, so we would always walk to school together. I took one last look in the mirror and was unpleased. I was pale or paler than usual. Dark circles formed around my eyes, probably from the lack of sleep. My dark eyes were dull; they had no shine to them. Arms and legs were stick thin. I looked away as tears started to form. Seeing myself in this condition I’ve put my body under pained me. I was always aware yet I couldn’t stop.


“Hurry!” I jumped at the sudden shout. Kris was impatient as always. I slapped my cheeks to add a tint of color to my pale complexion. With one last look I went down.





I was exhausted by the time we arrived. I was unfit, unhealthy, underweight. I’ve neglected my body. I looked dead. As we grew nearer and nearer to the rest of EXO, my vision started to blur. My pace slowed down, as I couldn’t walk straight. I staggered and leaned in to Kris for support. It was getting hard to breathe through my nose. I started to gasp for air. We stopped in our tracks as my grip on his arm tightened. Kris was flustered. His heart began to race.


“I think we should go to the nurses office” Kris held me by the waist to support my fragile body from falling. I shook my head furiously. I didn’t want anyone to find out.


“Bu-“ I shook my head against the front of his shirt. Kris knew about my disorder, he was the only one that knew.


Seeing as to how I wouldn’t give in, Kris sighed and led us to an empty bench. I laid my head on my lap, hair covering my face. My foot began to tap uncontrollably. I sat up straight, head bent downwards to hide my face. I gripped onto the edges of my skirt as tears began to fall. Kris placed his hand on my shaking leg to stop it. I rested my elbows on my lap and submerged my face into the palms of my hands.


“When are you going to stop?” Kris rubbed my back. I didn’t answer for he knew already.


I was walking down the hall after I excused myself from class. I felt a wee bit better than this morning. Should I go home? I leaned against a pillar contemplating if I should leave or carry on with school. Shivers ran down my spine as a hand latched itself onto my shoulder. I turned around to see Chanyeol with his big grin that he always wore.


“You don’t look too good… Are you sick Hana?” His big grin turned into a small frown as he scanned my face. I placed my hand on top of Chanyeols and smiled to assure him that I was fine, but he didn’t seem to believe it.


“We can go to the nurses office” I shook my head.


“It’s fine, I’m just feeling a bit dizzy right now.” Chanyeol sighed.


“Come on” I turned Chanyeol around, his back facing me. “Go back to class.” I pushed him but he didn’t budge. “You have to go back…” This time I leaned myself against his back and started to walk forward. Chanyeol resisted at first, but he soon gave in, dragging his feet as I pushed him forward.


Chanyeol stopped and turned around. “Bu-“ I slightly pushed Chanyeol to keep him moving. “I said I’m fine. Now go!” I pushed him harder this time causing him to stumble back. He groaned and slowly walked away in defeat.


I stumbled back as a wave of pain went through my head. I held onto a pillar, as my knees grew weak. My vision started to blur and then it all went dark.

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Chapter 10: Awww man she really left! So i am guessing a sequel...?

I really enjoyed this!!!

Thank you!
Chapter 10: I feel this chapter should contain kris fluff, he might want to spend a day with her...if school is still in, then they may attend school together...

Mostly there should probably be some fluff for entertainment and awwwness since it has been a lot of turmoil...

Thank you and update when you can!!!
baekyeols #3
Chapter 9: I'm so glad she told them!
Your writing skills are daebak! xD
Chapter 9: Ok ok, i am sooo glad she told them!

Kris got jealous as the guys consoled her...haha...

I will keep the hope alive!

Chapter 8: Move in with kris!!!!

Ohhh man...

wintxry #6
Chapter 8: She heard! SHe heard him!!!!
Chapter 7: Feelings FEELINGS!!!

HE CONFESSED she heard him...

Dont calm down hana!!! Act up!!!

wintxry #8
Chapter 7: They need to be together! Please she needs some happiness in her life!
Chapter 6: Whoa . Your writing skills are awesome ! *thumbs up *
Chapter 6: Awwww! She needs kris right now...
