First Meeting

How the Day Met the Night

Two weeks later.



-It's today, right?

-Yah, it is.

-How it went?

-I don't know, I'm going there right now.


Zhou Mi was trying to lock his door, his cellphone against his ear, a bag hanging on his shoulder. He finally locked the door and walked toward the elevator, Henry still on the phone.


-You better tell me if she's cute, man!

-I will. I have to go in the subway, so I'll call you later.

-Wait! If you find yourself in trouble -

-I'll call you, I know. You start to sound like my mother. Coming from a younger guy, it's plain weird.

-Hey! You need someone to take care of you, or else you are going to kill yourself with work! Plus, not my fault if I skipped a year!...Well yah, it is, but hey! I'm a genius!

-I'll call you later. Good luck for your concert...or should I say '' for your concert''.

-Thanks. Have a good lunch with that mysterious Lady of yours.


Henry hung up. Zhou Mi was entering the subway, hurrying. He wasn't late, but he really didn't want to be. With those public transport, there was always a chance to be late, and since his cellphone wasn't able to have signal underground, texting LadyDal to tell her anything was completely pointless. He had the adress in his pocket, his cellphone in his hand to have the time, and was looking at the stations every minute, well, at every stop. He got out at the right station, went for the exit and searched for the streets names. He was living in Montreal for some years now, but since he wasn't socialising much, he wasn't going in that part of the metropolis at all. He knew the areas around his old schools and his university, not that much more. The fact that LadyDal was living in the same town and never met was so possible it was almost ironic.


He walked maybe five minutes before seeing the café LadyDal talked about...wrote about, actually. It was a small café, with small tables in front where clients were able to drink some coffee and eat sandwichs or pastries. It was a known café, spreading around in town. There was actually one next to his university, and it was a really good quality café, a good place to hang out. He went a few times.


He had said to LadyDal he would wear a red scarf, which was a little awkward since it wasn't that cold outside, but it was a good way for her to know who he was, since they never saw each other's face. He entered in the café and searched quickly around, looking at the girls. None seemed to be looking at him, all being to busy studying or talking to their friends by cellphone or in person. He went to the counter and asked for a coffee, smiling softly. The woman smiled back, slightly blushing, prepared his command and gave it to him. Zhou Mi then decided to go sit outside.


He waited maybe ten minutes before an hand touched his shoulder, making him turn. He thought it would be a girl, but no, it was a man, a smirk on his face.





The man seemed to be younger than him, two years, maybe three years maximum. He walked around the table and sat in front of the chinese man who was trying to found his words to tell him he was waiting for someone. The younger man was asian, his short dark hair moving softly because of the little wind. Zhou Mi finally said something, a little lost :


-I'm...waiting for someone.

-LadyDal, right?

-How did you...

-So you must be KingTàyáng!


-Nice to meet you! I'm Kyuhyun Cho!

-Wait...No...You are LadyDal or are you playing a trick on me?


The man, Kyuhyun, stared at him and started to laugh. He was almost cut in two how much he was laughing, wiping his eyes from tears of joy. The older man only stared at him, feeling laugh at, which wasn't a pleasant feeling.


-If you are going to laugh at me, I'm leaving.


He only put his hand on the table, only to help him get up, since he had to take his bag from the floor when Kyuhyun grabbed his wrist, his laugher suddenly stopping.


-I'm sorry! Please don't go, I'm really sorry. I'll explain everthing.


Zhou Mi stared at him. He was really his type, he had to say. His puppy eyes were enough to make him sigh and sit back. The maknae sighed, probably relieved, let go of his wrist and placed his hands on his thighs.


-I'm LadyDal. When I first started to play, I created a girl character to fool around with guys, since some doesn't seem to realise it is only a videogames with pixels. It was just to play around.

-Prouve it.



He lift his head, looking at the university student with a confused look.


-Prouve that you are LadyDal.


-Because if you really lied about your gender, you must have lied for other things too.


Kyuhyun's eyes were sad, but he nodded, since he understood he should have said something, since Zhou Mi had never show any interest in that fake character other than to play the game. The younger man thought a moment for a significant moment only Zhou Mi would know what he was talking about.


-I know, he said, smiling. You told LadyDal, well me, that you were always cooking your food the week-end so you wouldn't have to worry about it for the week.


Zhou Mi didn't have any reaction, which made Kyuhyun a little worried it wasn't enough. That lack of reaction wasn't because he still didn't believed him, it was more because he had to believe him, since only Henry and LadyDal knew such a small detail of his life. He nodded softly.


-I actually thought for a moment you were playing a trick on me, said Mi.

-So you believe me now?


-Mad I am not a girl?

-Not really. I just never thought someone would change their gender, even on internet. Better that than some psycho girl, I guess...


He smiled Kyuhyun imitated him.


-I'm Zhou Mi, by the way, nice to meet you.

-You're Chinese?


-How is it going at school? You didn't really connect for two weeks.


Zhou Mi started to talk about his life in university, saying he was twenty years old, living in the dorms and working a lot, thing that Kyuhyun already knew. Though he wasn't really secretive with this part of his life, he never talked before about it to someone he just met in person. Not his age or his studies, but the more personnal mini adventures in his room or his few friends.


-He really played while you were eating?

-With the candles lit and all, it was only to practice him to play in a restaurant since he was trying out this kind of job, said Zhou Mi, laughing. I was laughing so much he stopped and asked me to calm down, adding I wasn't helping!


Kyuhyun placed his hand against his mouth, laughing a little to loudly. They calmed down before Zhou Mi talked again.


-What about you, Kui Xian?

-It's Kyuhyun.


-Kyu. Hyun.

-Sorry...I have troubles with some words, I'm not totally familiar with english too, so...

-You speak mandarin?

-Yah, but enough about me, I know almost nothing about you.

-I'm not that interesting...


He smiled softly. It made Zhou Mi blush a little, without him knowing why. Maybe was it because Kyuhyun smile was so charming, his long finger next to his beautiful lips, since he was holding his head with his hand. The younger man's cellphone suddenly rang, making both of them jump of surprise. He quickly looked who was calling and lift his eyes, looking at Zhou Mi with a sad look.


-I should take that call.

-It's okay. I'll wait.


Kyuhyun stood up and walked away, answering the call. Zhou Mi watched him a moment, suddenly looking away when he realised he was mostly looking at his . Why did he need to wear such perfect pants, molding his perfectly round in such a delicious way... The chinese man hid his eyes. He didn't had any relationship with men for over a year, that would explain why he was thinking this way.


His own cellphone rang. Zhou Mi didn't even need to look who was calling, he could guess it right away.


-Is she hot?

-I told you I would call you after the meeting, Henry.

-It's been three hours, man. I never saw you or heard you said you talked that long with a girl. So, is she hot?

-Just my type.

-How can she be your type, you're gay!

-Exactly my point.


There was a moment of silence.


-She's a transgender?!


Zhou Mi stared in front of him. He could see Kyuhyun talk with more emotion, his back facing him. Kyuhyun closed his cellphone, breathing deeply and turned around. All he could see was Zhou Mi with his hand against his face with almost a cloud of depression up his head. He was talking to the phone, answering with a discouraged look. He walked back to the table, hearing the end of the conversation. He was able to hear Zhou Mi's friend answer, since the volume was quite high.


-I'm not even going to answer this. I'll call you later, like I said I would do...

-Better not forget, man! I just got the number of that cute girl and...

-Yah, yah, just go already, I'm in the middle of something. See you later.



He hung up and smiled.


-Sorry, I didn't think he would call me now, said Zhou Mi.

-Is it your friend, the musician?

-Yah, and you? What's going on, you don't look like your okay...

-Oh, nothing, just my ex-boyfriend...



It took a few seconds for Zhou Mi to analyse what he meant. Kyuhyun Seriously? He thought the ex-boyfriend thing was also in his act of being a girl online. He nodded.


-That's not nothing, Kui Xian. Do you want to talk about it?

-Maybe next time. I have to go, sorry.

-Don't worry. I'll leave you my number. If you want to talk about it, just give me a call.


He wrote down his number on a napkin, since it was the only paper avalaible, gave it to Kyuhyun and smiled.


-Call me anytime, he added.


-Yah, really!

-Thank you.


They both stood up, shook hands and promised they would meet again, maybe before Zhou Mi had to start again. They walked in their own directions, thinking about the day they just had.


Next time, he would listen to Kyuhyun and know more about him. It would be nice to be closer to him.





I don't have time to write, I'm lucky I wrote so much already >w<

So....I'm off doing homework and finish off my friend's birthday present~


Let's hope I will have time to write some more, I'm just getting in the ty parts~

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gami-pami #1
Chapter 24: It was a great story !
It could have been great if you had developped the "in game relationship" between them a little more
I thought the fix was going to be a bit more about that :')
I enjoyed it nonetheless !
Chapter 24: I finished it! I loved how they met through the game, and I really thought you did a great job developing their relationship until they got together. It might have been just me, but there wasn't enough drama when Heechul came back for Zhou Mi. But I'm a er for angst soooo....overall I enjoyed this story :) good job!
Chapter 4: I've read through chapter 3! I really like your plot idea, so I'm going to keep reading. Your writing is pretty good, though you have a lot of spelling errors and some minor grammar mistakes, but it's not so bad that I can't read it (if you got a native-speaker beta this would be solved). So all-in-all, I am looking forward to more of this story!
narasama #4
Chapter 24: It was beautiful and i gotta say, you have some skill in writing dirty stuff!
Chapter 24: tewj gdfs;jfhkdlj tgeudfoufjldlriofuiworefdsjlshkefj;dhpt'ewiotaeouers

YOU PUT BEE IN YOUR FIC VAL!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ flidjfos;d'

Perfect ending. I love you. You're so talented. Please share.. s
fsodfjweao xD <3
Chapter 23: * needs to be plural! xD hehehe
hjf slkdjfioutiewojslfjslkjfk !!!!!!! Writing a philosphy paper and reading QMi = no bueno xD hehehe BUT I REGRET NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHAT???!!! END???!! END????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TT___TT Umma doesn't want all this fluffiness to end TT__TT
Chapter 22: *correction: stick his tongue out at Heechul Val! xD

f sdlkfjlsdkjkfdsj xD <3
Chapter 21: Shisus Val ~~~~~~~~. Why Heechul though?
Chapter 19: s dklfjskldfjklsjrfl! Y U HAVE SUCH GOOD IDEAS VAL???!!! TT__TT You make me so jealous... TT__TT