Who wrote Youngjae babo!?

Siblings at War || APPLY CLOSED


credit for the poster goes to Holly_Beth's Poster Request Shop.

“HA-HA-HA” Youngjae exaggerated his laugh as he handed the iPad back to Jiwon, “I beat you again” he poked his tongue at her and leaned back in his seat. “That’s not fair, you used the easy combo card” Jiwon scolded Youngjae as he closed his eyes resting for the day, she push start and began her revenge to beat Youngjae’s high score.

“When are we going to be home” Himchan groaned his eyelids hanging loosely over his eyes, “stop complaining, we are nearly there” Suk Goo said becoming slightly frustrated with how slow the bus driver was going.

It was raining heavily outside and all the windows had fogged up making it hard to see out them, the window wipers helped but not very much.

“We won’t crash will we” Minam asked Chunhel gripping onto her blanket tightly, Chunhel calmly sighed “No, we won’t crash” she hopped.

The bus fell silent as someone’s ringtone to SNSD’s ‘Gee’ started playing, they all looked around and their eyes gazed at an embarrassed Suk Goo who quickly removed his phone from his pocket and answered the call.

“Hello” he asked, they all began chatting away as he turned his back and moved to the very front seat next to the bus driver and doors, he held the phone closer to his mouth,

“Look I don’t know who you think you are but you have no right—“ he was cut off from the person on the other line they began to yell, Suk Goo looked over his shoulder quickly and noticed he was gaining attention from the others,

“Look they are just siblings for the show and don’t think anything else, if you have any problems please contact me and only me or things will get out of hand—“ he was cut off by their yelling again,

“YA” Suk Goo yelled, the bus went silent and so did the man on the other line, Suk Goo looked over his shoulder and nodded as if saying ‘everything is okay’.

“You have no right to make those accusations, I will arrange a meeting and we will discuss this like men—“Suk Goo whispered, he took in a deep breath and exhaled

“Goodbye” he ended the call and ran his fingers through his hair. “We’re here” the bus driver pulled up a long driveway and parked the bus outside the front door.

“Finally” Himchan sighed, “Get lots of rest tonight, tomorrow you will continue with more activities” Suk Goo got off the bus first and went into the house, he all the lights and the heat pumps and helped the girls bring in some of their bags,

“Hyung, what was that call about” Yongguk asked as he helped the girls as well, Suk Goo looked around to see if anyone was around before leaning in closely to Yongguk. “It was one of the girls guardians, they have been watching the show and think that they are in a relationship with one of you guys” Suk Goo kept his voice low, Yongguk was shocked by what he told him he couldn’t think of any of the girls dating the guys.

“Do you want me to keep an eye out” Yongguk asked, Suk Goo gave him a funny look then exhaled, “Sure, just make sure there isn’t a lot of skin ship between siblings and even non-siblings. We need to be more careful or the public may make up random assumptions” Yongguk understood the plan and went into his room.

He stood there frozen in the door way, after the conversation he just had with their manager he could believe his eyes. Minam and Jiwon were playing with Youngjae’s hair and face; they had tied his bangs back and were poking his chubby cheeks whilst giggling. “YA” Yongguk yelled unconsciously, the three of them stopped laughing and stared at the star struck pabo standing frozen,

“What? Are you jealous?” Minam laughed, Yongguk shook his head “Go to sleep, we have an early start” he cleared his throat and turned off the lights; Minam and Jiwon shrugged their shoulders thinking he was just grumpy and went to their own beds. Youngjae left his bangs tied back and turned off his lamp as did the others.

“Who do you think hyung was talking to on the bus” Zelo asked Daehyun, “I heard it was someone’s parent” Nana wiggled her eyebrows with a mischievous smile spread across her face. “So what” Daehyun shrugged,

“So, someone’s parent must be having problems with the show if they called your manager” Chunhel said as if pointing out the complete obvious. “What would they have wrong with the show” Zelo asked confused, “Well they may not like the fact we are sleeping under the same roof, or they may think there are suspicions of a relationship forming- who knows” Chunhel shrugged, she her back and stared up at the roof,

“Well I guess we will have to wait and see until the morning” Daehyun exhaled loudly, and turned off the lamps as if it was his nice way of saying ‘shut up and go to sleep’. “Good night everyone” Zelo whispered before putting his head phones on and turning his music on.

“Hyung you’re finally up” Jong Up laughed as Yongguk walked into the kitchen, everyone was sat around the table eating breakfast,

“Where’s Minam” Yongguk looked around the table and noticed she wasn’t the only one missing, Doo Joon half smiled and gestured his head to the open sliding doors to the deck out the back where Daehyun, Zelo, Minam and Chunhel were all having a conversation.

Yongguk looked at how close Minam was to Zelo and his palms became sweaty, he was worried that some of the guys were beginning to get feelings for the girls seeming they hadn’t lived with them before.

“Why are they out there” Yongguk grabbed himself a bowl and filled it with cereal “They said they are just discussing something” Nana shrugged while finishing off her breakfast. Yongguk nodded but kept an eye on their actions, after what his manager told him last night he began very anxious.

“To be completely honest I think we are the four best pranksters in the house” Chunhel said as she took another bite from her apple, the others agreed while eating their breakfast as well, “We should organise a prank day and the last girl and boy left un pranked will become the prank king and queen” Daehyun suggested,

“Definitely” Minam smiled rubbing her hands together ‘evilly’ thinking of all the pranks she could do.

“But we have to have boundaries, so no one goes too far and gets someone else hurt” Zelo pitched in, they all agreed. “We will get permission and start soon” Daehyun said, Minam scoffed “Why do we need permission, it will be just as much fun if none of the writers knew” the three thought about it but weren’t too sure.

“We can tell Suk Goo-ssi and ask him to get us some supplies and then we will just crash some other plans for the day” Minam shrugged “If we get in trouble I’ll take the blame” the others exchanged some looks for a while and then agreed with Minam’s idea. They all thought of who their first victim would be.

Zelo: “Himchan Hyung

Daehyun: “Youngjae

Minam: “Himchan *laughs evilly*”

Chunhel: “Daehyun oppa

“Teams Bimbap and Kimchi, since you were the winners for the last game Hong-ssi has arranged a prize for you all, please get dressed into comfortable clothes and make your way onto the bus, thank you” The two teams cleaned up their dishes and changed and left the house, leaving Teams Ramyeon and Galbi sitting in the lounge.

“Where do you think they’re going” Yoseob said,

“Fishing” Jaemi shrugged,

everyone went quiet and stared at her like ‘dafuq’.

She looked at them innocently and shrugged “What- do I have something on my face” she asked wiping around area, “Fishing” Doojoon asked, “I just said the first thing that came to my mind” she shrugged again,

“But- it’s winter all the—you know what forget it” Eunji said not wanting to even go there, everyone exhaled with boredom and lazed around for a little while.

“What are you doing” Suk Goo asked as he walked into the room and saw all of them spread across the floor, “Ya, get up people don’t want to just watch you all lay on the ground” he sighed, none of them moved from their spot. “So you are all just going to lay here until the others get back” there were a few moans and groans replacing a simple ‘Yes’.

“Fine” Suk Goo gave up and went back to the kitchen.


“Annyeong Haseyo” the two teams entered the building greeting all the workers,

“Please look after us” they bowed again as the workers showed them to the main room. “This is where you will all start off” the main instructor pushed open the two large doors revealing a massive rock climbing arena on one side of the wall and on the other half of the room was a go karting track. “Woah” Jiwon said taking pictures of the room,

“Over here are your harnesses, please take one if you need help just ask one of our helpers for today and they will adjust it to make it fit” they done as they were told and quickly fixed their harness, they then grabbed a helmet each and clipped it on tightly. “So, who wants to go first” the instructor looked at each and every person, they all avoided his eye contact.

“How about you” the instructor touched Jiwon’s arm seeming she was closest to him, she looked up and gulped “It’s okay I’ll be holding onto this rope so you won’t fall” he reassured her, Jiwon bit on her lip and then stepped forward. The others cheered her on as the guy strapped her up to the rope and made sure everything was done right.

“You’re good to go, start whenever you want” he said, Jiwon faced the wall and looked up, she took another step forward and put her foot on the first ‘rock’ and reached up to grab the next one. “Go Jiwon unnie” Minam cheered as Jiwon got higher and higher up the wall, she was getting to the point where she had to move across the wall to get to the more advance stuff.

“Remember, I move with you” the instructor told her. “Do you want to get a few of these other ones up” he asked some of his other helpers. Yongguk went with one of the female helpers while Chunhel went with the other female instructor.

“Are you sure you can keep him up” Minam asked the lady helping Yongguk, “You seem a lot smaller than he is” she pointed out their height difference and she wasn’t that strong looking. “Are you calling me fat” Yongguk asked, Minam looked from him to the instructor and giggled, then walked off with no answer.

Yongguk looked down at the girl who was clipping the rope to his harness; he felt embarrassed but didn’t want the others to see it. “Look at his muscles” Minam nudged Nana and pointed to the instructor that was still holding up Jiwon, the two watched as his muscles tensed whenever Jiwon would slip, Youngjae, Daehyun and Zelo looked from them to the instructor not knowing what they were even talking about.

“Jong Up has bigger muscles than him” Youngjae rolled his eyes, “Really” Nana asked, “I’ve never really noticed” she shrugged, they were too busy staring they didn’t notice Jiwon was down.

“Yay” Minam said giving her a hug for getting so far. “I’ll go next” Nana said winking at Minam, she skipped over to the instructor and he fixed up her harness and she started climbing straight away.

-Back home-

“Okay get up I’m giving you a task” Suk Goo said sternly, they all groaned and sat up and shuffled into a half circle facing him.

“Since you are all bored I am giving you the task of making banners and posters to hold up when B.A.P and BEAST perform at SBS Gaeyo Daejun. Here is some paper and cardboard and everything you need, get started”

Suk Goo threw the stuff on the ground in front of them and surprisingly enough they all got right into it.  


“Game on” Zelo yelled, as him, Minam, Yongguk and Chunhel were lined up in their go karts on the starting line. “Don’t cry too much when I beat you” Chunhel winked at Yongguk, he rolled his eyes started his engine

“I don’t count on it” he chuckled, the green light with a loud beep echoing through the whole area and they all speed off bumping into each other every once in a while. “So do you have a girlfriend” Nana asked the instructor, he looked at her confused and smiled but before he could answer Jiwon moved Nana away from him

“Ya what are you doing” Nana exclaimed “Stop hitting on him, can’t you see the wedding ring on his finger” Nana looked back and noticed the ring, “Aish” she groaned feeling embarrassed she asked him that question.

“Want to know something even funnier” Youngjae butted in, “That’s his wife over there” he gestured his head behind him where the helper from earlier on stood, Nana scrunched up her face and felt even more embarrassed.

“Apparently lots of girls hit on him though so she is used to it” Youngjae added in, it didn’t make Nana feel any better though. “I won” Minam yelled as she stepped out of her kart, the other clapped for her and she got a small trophy. “Come on it’s our turn” Youngjae said patting Jiwon on the back.


“Who’s going to be holding that poster up” Jaemi asked Doojoon as she watched him make an ‘I love Doojoon’ poster. “You” he simply smiled, she laughed and then realised what he said

“Wait- what! Me?” she almost choked, “Of course” he rolled his eyes. Jaemi scrunched up her face and began making a poster for B.A.P. “Oppa is this sign good?” Jikyung asked Himchan while holding up her banner.

“B.A.P hwaiting” Himchan shook his head, “It should say, Himchan is the best” he chuckled; Jikyung shook her head and bonked him on the head with her banner. “Look I made this one for Chunhel” Jong Up said holding up his sign saying

“I love my Busan Twin” they all cracked a laugh. Mine says “Go! Go! Dancing Machine” Eunji smiled, Jong Up smiled happily and shook his shoulders making everyone laugh.

“Let’s make a Youngjae babo one” Himchan laughed evilly while beginning on a new poster.


“Annyeong” the two teams returned from their day out, they walked into the kitchen where they heard chatting and saw the others sitting around the table playing games.

“Oh you’re back” Yoseob said, Minam ran and showed them all her new trophy she won as did Daehyun who won the race and Jiwon got the best climber award. “Woah is it real” Himchan asked, Minam shrugged and noticed black cardboard on the table.

“What’s that?” she jumped over the back of the chair and sat down between Himchan and Jong Up. “We made banners and posters” Jaemi answered, “What for” Daehyun asked, “So we can hold them up while you guys perform on stage at SBS Gaeyo Daejun” Hyomin smiled, “On one side there is a sign for B.A.P and on the other side it say’s ‘BEAST!!’” Jong Up explained

“So you all have to stand in a certain order on the night so the words don’t get mixed up” Himchan nodded at them making sure they understood. They all went through and looked at their posters, “Busan Twin, I like it” Chunhel laughed,

“Ya who wrote Youngjae babo” Youngjae asked holding up his sign, everyone burst out laughing. “Mian” Himchan snickered. They all moved the cards into the other room and began making dinner seeming they were going somewhere else tomorrow, and had to get up early again. 

Wah~~~ I am the worst author ever T____T I hope you enjoy this chapter though and I am working on another few chapters. I am so sorry for not updating for like EVER! I have been so distracted and busy I keep forgetting. I know on the last chapter I said a "fight" will be coming up next but I am leaving that for a few chapters away okay^^ 


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working on the next chapter! Anticipate it ^^ sorry for my late update I will explain~


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Chapter 21: awww that was funny... honestly I would laugh at the prank... cuz that's my everyday life lol
Chapter 21: That was so mean of the boys to wake the girls up this way! Oh well~ Boys are boys~ xD HAHAHA!
I am so glad that you have updated. ^^
Will be looking forward to future updates!
Chapter 19: oh, you've updated!!!
i'll read it later tho, it's almost 2AM here... hehe~
can't wait! :D
Chapter 20: Awww I can't wait till the girls get woken up hurry!
Chapter 20: Update soon! ^^
Chapter 18: yeah yeeh. girl's time to shine~~ xD
and woooah. Ara's Minam's siter :O!!
about the love interest, i don't really mind, but according to my app, it was yoseob, but she didn't have much interaction with him.. i'll go with d), ehe~ i don't really mind who my character is going to end up with, but until now, i very like her with youngjae, as they're more seen together.
Chapter 18: Ohh good chapter I really liked it! I don't care really who my character ends up with
I really love yongguk but I have a feeling she won't end up with him. I love her interactions with daehyun and would die if they got together they would be a great couple. However I'm still really happy if she ends up with himchan since he was the one she was going to end up with according to you however I also love like characters interactions with Zelo
My personally choice would be yongguk or himchan as a lover however for my character and the way the story is flowing I want her to end up with Zelo or daehyun however I do love jonguppie he's soooo y and one of my favorites and I won't be disappointed with youngjae either I also love yoseobie but for my character I think I want yongguk himchan daehyun or Zelo out of those four you can choose lol
Chapter 18: Wooo~ Air-time for the girls without the boys!
I hope the girls are happy about it! HAHAHAHA.
All the games seems fun! And the last challenge really seems to be a HUGE challenge. LOLOLOL.
Hmm.. I wonder how things will develop between Minam and Ara!
Overall, it was a fun chapter. :)
And for the survey, I pick a!
Chapter 17: UpdATE SOON!! i really loved it.. It's shaww sweet!! Can't wait for the next chapter.. Wonder when is the fight going to start.. XD
Chapter 17: Wahh!!!! This is great I really love my busan twin lol :)
The girls are so cute and himchan kills me I can image him doing everything u said with the camera I love these guys and yoseobie is sooo cute and jonguppie is soooo cute too <3 I can't wait for more font worry about it just update when u can :D but I get all happy and smilily when I see ur story update lol