
I don't believe in fairytales, not anymore

AN: Hi guys~ First of all, I know that I advertised in last chap., but please if you haven, could you check out my new JongKey/2Min darkish fanfic, Living The Same Life As Everyone Else? I'd really appreciate that^^ *puppy eyes*

Note: Last chapter was soo out of place.. I only realized it after I had written half of it and I didn't want to start overT.T Sorry guys T.T

Kibum's P.O.V.


I have to admit that being in the hospital was starting to be really boring after a few days. Jonghyun, Kim-umma and Kim-appa visited me daily, but that didn't mean that being stuck in a small room wasn't getting annoying after the first night. And when they weren't here, my only companion was my stuffed puppy, that I would hug tightly to my chest as I waited for something to happen. 

What's worse, is that the room was so..pale. I mean, the walls were supposed to be white, but they were so old that they looked more grey than white. The curtains were supposed to be white as well, or at least I think so, but they were yellowish, like the teeth of my adoptive father who didn't really wash them..I scrunched my face up in disgust.

Everything else in the room was white, and it just looked the room look even worse.

Of course, the room wasn't the worst part of being here. I had nightmares. Not the ones that I would forget after I woke up, but the type I just couldn't forget, even after talking to Kim-umma or Jonghyun. My adoptive-father looked so real in my dreams, I could feel his breath on my face (and smell it, because he almost smelled of smoke) and I could still feel his kicks and punches.

After a few nightmares and sleepless nights, the nurses started giving me sedatives. Of course, they couldn't give big doses since I was still severely underweight. Luckily, even the small doses of the medicines made me sleep peacefully, but I would be always really worn out in the morning. I didn't really know why, but at least could sleep. 

Another bad thing about my stay in the hospital was the fact that I would have to stay for a long time. Apparently, my injuries were still serious, and if I moved around a lot, I would have gotten in trouble. Well, it was true that I still felt a lot of pain when I tried to move or when I laughed too much, but I really didn't like lying on the bed all day. 

The nurses were really kind to me and they tried to cheer me up with giving me some candy or sweets between meals, or with letting me listen to music loudly (I actually prefer to listen to music when I don't have to wear a headphone) even though there were some people in the rooms next to mine. 

And still, I just wanted to go home. 

When I told Kim-umma that I wanted her to take me home, she just looked at me sadly. She did that a lot ever since Jonghyun had found me.

'Baby, you have to stay and recover before you can come home. You are still really weak and we can't risk you falling sick or anything. I am so sorry for not being there for you, baby.. 'she said as she held my hand. 

'It's not your fault, Kim-umma.. I am alright now, so everything will be fine.'I smiled at her faintly. 'And I know that I have to stay here, I just.. still wanted to ask you.. 

'Baby, after you come home we will go away for a while, alright? Just the four of us. You can choose any place you would like to go to.'she said, and smiled at me. I grinned. I have always loved traveling around the world, and now I could finally choose a random place to go. Kim-umma really knew what I liked.

Jonghyun was also extremely worried about me. Every time I would wince or let out a small scream, he would run to me and try to comfort me in any way he could. The truth is that if he hadn't been there with me, I would have given up. 

Due to my shattered ribs, there were a lot of times when I would have trouble breathing. There were some incidents when one minute I would be talking with Jonghyun, laughing at how many stupid things had happened to him over the years I hadn't seen him, and the next minute I would be gasping for air, fighting to stay with him. 

The doctors told me that these attacks might 'accompany' me for the rest of my life. They weren't sure yet, I had to heal before they would be able to tell me if I would have them in the future or not. I hoped that I wouldn't, but I knew that I wasn't the one who could decide it. 

At the sixth day of my hospital stay (well,  eighth, but I wasn't conscious for the first two days) Jonghyun visited me early and sat next to me, playing with my hair gently.

'Baby, are you still mad at me?' he asked me softly. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

'I am not, Jongie. You lost your phone, I should have known that you would never forget me..' I said and smiled at him softly. Actually, I was still hurt a bit, but I think it was only because I had really missed him over these years. 

'I am still sorry. I could have saved you if I wasn't so proud and let my mom call you. I am so lucky that at least my phone number was saved somehow. If not, you could be..' he didn't finished his sentence, but both of us knew what he meant. We both knew that I would have died if he hadn't saved me. ' Let's not even talk about this..' he said as he took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers. I smiled at him softly, and he returned my smile.

'I agree..' I said and squeezed his hand a bit.'Umm.. could you please ask Kim-umma if she could lend me an older laptop or something until I am here?'I asked him.'This place is really boring..' I added and sighed in frustration.

'Of course. I'm pretty sure that we have something that you could use..'he replied with a grin. 'I am sorry that you're bored but I still can't skip too much school. I would if it was possible though..' he said. 

'Thank you..'I smiled and yawned widely. 

'Sleep now, Bummie..' he said.'You need a lot of rest..' he added, and I could already feel myself slipping into dreamland.


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amanid #1
kreiisi96 #2
Chapter 11: Hello?! Is anyone here? Hahahaha this story is good so please continue! The readers misses you!
arzlock #3
Chapter 11: Author~nim, could u continue this story pwease ?? ^_^
rereading all tour stories~ patiently waiting for you to update hehe ^^
FreezingLove #5
Chapter 11: This story is really good,I'm waiting for your updates!!
Hello~ ♥︎

Fogod folytatni? Igazából még el se kezdtem olvasni, de nagyon jónak tűnik.
Ha nem folytatod, akkor sincs baj :D Imádom az ilyen témájú sztorikat csak nincs belőlük sok :( A kedvencem a Lullaby meg hmm fogalmam sincs melyik. Lényegtelen. :D
Köszi ezt a fantasztikus ficet előre is. :3
kiki2698 #7
Chapter 11: Ahhhh please update~~ its at a good part
SHINeeBaby12 #8
Chapter 11: Update pwease!!!!
xExBxRxUx #9
katakatica, you are just the best writer ♥ my first fanfic I ever read was one of yours.. I just love how wo write and describe things ~
This story is just so amazing, so please update soon, I would be very glad ~ ♥♥
SohAnna #10
Chapter 11: You finally updated!!! And yes im soooo happy!!! I really love all your stories... Please update more... :)))