I guess

I don't believe in fairytales, not anymore

AN: Okkay, so probably the fact that I'm updating this story is a big shock since I hadn't updated since October I think... For which, I apologize. But I... dunno, I just couldn't xD Also, I'm going to finish this gradually, but after that, I will probably write down the fanfic that this would have been initially (mainly cause this is so not what I wanted, and I'm trying to improve my style xD) Not now of course, but once xD Another thing: I'll probably stick to one P.O.V. since now I either write like that or in 3rd person xD I hope that it won't bother you xD

Kibum's P.O.V.

After giving me the food he had brought, Jonghyun had to go home. I didn't want him to go, of course, but I knew that he had to. Plus, he had promised to spend the next day with me. I was really happy that he would, I was getting really bored in my hospital room. Of course, it would have been even better if he had stayed the night, but I knew that it was impossible. Plus hopefully, I was going home soon. Well, okay maybe not soon, but still.

I sighed softly as I glanced up at the ceiling, my gaze wandering to the huge, partly broken ceiling fan. "I wonder what would happen if someone got stuck on it..."I thought absentmindedly, not really caring about what I was looking at. I just needed a distraction so I wouldn't think about how bored I was.

It was already pretty late, but one of the smaller lights near my bed was still lit, providing just enough light for me to see my surroundings. Though, it's not like I wouldn't know them if I closed my eyes, or in the dark. I already knew where and how everything was. And it was agonizingly boring. Seriously.

I closed my eyes, stifling a yawn. To be honest, I was a bit tired from everything that had been happening. But I was too bored to even fall asleep! Is that even possible?

Eventually, sleep succumbed me, but not before Jonghyun's gentle smile flashing up in my mind. I could even hear his voice. "Good night, Kibummie.."

The next day, I woke up to various people whisper yelling at each other. As always, at first I could barely recognize where I was, and why I was there, since my mind was still extremely foggy. The truth is that before everything had happened, I was a very deep sleeper. No one, and I mean no one was able to wake me up. Even Jonghyun couldn't do it, and he knew almost everything about me. But now, I could be woken up by even the softest noises.

"Sir, it's too early, you can't go on because you were disturb Mr. Kim!" I heard a woman's, who was probably a nurse, voice. I strained my ears, my eyes still closed as I wondered who on Earth was trying to get in. The thought of them being my adoptive father ran through my hazy mind, making my heart-rate pick up slightly. I bit into my lower lip, fearing that it was really him. 

"I promised to visit him!"I heard the familiar, deep voice of my best friend. I let out a soft sigh, extremely relieved that it was just him. I had no idea what would have happened if it was really that man and not Jonghyun.

"Sir, it's still early.."The nurse repeated, her annoyingly high-pitched voice a lot more 'disturbing' than Jonghyun's smooth one. Of course, she had to say this and all, but still. Her voice was seriously too... I don't know, whining maybe? I wasn't sure, but it literally hurt my ears. I sighed softly, opening my eyes slowly. Luckily for once, I wasn't blinded by the light.

"I'm awake, you know..."I mumbled, my voice slightly scratchy from sleeping. I wasn't sure if they heard me, but I hoped that at least Jonghyun would. Though, as I realized they were even in the room, but the door was open, so they were probably standing near it. It seemed like I wasn't lucky though, since no one seemed to acknowledge me. I sighed softly, sitting up slowly.

I winced as a fresh wave of pain washed over my whole body. While lying, I hadn't even noticed it, but the moment I moved, I could feel it in every fiber of my body. I let out a soft whimper, waiting for the pain to subside.

It seemed like Jonghyun finally realized that I was actually awake, because he somehow pushed past the nurse, right into the door. He greeted me with a cheerful grin. "Hi Bummie!" He said as he stepped to my bed, completely ignoring the nurse that was following him.

"Sir, as I said, you're not allowed here until visitor hours!"She said, her voice sounding even worse from up close.

"I'm awake, so... I don't know why he can't stay.."I mumbled, looking at her. She sighed, watching as Jonghyun hugged me gently and I laid my head on his chest, inhaling his scent. Even though the pain still lingered in my body, especially in my back, I felt somewhat better now that he was there.

"Still, you should be resting now, Mr Kim..."The woman said after a few minutes of silence.

"I can't sleep. And I doubt that Jonghyun wants me to run with him or something..."I said, inwardly begging her to just go away. She was so annoying!

"I can't convince you to leave, can I?" She asked, obviously getting annoyed as well. I could understand her a little. I mean, no one would be happy to tell numerous visitors to leave and stuff.

"Nope, you can't:"Jonghyun chuckled, pulling away and sitting down next to me. I felt him rub my back gently. He obviously knew that it still hurt. I looked at him thankfully.

"Fine, but only this once."The woman sighed and left the room, closing the door behind herself. I let out a relieved sigh and laid my head on Jonghyun's shoulder.

"Thanks for coming."I mumbled, smiling when I felt him gently draw patterns into my back. He was so tender, I could barely feel his touches. I knew that deep down he was still scared. Of what, I wasn't sure, but I had a pretty good idea.

"You're welcome. So, how was last night? Did you sleep well?"He asked, scooting a bit closer to me, if that was even possible.

"Yeah, but at first I couldn't fall asleep. It was okay though..'I said, taking his hand and playing with his fingers. This had been a habit of my since we were young. I just... liked doing it, but I never knew why.

"It's good to know, Bummie. Soon you'll be coming home and you'll be able to sleep even better. I have no idea how you can sleep on this bed!"He exclaimed, chuckling when I shrugged.

"It's not that bad."I mumbled. "Now, what are we going to do today?" I asked him.

"Well, I'm not sure. Whatever you'd like..."He said. He had obviously forgotten to plan our day. Well... At least he didn't choose things I hate.. I guess.

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amanid #1
kreiisi96 #2
Chapter 11: Hello?! Is anyone here? Hahahaha this story is good so please continue! The readers misses you!
arzlock #3
Chapter 11: Author~nim, could u continue this story pwease ?? ^_^
rereading all tour stories~ patiently waiting for you to update hehe ^^
FreezingLove #5
Chapter 11: This story is really good,I'm waiting for your updates!!
Hello~ ♥︎

Fogod folytatni? Igazából még el se kezdtem olvasni, de nagyon jónak tűnik.
Ha nem folytatod, akkor sincs baj :D Imádom az ilyen témájú sztorikat csak nincs belőlük sok :( A kedvencem a Lullaby meg hmm fogalmam sincs melyik. Lényegtelen. :D
Köszi ezt a fantasztikus ficet előre is. :3
kiki2698 #7
Chapter 11: Ahhhh please update~~ its at a good part
SHINeeBaby12 #8
Chapter 11: Update pwease!!!!
xExBxRxUx #9
katakatica, you are just the best writer ♥ my first fanfic I ever read was one of yours.. I just love how wo write and describe things ~
This story is just so amazing, so please update soon, I would be very glad ~ ♥♥
SohAnna #10
Chapter 11: You finally updated!!! And yes im soooo happy!!! I really love all your stories... Please update more... :)))