Thank You (Re-Post)

"Kyuhyun ah... Are you sure? Do you think this is the right thing to do?" Kangin asked gently. "I don't know if this is the right thing or not hyung, but I have to. This is my chance. I’ve never been this close to Yesung all these years, and to take care of him? They will never allow me to. Heechul takes control of everything when it’s about Yesung. After all these years, I've been apart from Yesung, even though we were staying under one roof. I don't know Yesung anymore; I know nothing about him now." Kyuhyun said, rubbing his face. "That's why you hate your hyung? For taking full control over Yesung?" Kangin asked.

"Maybe, I ended up throwing all my anger at Yesung. I want to be the same Kyuhyun that I was four years ago; the one that was so close to him and Youngwoon hyung, but when the accident happened, everything started to change. I want to fix that, can you help me hyung?" Kyuhyun pleads. "Sure, but to fix this you have to face the consequences, can you do that? Your hyung’s will be really angry if they find out you’re hiding Yesung." Kyuhyun nods. "Sometimes I feel you're much more mature than your actual age." Kyuhyun smiled bitterly when he heard that.


Walking out from that room, Leeteuk dragged Kangin to his office, "Tell me what's on your mind?" Kangin feels hesitate. "We'll wait until Yesung gets better, then we'll tell his hyung’s." Leeteuk gave him a death glare. "Who decided that?" Leeteuk asked. "Kyu..." Kangin muttered. "What are you doing right now? How old are you? That boy is just 15 and his hyung is just 16! They can't decide anything for a case like this. This is a serious matter Kangin ah!"Kangin knew Leeteuk wouldn't agree with what has happened. "But hyung, please…please understand Kyuhyun." Leeteuk shook his head."That's not the issue. At an age like that, they tend to think only of the short term effect, so we as the older people should guide them to make the right decision. Meet their hyungs and discuss. Yesung will be the victim, if he knows both of you are hiding him from his hyungs. You are old enough to..."

"I'm scared." Kangin quickly said, thus both of them look into each other's eyes."Yes I admit. I'm scared to meet their hyungs. They recognized me."Leeteuk brows met. "So? What are you scared of? You didn't kill anyone." Kangin took both of Leeteuk's hand. "Please hyung, do me a favor. Just this once. Treat him like how you treated me. Cure him, like how you cured me." Leeteuk took a deep breath. "I'm not God Kangin ah... to cure him, he needs a new heart. If we manage to get a new heart for him, Kyuhyun will give the consent? If something bad happened during the surgery, what will happen to him… when he is the one who gave the consent without their hyung's knowledge? I give you two days and if you don't take any action, then I will. I mean it." Leeteuk broke their hands and leaves the room.


"Hyung, there's a call from your office. Pick up." Siwon told Heechul; the other, however, didn't even bother about his cell phone. "Let it be, they just wanna tell me I got fired..."Siwon looked at his hyung sadly then picked up the phone.

"Hyung~~" Siwon feels hesitate to tell his hyung the truth. "They fired me right?"


"They can throw away my stuff, I don't mind Siwon ah." Siwon feels sorry for his hyung’s bad luck.

"Is it really okay for you hyung?" Heechul smiled bitterly. "What if I said I'm not okay? Can you do something to change that? Change everything that is happening to us?"Heechul looked deeply into Siwon's eyes. "You can't right? Let's continue looking for our dongsaengs then." Siwon admits that and thus, quietly followed his hyung.


Kyuhyun never leaves his seat by Yesung's side. Thanks to the device they had implanted in Yesung's heart, he'll awake sooner with a much healthier and better functioning heart. He wants to be the first person Yesung sees when the elder opens his eyes. After hours of waiting Yesung finally starts to respond; moving his fingers, eyelids fluttering."K-Kyu? Kyuhyun ah?" Yesung's voice sounds weak. "Yes, it’s me. I'm here, I'm here... can you see me?" He bent down his body, shifting closer to Yesung, so that Yesung could see him properly. He hardly resists his tears when Yesung touches his face. He didn’t know what to do, so he just froze; letting the elder caress his face. "How-How do you feel? I'll call the doctor then...” Kyuhyun asked, and intended to press the button, but Yesung stopped him by grabbing his hand first. Without saying anything, by just staring into each other’s eyes, Yesung fell asleep again.


"You should tell your hyungs. They must be deadly worried right now." Kyuhyun still stares at Yesung's face instead of look at Kangin who was talking to him after an hour since Yesung awoke. "Later hyung, I'm so sorry." Kangin sighed as he failed to persuade the younger. "How about Yesung? What do you wanna tell him if he asks about your hyungs?" Kyuhyun ignored the elder's question. Kangin shook his head he wanted him to give an answer, "He didn't ask anything earlier." Kyuhyun answered nonchalantly. "That's because of the drug's affect. He's not fully conscious yet to know about his surroundings, what happened to him, how many days he's been asleep, lying on the bed, he might not feel the pain in his chest yet, he wouldn't know the date or anything...But when he’s fully conscious later on...” Kangin stopped talking as Kyuhyun suddenly stared at him, "I'll think of something." Kyuhyun said then fixed his eyes back to Yesung; leaving Kangin startled.


After waking up from a deep sleep, Siwon didn’t see the elder anywhere, he called out Heechul’s name, but received no response, he couldn’t reach Heechul’s cell phone, and slowly he started to feel anxious. So, he quickly walked out from their house.

Siwon: Hyung! Why didn’t you pick up your phone?! I’ve called you like, a hundred times!

Heechul: What should we do Siwon ah….

Siwon: Hyung! Where are you? I’ve told you to not go anywhere alone. Why did you leave on your own?

Heechul: I’m at the store.

Siwon: Store? Which store? I’m going there right now.

Heechul: Youngwoonie… (As Siwon heard that name, he stopped running because he know exactly what that meant)

Siwon: What are you doing there?

Heechul: …..

Siwon: I’m asking you! What. Are. You. Doing. There?

Heechul: What should we do? He…he took our Yesungie…(Siwon’s mind suddenly became blank for few seconds; his body freezing)

Siwon: What….Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be there in few minutes.


Reaching the store, Siwon could see Heechul squatting on the ground near the store with his face buried in between his knees. "Get up hyung, let's go somewhere else. What are you doing here like a stupid person?" Heechul refused to move. "Hyung!" Siwon kept pulling the older. "Let me wait here. I wanna wait for him here." Siwon brows creased. "Who do you wanna wait for hyung?" Heechul looked at Siwon with his teary eyes. "I’ve told you… that guy took our Sungie with him. That boy said that, He took Yesung with him." Siwon looked inside the store to where Heechul pointed at. "Let's wait here."Heechul said pulling Siwon down to his level. "Are you sure hyung? Did you show him Yesung's photo? I'm going to ask that boy again." Siwon rushed inside the store to get the boy.

'I saw that boy, sitting on that bench. I thought maybe he was waiting for someone, then after a while I saw my boss talking to him, then carrying him into his car and driving away. There was another boy with them, but I don't know his name, he is a part timer like me.' Siwon walked out from the store, dragging his feet heavily, replaying what the boy told him. Staring down at Heechul, he asked, "What should we do hyung?" Siwon embraced his hyung's shoulder, hardly resisting the tears in his eyes. Instead of squatting like Heechul, he sits on the cold floor.


After a few hours, Yesung's eyelids fluttered again. "Kyu?" Kyuhyun bent down his body to get his face closer to Yesung's. "I'm here. Are you awake now?" Yesung smiled."You're here..." Yesung touched Kyuhyun's cheek gently. "Want to go home with me?" Kyuhyun froze, he didn't expect Yesung to ask that, and he didn’t know if that was the drug affect or what, but he believed Yesung does care about him and he wants to do the same.

"I'll call the doctor."Kyuhyun says, trying to resist his tears. "Doctor?" Yesung looked down at his body, and then realize something’s covering his nose and mouth; that’s enough for him to realize he’s in a hospital. "Don't call them yet, I want to look and talk to you first. Let's call them later." Yesung knows exactly what the doctor will say; telling him to have rest and might force him to sleep, once they've come in and checked up on him.

"Hate me that much?" Yesung asks, seeing how Kyuhyun keeps looking away from him, instead of looking at him."Huh? No." Kyuhyun said, looking at the ceiling instead of Yesung's face. "Am I that ugly? I look terrible don't I? I'm sorry if I scared you." Yesung grabs the Kyuhyun's hand and held it tight. "Am I that pale? My lips..." Yesung tried to remove the air mask, to touch his pale and cracked lip but Kyuhyun stopped him. "My lips... my face... my skin...not like yours.” Yesung said while caressing his brother’s face and Kyuhyun could hear clearly what Yesung said in between his shallow breathing.

"You look fine to me." Kyuhyun said nonchalantly."Really? Did I scare you? Being sick like this? I didn’t asleep that long right?" Kyuhyun hated to hear Yesung talking so much; he wonders where Yesung got all the energy to keep talking like that. "Are you mad? You've been waiting by my side like this?" Yesung asked again as Kyuhyun stared at him without saying a word. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be troublesome for you. I wish I was healthy like you, so I won't be a burden to anyone." With that, silence took over.

Why didn’t he ask how I met him? Did he forget he was at the store that day?

"How are you? Where were you staying before? Did you eat well? Let me look at you properly…" Yesung barely pulled Kyuhyun's hand to look at the younger. "Just stop talking. Stop worrying about me, you're the one admitted and bedridden now not me. Just worry about yourself, I'm not a baby like you..." Kyuhyun stopped talking as he realizes Yesung seems in shock; his eyes are getting wet.

"Umm… You've always been my baby, I only have one and only dongsaeng… and it's you. You've lost weight right?" Yesung struggled to lift his body to look at his brother properly but then stopped and groaned in pain. "Why? What's wrong? Is it hurt? Leeteuk hyung said it won't hurt as much anymore."Kyuhyun mumbled while helping Yesung to lie down properly.


"What happened? It's stings! Bandaged? My chest. What? Did I go into a surgery?! What surgery? Hyung?! Hyung! Chullie hyung! Wonnie hyung! Where are they? Where are our hyungs?" Yesung panics and Kyuhyun doesn't know what to do. "What should I do? Oh god!" Then he heard the door opened and Leeteuk walked in, followed by Kangin.

"You awake?" Kangin asked as he saw Yesung moving, but he turned shocked as Leeteuk ran to Yesung's side, "You should have called me!" Kangin then realize Yesung was in a panicked state. "Hyung! You said it won't hurt anymore." Kyuhyun said pissed off. "It won't, we've gave him the painkillers. He's just shocked. Why didn't you call me?" Leeteuk asked. "How would you know that it doesn’t hurt anymore? He is the one who got his chest cut not you! It might still be hurt.” Kyuhyun got mad as he saw Yesung in urge of crying because of the pain. But Leeteuk ignored him and kept on checking the other medical tools attached to Yesung. “Give something to him! More painkillers." Kyuhyun yelled.

While Kyuhyun is arguing with Leeteuk, Yesung saw Kangin and that made his chest feels tighter, thus groaning even louder."What are you waiting for?! HE’S IN PAIN!! Can't you see that?" Leeteuk shook his head, ignoring Kyuhyuns outbursts and continuing with his work.

"Hey! Yesung! Calm down! Take a deep breath." realizing Yesung wasn’t even paying attention to Leeteuk, Kangin approached him and began Yesung’s head gently. “Calm down and take deep breaths. You’re fine.” Kyuhyun saw that and quickly remembered what Yesung had said before he passed out, when they were on their way to the hospital a week ago.


“I’m such a fool Kyu ah. I wanted to ensure he was not Youngwoonie hyung…so I forced myself to come here. Kyu ah, I’m stupid right…I wish he was Youngwoonie hyung…I miss hyung…I want to see hyung ,mum, dad…I want to see them so much. “

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392 streak #1
Chapter 11: 11 11 - Update. Sorry author-nim, I need to mark my latest chapter that I've read so that I won't be confused when I need to comeback
392 streak #2
Chapter 11: Still no update? T^T
Chapter 11: I like this story so much I hope you can update it 😥
ninomiiya #4
Chapter 11: I really late but I'm really grateful I found this story.. I found this fanfic last year and in 2019 reread this fic. This is one of my favourite fanfic, I hope the author will be able to finish this fanfic. Really, it is truly a good story. So, authornim~ if you still here I hope you can continue to writing this story again, getting a new energy to writing getting an inspiration so you can finish it :) fighting!
392 streak #5
Chapter 11: I want moreeeeeeee T_________T
autumnerd #7
Chapter 11: Are you not going to update this story? :( i wait for sooo long.. have you stopped writing? :(
ChocolateChipz #8
Chapter 11: it has been long time didn't read this story :') I really want to know what happen when the brother meet. please update ASAP okay?
joanna20 #9
Chapter 11: I m a new reader. I love your story! Please update soon! I want to know what will happen when the brothers meet back & what will siwon & heechul do? Please!!!!
KcuLL22 #10
Chapter 11: I miss this :')