Thank You (Re-Post)

Beta-ed by userinfo.gif?v=95.5amanda_clarissa

Chapter: 4/?

Kyuhyun POV:

I don’t know how far I walked, but I realize that I still care for my hyungs, especially Yesung. I should go home for a while just to check on him. Ahh why am I suddenly changing like this? Just because of receiving that little care from Kangin Hyung, my heart softens?
Unconsciously I smile and walk home. I remember the song we use to sing when we were walking home together, it was Youngwoon hyung, Yesung and me. We always made Yesung walk in between us, as we held each other’s hand, and sang the song together. Ah, I miss those moments so much.

I could only hum the song, because I forgot most of the parts, but it still make me feel warmth until I saw something…no someone…no it’s not someone... Its Siwon hyung and he’s carrying Yesung. Siwon hyung always carries Yesung facing each other and Yesung would always lean his head on that shoulder. The way Siwon hyung always caressed Yesung’s back while carrying him like a little child, is too much for me to look. Yes, for me the one who never got the chance to feel or experience that, since I was a kid.

I followed them quietly, but where were they going just now? Yesung gets sick again? Aish..no way. He looks healthy these months and if he’s not well, Siwon hyung would spend his money for a cab. Yes, the money he said he doesn’t have whenever I asked. Maybe they went out for walk. Obviously they don’t even care to look for me.

Ah, there is Heechul hyung who welcomed them. I hate to see them being so loving and caring towards Yesung. Maybe if Yesung was gone, only then I could feel all that love. That warm smile of Heechul hyung he has never showed to me. Who would care to welcome me home whenever I came back from school? Umm…well only Yesung welcomed me, but these months he’ll be sleeping in his room every time I come home. Ahh…I keep on sighing…I should stop and go back to Kangin hyung…


Siwon managed to call Heechul on their way back home, telling him about what happened with Yesung , without mentioning Kangin. Both of them stayed by Yesung's side until the younger fell asleep after taking his pain reducing medicine. “Do you have anything else to tell me?” Heechul suddenly asked without looking at Siwon’s face. “I shouldn’t have brought him out. I’m sorry hyung.” Heechul nods accepting the apology. “Other than that?” this time Heechul inquired staring deep into Siwon’s eyes. “I’ve applied for emergency leave for tomorrow, so you can go to work as usual hyung.” Obviously that’s not what Heechul wanted to hear as the eldest is still staring at his dongsaeng. Heechul would know exactly from Siwon’s face if the younger hid anything from him.

“Alright…The guy who got Youngwoonie’s heart…” Siwon squeezes his hand together scared to imagine how Heechul would react. “This is not the time to talk about that. I really don’t want to lose my temper with Yesung’s condition like this. So, stop it.” Heechul’s face got red trying to control his voice from yelling. “You’re the one who asked me to tell you.” Siwon muttered. “What do you mean?” Heechul grabs Siwon’s hand asking for an explanation. “We met that guy.” Heechul froze. “Explain!” Heechul demanded. “We’ve met him just now at the 24 hours store when we were looking for Kyu.” Heechul could feel his blood boiling “What did you say? Who?” Siwon covered Yesung’s ears as Heechul slightly raised his voice. “I’m asking you. Who did you see just now? Who?!!!” Siwon realized Yesung flinched as Heechul yelled. “Hyung!” Siwon warned while caressing Yesung’s chest scared that the younger would get a shock because of Heechul who then leaves the room.

Siwon stayed by Yesung’s side until he heard the main door opening. “Hyung?! Where are you going?” Siwon run to get the eldest from leaving the house. “I’m going to rip him apart! Why is he here?! Why?!!” Siwon hugged the elder tight. “Calm down hyung… take a deep breath...” Heechul did what Siwon said then he sunk on to the floor crying, “Why is he here? He shouldn’t be here.” Heechul cried hugging his dongsaeng at the doorsteps. “I’m going to rip his chest! I’ll rip him apart!! Siwon ah, let’s go! Let’s take it back… Yesung need it, Yesung need it Siwon ah...” Siwon hugged Heechul tight, “No hyung... No…we can’t.” Heechul refused to accept the fact. “Who said we can’t? Yes we can! Let’s go!” Heechul struggles to stand pulling Siwon with him, “What’s wrong with you? Let’s go! Or we’ll lose our Yesungie…” Heechul pleaded. “Hyung! Are you out of your mind? You are talking nonsense. You’re being irrational now. Calm down…” Siwon said while holding his hyung’s upper arms.

After a while, both of them sat down at the doorstep quietly. “I’m sorry. I was talking nonsense just now… maybe I rally out of my mind… or maybe I’m scared…I don’t know. I’m so sorry.” Heechul broke the silence caressing the younger’s thigh near him. “Scared he’ll replace Youngwoon?” Siwon asked. “Hmm… I don’t know. Maybe… whatever.” Heechul glanced at younger beside him.
“When I saw him just now, I kept yelling at him...yelling and yelling..” Siwon sighed. “You did? You really yelled at him?” Heechul was shocked because he knew Siwon is the best in controlling his temper and yelling is not his option for any situation. “Surprisingly I did…” Siwon chuckled. “I acted like a fool and I even pushed him harshly to the ground, Yesung must be shocked. Ahh what should I tell him tomorrow if he ask?” Siwon took a deep breath. “I know I shouldn’t yell at him but when I saw Yesung leaning on him on that bench I don’t like it. I don’t know what I feel but I don’t like it. I hate to see the way he acted like Youngwoon and I hate him when I saw Youngwoon through him. Whenever I saw him, he reminds me of Youngwoon. The fact that Youngwoon is dead but he’s actually there in front of me…. ahh i don’t know if I’m doing the right thing..”
“About what?” Heechul asked. “Hating him…hating him for no reason…what happened four years ago is not his fault..” Siwon looked deep into the elder’s eyes. “There is a reason…the reason…” Heechul stopped as he couldn’t think of anything for the reason. “I’ve told him to stay away from us. I don’t know hyung but I regret I said that. I feel so stupid….he did nothing wrong to us but I asked him to stay away from us…for what hyung? Why he should stay away from us?” Siwon ruffled his hair as he realizes he acted stupid. “Stop thinking that way, you did the right thing. Whatever it is, I just don’t want Yesung and Kyu get to know him, get closer to him even an inch… Youngwoon is Youngwoon and that man, he is just a stranger. You should remember that too! Just think of something if Yesung ask you when he wakes up later on.” Heechul patted Siwon’s shoulder and walked in.

Kangin sat on the bench outside his store, touching his chest. “He…that guy.. They live here? And Yesung…that name…Kyuhyun…” Kangin mumbled until he saw Kyuhyun approached him. “Hyung..” Kyuhyun smiled. “What’s wrong…hy-hyung?” Kyuhyun stuttered as Kangin staring at him intense. “Are you okay hyung?” Kangin barely smile then ruffles Kyuhyun’s hair and walk away.“Where are you going hyung?” Kyuhyun asked slightly yelled at the elder who then left, without saying a word.

4 years ago~~

“We have good news for you! Finally you have a donor!”Kangin blinked his eyes as he heard what Leeteuk who is also his doctor said. He didn’t ask anything and there were three nurse walked in. “So, we need to prepare you for the surgery. Now!” Leeteuk arranged and prepared everything he needed for the operation and within 30 minutes, Kangin is ready for a heart transplant.

Kangin only took 2 days to be fully conscious from the drugs given to him from the surgery. When he opened his eyes, he felt weird. As he touched his chest, only then he remembers, he just had a transplant. Praying for the donor to rest in peace he clasped his still weak hand and closes his eyes until Leeteuk came. “How do you feel?” Kangin recognized that voice thus he smiled then opens his eyes. His throat felt dry as the ventilator that used to help him breath had been removed earlier. “Feeling better?” Leeteuk asked again and Kangin nods. “Good! The surgery went well and…” Kangin then grabs Leeteuk’s hand. “Who is the donor?” Leeteuk smiled. “Once you get discharged we’ll pay him a visit okay?” Kangin nods, drifting off to sleep.

The next day he woke up, he saw a young man outside his room looking so sad wearing a black suit staring at him. He wonders who it was but he didn’t bother to ask. Later on the same day, another young man seem to be younger than the previous one wearing the same outfit with a tense expression staring at him. “Why are they staring at me…” Kangin wondered. The same thing happen for three days where both young men would stop by outside his room and stare at him, sometime only one of them and sometime both of them are together. Kangin keep in his mind maybe both young men lost someone they love since they’re at the hospital and wearing mourning attire. The next day he still can see both young men looking at him again, but in their casual attire.

Two weeks have passed and he feels happy, now that he doesn’t have to depend his life, on a device that helps his heart to function properly. He could get off from his bed on his own, and he could walk around without any difficulties.

“I can see you look healthy...” Leeteuk said walking into the room. “Yeah…thanks to the new heart.” Kangin smiled caressing his left chest. “I think the donor must be really healthy, strong and active right?” Leeteuk barely smiled. “Yes, he is. I found out that he’s an athlete and a Karate champion.” Kangin eyes widen. “I guess you’ll prefer karate than Taekwondo after this.” Leeteuk pointed out, as most of the heart transplant patient will tend to change their personality into the donor’s unconsciously. “Ah..that’s why I keep thinking about karate these days.” Kangin feels happy and he’s very satisfied with his new heart.

Meanwhile, there’s a boy who’s lying on the bed in a room next to Kangin. That boy was hooked up with few wires attached on his chest, a nasal tube attached to his nose for better breathing, and beside him there was a younger boy laying his head on the bed sleeping soundly. There are traces of tears on both of their flawless chubby cheeks.


p/s: i don't know about this chapter..like crap :((
thanks to my beta-er userinfo.gif?v=95.5amanda_clarissa...but i added few scenes...

Yesung will meet Kyuhyun and Kangin in the next chapter ^^

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392 streak #1
Chapter 11: 11 11 - Update. Sorry author-nim, I need to mark my latest chapter that I've read so that I won't be confused when I need to comeback
392 streak #2
Chapter 11: Still no update? T^T
Chapter 11: I like this story so much I hope you can update it 😥
ninomiiya #4
Chapter 11: I really late but I'm really grateful I found this story.. I found this fanfic last year and in 2019 reread this fic. This is one of my favourite fanfic, I hope the author will be able to finish this fanfic. Really, it is truly a good story. So, authornim~ if you still here I hope you can continue to writing this story again, getting a new energy to writing getting an inspiration so you can finish it :) fighting!
392 streak #5
Chapter 11: I want moreeeeeeee T_________T
autumnerd #7
Chapter 11: Are you not going to update this story? :( i wait for sooo long.. have you stopped writing? :(
ChocolateChipz #8
Chapter 11: it has been long time didn't read this story :') I really want to know what happen when the brother meet. please update ASAP okay?
joanna20 #9
Chapter 11: I m a new reader. I love your story! Please update soon! I want to know what will happen when the brothers meet back & what will siwon & heechul do? Please!!!!
KcuLL22 #10
Chapter 11: I miss this :')