CAP x Cherry Lee Chaeri [K-P0PG1rL]

» One Shot Collection (◕‿◕✿) «


"That stupid son of a-"
"Language Minsoo-hyung," Chunji scolded.
Minsoo glared at the younger male and continued walking down the hall. 
Chunji sighed, "So, what are you going to do about failing literature?"
"I'm sentenced to try out of the school play. But he didn't say anything about me having to get a part," Minsoo laughed evilly.
"So you're just going to do poorly on the auditions?"
"Pretty much," Minsoo shrugged.
"You know," Chunji offered, "Chaeri's trying out for the lead role."
"R-really?" Minsoo gasped before regaining his composure, "S-So what? That doesn't mean I'll try."
Chunji stopped in his tracks. "Yah. Bang Minsoo. Just admit it. You like my sister. My twin sister. Not like that's creepy or anything."
Minsoo took a couple deep breathes before answering. "You're taking this surprisingly well."
"Well, I'd rather you date Chaeri than some creep I don't know. Besides - if you hurt her, I know where you live and your parents would let me into your house without a problem. A clean get away," Chunji said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"Chunji," Minsoo joked, "You'll never get away with it!"
"See?" the younger male laughed, "You're a better actor than you think."
Chaeri poked her head into the auditioning room and saw it filled with people. She quickly became nervous and turned around only to bump into a broad chest.
She looked up at the owner of the chest, only to see Minsoo. "Ah. Minsoo. Hi."
"H-hi Chaeri," Minsoo said softly.
"What are you doing here?" she asked sweetly, "You don't seem like the type of person for drama club."
"It's for extra-credit," he sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
"You wanna go in?" 
"Ahh..." he mumbled.
"Nervous? Don't worry!" she smiled, grabbing his wrist and dragging him into the room with her, "You'll do fine!"
Minsoo stared at Chaeri's hand on his wrist and felt his cheeks heating up. 
About a week after the auditions, the castings were posted and a small group was formed around it. Chaeri walked up and tried to see over the other people's heads, but she was just too short.
"Can't see?" a deep voice from behind her asked.
She spun around only to come face to face with Minsoo. She nodded, puffing out her cheeks. Minsoo was about to scare off the rest of the onlookers when a body pushed through the crowd and came to a halt in front of the two of them.
"Chunji-oppa!" Chaeri smiled, "What were you doing in there?"
"Checking to see if you made it. Congratulations to both of you," he smiled.
"Eh?" she squeaked, "Really? I made it?"
"Go check."
Chaeri pushed through the crowd excitedly and checked the list for her and Minsoo's names. 
 Lee Chaeri  -  Juliet
 Park MinYoung  -  Juliet understudy
 Ahn Daniel  -  Romeo
 Bang Minsoo  -  Romeo understudy
Chaeri ran back to where Minsoo and Chunji were standing, "I got the lead role!"
"Good job," Chunji smiled, "I'm actually more shocked that Minsoo got the understudy role."
"Congratulations Minsoo-ah!" she smiled, before excusing herself to go celebrate with her friends.
"Understudy?" Minsoo asked, after Chaeri left.
"Yeah," Chunji shrugged, inwardly waiting for his reaction, "Chaeri is Juliette and Ahn Daniel is Romeo. You're there in case something happens to him."
"Ahn Daniel?" Minsoo growled, "That stupid playboy pretty boy?"
"One and the same," Chunji smirked at Minsoo's jealousy.
Minsoo looked over to where Chaeri was standing with her friends, only to see the playboy in question slide up to Chaeri and start talking to her.
"How can you be ok with this?" Minsoo asked Chunji, shocked.
"I'm not," Chunji scowled, then shrugged, "There's nothing I can do about it anyway."
Today was the day. Minsoo had to sit through four days of Niel being all over Chaeri in the play and in real life. It was driving him completely insane. 
Standing backstage on the final night, Chaeri noticed Minsoo's deep frown. "Minsoo-ah, what's the matter?"
"Ahh," Minsoo groaned, snapping out of his thoughts, "I've just sad that I'll probably never be on stage..."
"You mean you don't know?" she gasped, "Niel hurt his foot during last night's performance! He can't perform. Minsoo, you need to take his spot!"
"Really?" he gasped as a random stage hand pulled him back to get into costume. 
After 30 nerve-wracking minutes of performing on stage, it was time for the part that Minsoo was most nervous for. The kiss scene.  It was coming. Minsoo knew from watching that lucky Niel kiss Chaeri for the past four nights.
Minsoo looked down at Chaeri and she mumbled her lines shyly, just like she was supposed to. She was such a good actress. The thing was - Minsoo was not.
As soon as his line before the kiss came up, he started drawing a blank. He couldn't remember the line, couldn't remember the stage directions - NOTHING. Instead, he did what his heart told him to do. He cupped her face and brushed his thumb over her cheek as he mumbled, "I love you. I always will."
As he leaned in, Chaeri turned her head, so he ended up kissing her cheek. He mentally cursed himself, because as soon as his lips touched her face, all the lines and stage directions came flooding back to him. Romeo says "It will work. Don't worry." before kissing Juliet on the cheek. Damn it.
Minsoo looked down at a flustered Chaeri, who looked like she was drawing a complete blank. "But...But what if it doesn't work? What if we never see each other again?" she asked.
'Wait. That wasn't in the script.' Minsoo yelled in his head before replying simply, "Don't worry. It'll work. But," the side of his mouth turning upward in a sly smile, "Just in case."
He leaned in and captured Chaeri's lips in a soft, warm kiss. She didn't pull away as the crowd erupted in a chorus of 'Aww's.
The play ended quickly and  the whole cast gathered on stage to take the final bow. Chaeri was handed a bouquet of flowers and Minsoo turned to her, grinning widely, "You did great."
"You too," she beamed, "Especially when you ab-libbed. How did you think of it?"
"I...I thought of you," Minsoo blushed.
"R-really?" Chaeri asked, turning deep red.
Minsoo nodded as Chaeri looked away, covering her racing heart.
"Chaeri-ah," Minsoo called, causing her to turn around, where he was waiting to place another kiss on her lips. Chaeri slowly closed her eyes as she melted into the kiss. The crowd around them broke into cheers at the new couple and Chaeri pulled away, blushing.
"Saranghae." Minsoo whispered in her ear.
"N-nado saranghae," she studdered, slipping her hand into Minsoo's.


Hii~! I hope you like it!! Half way through, I was really wishing that I actually paid attention when we were studying Romeo & Juliet...I didn't know how to write anything XP and no offense to's not like I don't like him or anything, but i just needed a bad guy XD AND THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING SO MANY TIMES! IT'S VERY APPRICIATED <3 KEEP REQUESTING~~!

OMG U DUMB DUMB U COULDVE ASKED ME TO HELP... even though i did romeo and juliet back in grade 9 xD ...i somewhat remeber some things... kinda :P aldksjhfalkdjh niel is so pretty and he has such huge lips omg ; A; hehe i hope you enjoyed the chapter and keep requesting if you want ~ 



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kyuwookislove #5
Chapter 28: Thank u so much for the great fic!!!
AFF Username: LoveDaisy_09

Character Name: Park Sungchan

1st/2nd/3rd Person: 1st Person (I said)

Pairing: V (Taehyung) of BTS

Type of story (happy/angst/etc): Fluff and angst

Short Plot/Summary: When Sungchan was kicked out of her house because her family doesn't want her and V, her boyfriend, saw her crying on the street and immediately removed his jacket and hugged her and asks 'what's wrong?'. V brought Sungchan to his house and comforts her there. When Sungchan said it's a burden for her to stay there, V disagrees and made Sungchan live with him then they cuddle.


/No /PWP: No

Random Info: Sungchan was a mistake to her parents. Sungchan is a lonely girl while V is a happy guy.
Chapter 27: /cries/
It made me cry.
It doesn't matter if it took you many, many months
just to finish this request.
I understand that you have a life outside AFF.
All of us does /nods/

It's okay and very fine with me.
Chapter 25: This is just- that is just sweet!
I feel like asking a sequel, but I'm not sure if I can. Thank you for the one shot :D