Hoya x Lena [Alexiz119]

» One Shot Collection (◕‿◕✿) «


Lena was skipping happily down the hallway, humming 'Happy birthday' to herself. 'Ahh,' she smiled in her head, 'Today is going to be a good day. Everything is going to be awesom-uff!' Her chain of thought was cut off when she bumped into a broad back and plopped down on her .
"Aigoo," she whined, pouting, looking at the shoes of the person she bumped into.
"Watch where you're goin-!" the deep voice yelled, before looking down at Lena. "Oh, good morning dummy."
"Good morning Hoya," she said, looking up at his tall figure.
"You know you're too clusmy to be skipping, right dummy?"
"I'm allowed to skip," she pouted, standing up and dusting herself off.
"Yeah, but it should be against the law to let you sing that off-key," he laughed, "What were you trying to sing anyway?"
"It was Hap- None of your business," she glared.
"I've never heard of a song like that before," Hoya mocked.
"Aish," she swore, brushing past him and into class.
When she entered, she saw her best friend in the world, Soyu, waiting for her while playing with her phone. As soon as she noticed Lena where there, she jumped up and glomped Lena screaming, "Happy birthday!!"
Hoya heard what Soyu was cheering (well, everyone heard what she was cheering) and smiled to himself.
"Soyu-ah," she gasped, "I can't breathe."
"Ehehe, sorry Lena! I'm just so excited for you!"
"Thanks," she beamed.
"So, Lena. Are you doing anything after school today?" she asked.
"Eeung," she smiled brightly, "Jiwan-oppa said he's going to come over from Yeosu and we're going to go out to eat!"
"That's good," Soyu smiled, "You hardly ever get to see him anymore."
*Jiwan?* Hoya pouted mentally, *Who is this kid? What's he got that I don't?*
The rest of the school day passed with Hoya sulking and Lena pretty much bouncing off the walls waiting for the final bell to ring. There was ten minutes left before the bell rang and the teacher was announcing who would be doing the classroom cleaning after school. Lena wasn't worried, because she had cleaned the class last week.
"The person who will be cleaning the class today is...Lena!" the teacher announced.
"What?" she gasped, "B-But I did it last week!"
"No substitutions!" the teacher said as the bell rang. Everyone got up and left the classroom except for Lena, Soyu and a couple others who were just lagging behind.
"Lena," Soyu said, "Let me take your spot."
"Ani. Soyu, I can't let you get in trouble for me."
"Oh Lena," she pouted, "I'm sorry. Have a happy birthday."
"Thanks Soyu!" Lena smiled happily, "Don't worry~ Have a good day!" Soyu smiled sadly before leaving the room.
As soon as the room was empty, Lena sighed heavily and pouted at the messy classroom. She was about to call JiWan and tell him that she was going to be late, but it seemed that he beat her to it. As soon as she picked up her phone it started ringing with JiWan's ringtone - DGNA's Lady.
"Lena," JiWan's voice came sadly through the phone, "Mianhaeyo."
"Mwo? Oppa," she pouted, "Not even a happy birthday? What's the matter?"
"I'm so so sorry," he sighed, "I can't make it today...My boss is making me work on my day off just because my co-worker wants to screw me over because I apparently pissed him off about something or other, I don't even know what I did but-"
"Shut up."
Lena laughed at his obedience, "It's fine that you can't make it. I was actually just about to call you and tell you that I would be late, so it's fine!"
"Aww. Baby girl, I'm sorry," she could hear his pout through the phone, "Should we hang out tomorrow? At this point, I'll quit my job and tell my boss to it cause he's a total d-bag and-"
"Hush," she sighed, "It's fine."
"We'll meet on the weekend, yeah?"
"Okay Oppa," she smiled, "See you."
"See you. And Lena? Happy Birthday Baby."
"Thanks," she smiled before hanging up the phone.
She sighed once again after looking around the messy class, "I better get started..."
Hoya was walking out of the school with his best friend DongWoo. They were laughing and joking and complaining about the homework that the teachers gave them.
"Speaking of math," DongWoo asked, "Did you do number 2?"
"Oh yeah," Hoya nodded, reaching for his math books in his bag, "I have them...right...here...They aren't here. Why aren't they here? Aish, don't tell me I forgot them in class..."
"Just go back and get them so you can help me~" DongWoo whined.
"Fine, fine. I'll be right back. Don't move," Hoya groaned as he turned around and walked back into school.
Hoya was cursing to himself as he walked back down the halls to the classroom. That is, until he remembered that Lena had cleaning duty and was probably still in class. He broke into a sly grin as he popped his head into the classroom. Fortunately, Lena's back was facing the door, but unfortunately she was standing on top of a chair, trying to reach the tops of the chalkboard and quietly cursing her short height.
Lena swore under her breath as she glared at the upper left corner of the board that was just out of her grasp. She stretched on her very tippy-toes and leaned over as the chair wobbled under her.
"Lena!" Hoya called, startling Lena enough to knock her off the chair and onto her . 
"Apaaaaa~" Lena whined, with tears in her eyes, "Hoya, waeyoooo?"
Hoya's heart broke seeing her teary eyes. He quickly rushed to her side and rubbed her arm soothingly, "Lena, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you fall. I'm sorry."
"Y-you're always the one that saying I'm c-clumsy...W-Why would you do that?" she cried, the disappointment of the day finally setting in.
"I'm sorry Lena," Hoya cooed, "I didn't mean to hurt you. I never meant to hurt you. Please, please stop crying."
"W-what?" she sniffed, "B-But you're always m-making fun of me..."
"Lena," Hoya said, wiping away her tears with his thumbs, "I...I like you. A lot."
"But I completely understand if you don't like me...I've been an ..." Hoya said quickly, moving away from Lena and beginning to walk away.
"W-wait," she studdered, grabbing onto the back of his shirt. He stopped walking as she looked down and blushed profusely. "I...I like you too."
Hoya spun around to face Lena who was deep red, "Such a cutie," he said making her look up, "Don't be shy." She nodded slightly, still not meeting Hoya's eyes. "Let me help you."
"Why? Don't you have things to do?"
"Well, the faster you finish cleaning the class, the faster I can take you out to celebrate your birthday. I hope Jiwan won't mind."
"He's my cousin, Hoya."
"Good," he smirked, "Let's hurry."
The two of them quickly finished cleaning the class, and just as they finished, Lena turned to Hoya, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. "Thanks for helping."
"You missed."
Hoya leaned down so his face was level with Lena's. He tapped his lips with his index finger, "You missed."
Lena pouted at his actions, and he quickly pressed his lips against hers in a soft, sweet kiss and left her wanting more.
"So," she asked, blushing, "Where do you want to go?"
"Anywhere. As long as I'm with you."
I'm so sorry it took so long! HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY UNNIE!! I'M LIKE A MONTH LATE IM SO SO SORRY!! I wrote and re-wrote this chapter like 10 times. Don't you love how Dongwoo is just forgotten about? IS IT FLUFFY ENOUGH FOR YOU?? HUH?? gosh....im losing my mind... =.=
akdhjalksdh thankks ^^ even though its a month late xD 
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Thx for this
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kyuwookislove #5
Chapter 28: Thank u so much for the great fic!!!
AFF Username: LoveDaisy_09

Character Name: Park Sungchan

1st/2nd/3rd Person: 1st Person (I said)

Pairing: V (Taehyung) of BTS

Type of story (happy/angst/etc): Fluff and angst

Short Plot/Summary: When Sungchan was kicked out of her house because her family doesn't want her and V, her boyfriend, saw her crying on the street and immediately removed his jacket and hugged her and asks 'what's wrong?'. V brought Sungchan to his house and comforts her there. When Sungchan said it's a burden for her to stay there, V disagrees and made Sungchan live with him then they cuddle.

Picture: http://kpopselca.com/selca/10826_v-kiss-the-radio.jpg

/No /PWP: No

Random Info: Sungchan was a mistake to her parents. Sungchan is a lonely girl while V is a happy guy.
Chapter 27: /cries/
It made me cry.
It doesn't matter if it took you many, many months
just to finish this request.
I understand that you have a life outside AFF.
All of us does /nods/

It's okay and very fine with me.
Chapter 25: This is just- that is just sweet!
I feel like asking a sequel, but I'm not sure if I can. Thank you for the one shot :D