~ 6 ~

Mr. Smile




Kris entered the company the next morning. Every employee bowed to him, which he responded to with a simple nod. He entered the elevator, it was empty until a hand reached out and stopped the doors of the elevator from closing. Minseok entered the elevator as well, holding some documents.


“  Good morning, Kris ~ “ he sang along, obviously in a good mood today. The taller boy eyed Minseok before sighing lightly “ You look tired today “. Kris never replied as he was indeed tired.

When the elevator stopped, the two boys came out and before Kris could go to his office and rest a little before returning to his daily work, an arm grabbed his own.

“ Kris ? Aren’t you forgetting something ? “ Minseok questioned little amazed.

“ About what ? “ the short boy pouted lightly, dragging Kris behind him.

“ Today we have a meeting with some distributors “ Minseok replied still dragging the blonde guy with him. Kris felt stupid. He forgot about the meeting and now that he was in no condition to do any kind of work, he just prayed he could stay awake till the end.

Once they entered the office he saw that his boss was there with five more guys. Their eyes were on him, and for the first time Kris felt how he wanted to just leave and take a long nap, away from those creepy eyes.




Eun Ji looked around the room, her head was throbbing so hard that the pain was almost unbearable. She stood up from the bed and slowly went out from the bedroom. She hardly could remember what had happened, but she knew where she was …. In Kris’s apartment.

Slowly peeking in the leaving room, she realized that Kris was gone; he was not in the kitchen as well nor in the bathroom or any other room in the apartment. It was strange, because Eun Ji was left alone in his apartment, totally not in Kris’s style.

Her eyes managed to see the big bag on the couch. When she approached the bag she saw a little note on it.


I bought you clothes so you could go home as soon as possible. I’ll return your clothes as soon as they are washed properly. Leave the apartment as soon as you wake up and leave the keys that are on the table in the kitchen to the man at the reception. -Kris 


Eun Ji chuckled a little from the message the blonde guy left her. Although he was not around she could feel that strange feeling that he was watching over her.

She looked at the bag and smiled lightly, the fact that Kris went to shop for her was really sweet. When Eun Ji changed into her new clothes, she looked at herself in the big mirror in the bedroom. The clothes were as if made for her body… Kris really knew her size, which was really creepy.


Once Eun Ji entered the kitchen to take the keys her stomach called. She was really hungry so she thought that a little snack won’t hurt anybody, so she placed the keys back on the table and went to the fridge to find something that could calm her stomach.

“ What the …. “ she said out loud. The food looked so out of space, or that was the food that a guy like Kris likes… the expensive one. The food was so well arranged that it was a crime to take even a bottle of water from the fridge.  Eun Ji pouted lightly, as she saw a bowl with some strange soup that she have never tried before. She placed the bowl in the microwave. While she was waiting for the soup, Eun Ji went to the living room where she found her jacket. She took the phone to dial her mother and explain where she went all night, but what she could say to her …. That she got drunk like some pig and a guy came to take her home but instead she slept in his apartment.

Her mother would probably misunderstand the whole meaning and probably lock her in her room for the rest of her life. And just then Eun Ji thought that it would be for the best to keep that little secret from her mother.


“ Eun Ji-ah, are you awake already ? “ her mother asked with a calm voice, so calm that Eun Ji thought that her mother was high early in the morning. It was like her daughter never slept into a guy’s apartment and forgot to call her mother because she was so drunk that she could hardly stay on her feet.

“ Well … “ the girl started, trying to explain her absence from home the past night.

“ Is Yun Hee awake ? “ her mother asked another strange question.

“ Yun Hee ? “ Eun Ji asked little confused, why her mother was searching for her best friend.

“Yeah, Yun Hee called me yesterday saying that you’ll stay at her house, after all today she’s flying to London,right ?“  Eun Ji blinked several times more confused than before. She was not sure how Yun Hee knew that she was with Kris … and to think that she saved her from being punished for the rest of her life.

“ Right, sorry for not telling you “  the girl apologized before ending the call.


Eun Ji smiled brightly, Yun Hee was an awesome best friend. But the moment when the girl realized that today her best friend was flying to London, her smile vanished. She looked sadly at the kitchen just before she caught the strange smell with her nose … the smell of something burning.

“ OH GOD … “ she cried, she grabbed the phone in her hands and quickly ran to the kitchen where she found that the soup in the microwave was burning. She turned off the machine and tried to remove the burning bowl from it “ What the hell is in that soup that it could burn …. “ she yelled tossing the bowl in the sink and turning the water on.

Her gaze landed on the microwave, she nervously bit her lower lip, slowly approaching the machine. The black trails were shocking …. Kris will be MAD …




At the meeting Kris was the main attraction, since his ideas were one of the best and not to mention that all of the distributors were amazed by his skills. He was a young man that knew well what he was doing.

As he was talking with the distributors, his phone rang. It was indeed embarrassing, the fact that he forgot to switch off his phone made him curse under his breath. Once he saw that Eun Ji was the person calling him, he groaned a little ending the call. He apologized for the inconvenience he had caused to the distributors and his boss. Minseok looked strangely at Kris when he looked at his phone and from the look of his face he was nearing some heart attack. But what Minseok never knew was the message Kris received from Eun Ji, the message that made him stood up from his seat.

“ I have to call immediately, please excuse me “  he said before going out from the office.

Kris looked at the message once again just to be sure that he understood everything from the message.


It’s me Eun Ji … not sure where are you but just you know … take a seat!!! Before I start I want you to know that it was not entirely my fault … I was really hungry and I decided to heat up some soup from your fridge and when I was talking with my mother on the phone … well the microwave said BYE BYE ~  the black spot in it is not that bad … not sure if it’s still working but … PLEASE FORGIVE ME  >< and I love the clothes … ^^ - Eun Ji ( PS :  I feel really bad right now … SORRYYYYYYYYY !!! )  


Kris almost yelled from anger, but the fact that his boss might hear him and the rest of the people inside was the reason why he calmed himself a little. He dialed her number and closed his eyes, waiting for the culprit to pick up. At that time Minseok went out of the office, little worried for Kris and his current condition.


“ What have you done ? I left you at home for an hour and you already destroying my microwave? “ Kris almost cried on the phone. Eun Ji shifted a little, feeling the guilt of what she had done to his expensive machine.

“ I’m really sorry, please understand that I never meant to break or burn something in your house “ the girl sniffed, it was actually her first time trying to be as innocent as she could.

“  Fine, whatever …it was a mistake to let you sleep at my apartment anyway. Make sure to go home before I come back from work … “ Kris said ending the call. He sighed lightly, trying to calm himself. Somehow he was not as angry as he thought he would be.


Minseok, from another hand, was completely shocked. It was the first time he had heard that Kris was not alone … at night. He chuckled lightly thinking that the grumpy guy finally had found some company, although he was cold with the girl, Minseok found that little spark in  Kris’s eyes that showed how happy he was that ‘his girl’ was calling him.




Eun Ji ran as fast as she could, because her life was in danger of an angry dragon named Kris, but also the fact that she had 30 minutes to go at the airport and send her best friend to London. Without even changing the new clothes that Kris bought her, she dashed to the airport with all the strength she had.

“ Eun Ji “ Yun Hee cried embracing the already tired Eun Ji “ I thought that you forgot about the flight “ her friend pouted lightly.

“ Are you crazy woman ? Do you think that I’ll miss the chance to send your to London ? “ Eun Ji joked a little with her friend. The truth was that she was holding in all the tears, after all she wanted her friend to remember her with a smile.  

“ Well I tried to call you but you never picked up your phone ... “ Yun Hee explained.

“ … my phone ? “ Eun Ji repeated, she looked at her pockets and just then she realized that she had forgotten her phone in Kris’s apartment. She cursed lightly under her breath for forgetting the phone in the living room.



It was already time for Yun Hee and Jong In to take off to London. Eun Ji hugged her friend tightly, while a single tear escaped from her eyes.

“ Oh look at you … don’t cry. I’m not dying you know “ Yun Hee smiled lightly while the tears from her eyes rolled down her cheeks.

“ Then why are you crying ? “ Eun Ji asked wiping the tears with the back of her palm.

“ I’ll see you soon, please don’t cry “ Yun Hee said stepping back from her friend. Jong In embraced Yun Hee and both of them waved at their parents before vanishing in the entrance corridor. Eun Ji stood there for a second, looking at the empty space, thinking that she has to survive and wait for her friend. But surviving was not that easy, knowing that she burned down Kris’s microwave… death was knocking on Eun Ji’s door for sure now that she knew that her phone was in Kris’s apartment.




It was passing noon already as Kris entered his apartment. He went to the kitchen, ready to see the already dead microwave. Maybe it was not a good idea to leave the girl alone in his apartment after all. At first sight nothing was wrong, a normal machine. But once he opened the little door of the microwave everything he could see was black … it even smelled like something was still burning in the machine.


“ That girl … aish “ he sighed lightly. It was no use to get upset, at least it was not the entire apartment.  After taking a note that he needed a new microwave, Kris dragged himself to the living room. Everything was as he left it, clean and untouched. Loosening his necktie he thought it would be nice if he could take one long-lasting bath. Kris slowly went to the bathroom to turn on the water, when he saw something lying next to his washing machine.

He went closer just to realize that the things lying on the floor were Eun Ji’s clothes. He groaned lightly thinking that she left them on purpose … maybe she thought that he would wash them for her. And maybe she was right, he tossed the clothes in the washing machine and went out from the bathroom just before the doorbell on his door rang.


It was really unusual for someone to come and visit him, and maybe it was Eun Ji again… crying for her friend. He went to the door and before he could react to the unpleasant visitor that came to bother him, the person entered his apartment without permission.

“ Why are you here again ? I thought I told you to stay away from me “  Kris firmly said to his guest.

“ Arrogant as always. My little brother will never grow up after all “ Kris’s visitor chuckled lightly entering the living room.

“ Stop with the games, Sheng Li … I thought I told you before, I want to live my own life without the Wu family being in my way “  the blonde guy coldly replied. It was totally unpleasant for him to see the past standing right in his living room.


“ Come on little bro, you’re part of the Wu family as well … besides Lin will come … “ before Sheng Li could finish his sentence the doorbell rang again.

A beautiful young girl entered the apartment once Kris went to check. She had long black hair, her skin was white as snow, her eyes like dark pearls. She smiled brightly at Kris embracing him in her arms.

“ Wu Fan, I’m so happy to see you again “ her tender voice was like a lullaby. Kris smiled lightly hugging her back.

“ I’m happy to see you too, Lin “ the blonde guy replied. He was indeed happy to see the girl again.

After their little reunion, Sheng Li took the girl into his embrace and both of them took a seat on the couth looking at Kris.

“ I already told you Sheng Li, I’m not coming to China again … “ Kris started “ Even if it’s for your wedding with Lin “


“  Oh come on Wu Fan, I want to be with my brother on my special day … I spent 3 years searching for you… it was not that easy to find you here “ Kris’s older brother exclaimed “ Please little bro, I really want you to come to my wedding “

Kris sighed lightly, he knew that his brother was concerned about him, about the life he was living. But he needed to leave the Wu family … not because of his brother who was only a victim in the drama, but because of his parents … because of his so-called mother.


“ So Wu Fan, is there a girl that captured your heart ? “ Lin asked with a big smiled on her face. She wanted to break the awkward silence between the Wu brothers.

“ What are you saying honey, my little brother with a girl ? Please … “ Sheng Li chuckled lightly. He never thought about his brother being in a relationship. He always preferred to be alone, although he was good looking and all the girls wanted his attention, he never showed interest in them.

At the same time Kris felt how his brother was mocking him, the same old big brother that he always remembered. He wanted to show him that he was wrong, but the truth was that he was indeed alone … if he doesn’t include the crazy girl stalking him recently.

“ Actually I do have … “ Kris said, he wanted to show that his brother was so wrong that he never realized how far he went  “ And not a girlfriend … I have a fiancé “

“ Really ?! “ both his brother and Lin exclaimed. They were shocked to find out that he was engaged already.


Before Kris could reply, yet another sound of the doorbell made him go to the front door.

“ Hey, I’m sorry to bother you but I forgot my phone here … I think it’s in the living room” Eun Ji smiled widely, without even waiting for a reply, she entered the apartment like it was her own house “ I’ll just go to take it from the living room “

Before Kris could grab the girl and preventing her from entering his house further, Eun Ji was already standing in the living room, facing Kris’s visitors.

“ I’m sorry “ she shyly said.

“ Oh Wu Fan, who is this ? “ Sheng Li smiled widely looking at the girl. Kris, from another hand, rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“ This is Lee Eun Ji … “ he started “ … my fiancé “ 

“ Yes that’s … wait …. What ?! “ Eun Ji exclaimed. Her eyes wide open as she thought that her ears played some trick on her …. she thought: ‘ Did Kris just said that I was his fiancé ?!? ‘ …. 




A new update ^^

Hope you all like it ~

I’m really sorry for not updating  often >.<  but I’m really lazy XDD

So yeah ….  This fic won’t be that long and I just wonder if I should make a ( for the end of course ) or not. I need to know so I could arrange the chapters that will come XDD so tell me, okay ?

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Hello ! I'm actually a reader that just came across 'under the same roof' not long ago. I loved your story and I have wondering about Kris' history when you mentioned about his sadness. I'm really happy to see a sequel of Kris' but sad when I got to know that your aren't updating anymore due to your personal life. I understand that I really want to read but my inner side is fighting as the story is incomplete so I'm not sure if I'm going to read or not as there's no ending to it. Just hope if possible, if only you have the time, you can start writing and complete the story, I'll be more then happy to read it (: anyway thanks for writing such wonderful stories for us to read. Hwaiting and hope you have a smooth sail in life <3 hope to see you around soon too .. ^^ hwaiting !!!
under the same roof readeeeer is heeeeeeeeeeere :D annyeong authornim --- so that you almost a half year no update :((((( Waeeee author nim ... pleasssssssssssse update sooooooooon :) :)
The poster grabbed my attention. Hehe.
Chapter 11: Update soon authornim.. palli juseyo..~~~ :(
sehunlife #5
Chapter 10: update NOW !!!!!!
Chapter 10: It 3.30am and here i am reading yr fanfic, it shows how good yr story is :D there were a few typos but its bot much of a big deal ;) Hopebu will update soon... chap 10 left me hanging π_π
missJ_panda #7
please update i really dying for your story~~ :(
lingkyu88 #8
Chapter 10: Authornim.. Update faster please.. ;)
exoloverskpop #9
Chapter 10: Author-nim ㅠㅅㅠ Where are you ?