Hot chocolate

Can you feel my pain?

Our feet splashed in the rain, soaking our shoes and socks as we walked in silence into the more wealthy part of the city. Soon we arrived in front of Hyunseung’s house, well not really a house, it was two storeys high, looked huge grand and expensive, it was more of a mansion than a house. We walked up towards the huge Iron Gate imbedded with swirls of vine and metal rose, snaking around the bars. Hyunseung typed in the password and with a click the huge gate swung open and welcomed us in.


I stepped onto the cobbled path that lead to the house and walked carefully towards it, just in case I fall over and make myself look like an idiot in front of the school’s most popular guy. The house or should I call it mansion? Was surrounded by rows of neatly trimmed hedges, a marble fountain sat in the middle of the lawn. An angel was perched on the fountain, its glorious wings spread out and each feather delicately carved, with one marble hand pointing towards the sky, the other hand pointed down towards the earth it was maybe a sign of heaven and hell? The rain dropped into the  pool beneath it, causing the water to ripple.


When we got to the door, Hyunseung reached into his pocket and took out a set of keys. Selecting the correct key, he inserted it into the lock and with a twist, the door opened. He stepped inside and I slowly follow him in. With a flick of the light switch the house came to life. The crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, throwing rainbows around the wall. The living was grand and extravagant, it was like stepping back into the Victorian age! The marble floor was covered with a huge Persian carpet, the sofa was made from red velvet and so were the curtains. The walls were a faint skin colour with pattern that matches the furniture’s and against the wall was a huge golden fireplace.


I stood there, dripping wet and leaving a small puddle of water around my feet as I stared at Hyunseung’s house in awe. I turned around to see him casually leaning against the wall with his bag at his feet and staring at me, surveying my reaction. “Your house is very beautiful, it’s so…classic and grand,” I said with a blush. “Mmmk, it’s alright I think, my mum loves “old things” so that how the living room became Victorian,” he said with a shrug. “So are you just going to stand there, admiring my house and catch a cold, seriously go sit down and I’ll bring you something hot,” he said, pointing at the sofa. “No! it’s fine, I’ll sit in the kitchen or something, I am going too ruin the carpet and sofa, sitting on them when I’m all wet!” I protested. “Really, it’s alright, it’ll dry out in no time!” he exclaimed.


So unwilling, I walked over to the carpet and stood there. Hyunseung walked over and tossed a lit match into the fireplace as the wood caught on fire and start a warm blaze. It was a real fireplace! I never saw one in my entire life and stared at the flames in awe as they devoured the chunks of wood. I sat down on the carpet, warming myself in front of the fire as Hyunseung walked away, into the kitchen I guess…


Soon he remerged with two cups of steaming hot chocolate in his hand, “Hot chocolate for you!” he said in excitement as he handed the cup to me. “This is actually the first time I made hot chocolate all by myself! So if it taste bad don’t lie,” he said with a grin. I took a sipped of the chocolate, the sweet favour exploded in my mouth and was tender in my stomach. “It’s actually quite good, for a starter that is. The temperature is perfect but there should be more milk so that’ll be an 8/10,” trying to put on a serious face, but without success I bursted into a fit of giggles. “Well, thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said with a cheeky smile.  



Ohhai there,

The usual, thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed!

This main image with Hyunseung is really cute to see him stuffing himself with cake, i think?

Oh, talking about Hyunseung i really wanted to make him a

dark, mysterious but hot guy thats kinda anti-social and has a hidden past

but then i thought that would make the story even gloomier with orphan Hyuna and mysterious Hyunseung

so oh well, Hyunseung ended up as a happy, cheerful and popular character!

Anyways in my next story there will be a guy like that!



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Chapter 1: Lol ty ;)
Chapter 1: GAH! nice newspaper poster!!
Updatingg ;) i am to lazy ;<
Chapter 10: Icloud sshi why u dont want to update?? *crying* Please update it soon
Omg, the reply button isn't working ;( i am sad... anyways rai_suzuki and ninjass thank u so much for reading and i'll be updating chapeter 10 :D its just a short one~
Chapter 10: a short chapter but i enjoyed these two together :D . update soon
Chapter 10: WHY IS THIS CHAPTER SO SHORT !! ?? irsudkgjkzds,j WRITE MORREE
O_O they got a new reply feature but i dont think it works... for me at least
Aw.. i want bubble bath in there too XD haha...
Update soon ^^
:) TYY ~