The math test

Can you feel my pain?

*RINNGGG! RINNNNGG* I reaches out from under the covers and smacks the ringing alarm off... "The start of another day, I'll sleep for only another 5 more minute, i am still so tired, only another 5.. it won't make a big different" as i drifted back into sleep.  


My eyes flew opened and I turned my head around to look at the time..." OMG! ITS 8:10! HOLY SHIZZ, SCHOOL STARTS AT 8:40! ONLY 30 MINUTES LEFT! IT TALKS ME 20 MINUTE TO RIDE TO SCHOOL, AND THT IF THE TRAFFIC FLOWING!" I threw of the still warm cover and dressed in my school uniform in a haste. Running towards the bathroom, I threw open the door in a rush and brushing my teeth with my strawberry favored toothpaste and splashing my face with warm water.


Rushing towards the kitchen i grabbed a banana, slice of plain bread and a jar of honey and sat down at the table. Peeling the banana mashing it onto the bread I drizzled the honey over my "banana sandwich." "Arhh, this won't taste good for first thing in the morning" Anyways, taking a huge bite out of my 5 second Sandwich i chewed and swallowed. Actually it wasn't that bad! The sweet taste of honey melting into my mouth and the banana gave it a delicious tropical favor, other than the texture was mushy, it tasted fine. Gobbling down the rest of the sandwich I rushed into the bathroom and grabbed  the hair brush.


I opened the balcony door and stepped out into the crisp morning air. I ran the brush through my brown tangled hair and took in a few deep breath of the fresh morning air. Closing the balcony door, i walked back into  the warm house and grabbed my school bag. Check everything was locked and tossing the dishes into the sink, I half walked- half ran out of the apartment, remembering to lock the door behind me. 


​I flew down the stairs and unlocked my bike from the public shed and jumped on. Pedaling fast down the street i shouted "Good Morning!" Too my the neighbour, Mrs Cho who was sweeping the late autumn leaves  off the footpath. As i pedal for another 10 minutes with the last of my energy i finally got to school!


*BRINNNGGG, RINNNGGG, BRINNNGGG* "Yes, just in time for the bell" I rushed towards the school block and up the stair into my roll call classroom. Mostly everyone was seated and i took my usual seat in the second row of the room. "Kim Hyuna" Miss Yeon called. "Here" i said raising my hand. After the roll was marked the Miss Yeon stood up. "Good morning everyone, As you have been inform, your half- yearly math test it today. I hoped you all studied hard and do not turn the test paper around before i say so, please!" she announced. "Ok, I will past this test. i'll be easy! I studied hard every night so theres nothing to worry about! Ohh... the 4 bullies, and their threat...oh well, I'll have to make a run for it! I am not letting them stop me from passing this exam!" i thought to myself and self- consciously turned around to look at the 4 girls at the back of the room.  "Everyone, your times starts NOW! You have 1 hours to complete the exam, try not to leave any question out and i wish you the best of luck!" said the teacher.


Flipping through the test  everything was easy and what i studied for. Carefully answering each question i worked my way through the whole test for 50 minutes and when i finished i took care and checked my work again for any silly mistakes i tend to make. "Everyone! Pens down! The test is finished and i'll come around to collect them!" said Miss Yeon. She came around and took my test paper and I instantly felt as if all the stress come off my shoulder and i relaxed back in my chair. "WOOPIES! Last test of the term is finally done! now i can relax! 2 more weeks till the holiday!" ​I smiled to myself and packed up my belonging as the bell rang and walked out of the classroom.


Ohhai there,

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed!

Please subbie if u haven't already!

Ok random time, i wish i was this smart and actually put effort in studying.

Failing in most of my math test and spending studying time writing my 

story and chatting on facebook *sigh~*

Byee for now!


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Chapter 1: Lol ty ;)
Chapter 1: GAH! nice newspaper poster!!
Updatingg ;) i am to lazy ;<
Chapter 10: Icloud sshi why u dont want to update?? *crying* Please update it soon
Omg, the reply button isn't working ;( i am sad... anyways rai_suzuki and ninjass thank u so much for reading and i'll be updating chapeter 10 :D its just a short one~
Chapter 10: a short chapter but i enjoyed these two together :D . update soon
Chapter 10: WHY IS THIS CHAPTER SO SHORT !! ?? irsudkgjkzds,j WRITE MORREE
O_O they got a new reply feature but i dont think it works... for me at least
Aw.. i want bubble bath in there too XD haha...
Update soon ^^
:) TYY ~