Crying in the rain

Can you feel my pain?

As the 4 bullies walked away, i finally relaxed and slumped against the wall in relief. Graze elbow, knees and hands, Jihyun's nail scratch marks are red and kinda swelling but it not bleeding, so that good, bruises everywhere, on my ribs, arms, legs and my stomach ached in pain, where the old hag kicked me. I definitely had worse but this was still painful... 


Why am I so useless? Why can't i defend myself from 4 bullies? Why am i the only one getting teased? Why do i get shunned by everyone? Do I even deserve to live in this world, i am nothing more then a burden too everyone esle... I broke into uncontrollable sobs and curled up into a ball, hugging my knees. HYUNA. HYUNA! Stay strong! That was my mum's last wish and i promised her i will always be strong and here i am, sitting down and crying my eyes out.


I stood up and walked into the rain, letting the freezing cold droplets fall onto me and clearing my head all together. I just stood, in the freezing rain and looking up into the sky as heavy drops of rain splashed onto my cheek and soothed the sting of the slaps. I kept standing there mindlessly and staring into space with nothing in my mind. I heard splashes of footsteps in the rain, approaching me but i stood there with no attempt to move from my standing. The footsteps became louder and louder and then stopped.


"Hey there, are you alright?" said the voice. What a stupid question to ask, do i look alright? A girl, covered in bruises, scratches, soaking wet uniform and tears streaming down her face in the middle of a storm, is definitely alright. Suddenly i remembered this voice sounds familiar. The voice was sweet like chocolate, memorizing with each syllable that i would never forget. This  voice belonged to Hyunseung. 


I slowly turned around to look at him. He was standing under the timber roof but his blazer was wet with dark rain spots. He halo of brown hair now sat a little drooped around his face and tiny drops of rain glittered in his hair under the dim light. He was still as beautiful as ever. I stood there shocked to see Hyunseung before me and stunned in silence. 


"Um hello?" asked Hyunseung in confusion as he stared at me. He slowly took a small step towards me and was about to walk into the rain. I jumped back startled. "Hey, take it easy. Nice and slow. I won't hurt you," he comforted me as if i was a cornered dog. He deliberately took a small step towards me, and when i didn't protest or jump back he lengthen his strides and was suddenly next to me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the rain and under the shelter of the covered pavement. I noticed he was touching my hand and his grip was firm and warm against my freezing cold skin. I stared at his hand and it was actually slender and long fingers, the type of hand you see playing a piano. 


​He noticed me staring at his hand and let go, "Sorry, didn't mean to grab you like that, but it was best to get you out of the rain before you froze to death," he said with a dazzling smile. "So, what happened, Hyuna?" he ask, he actually remember my name! A nobody like me! and he remember my name, i was so happy inside and felt a warm and fuzzy.  "Oh, nothing. I tripped and fell in the rain," i hastily said, that was the first lie that came to my head and i suddenly realized it was stupid and didn't make any sense at all. "Umm, so you fell and tripped in the rain, bruising yourself all over, and then i assumed the ground slapped you in the the face and scratched you on your arm and you stood there and did nothing but stare into space?" replied Hyunseung. Ok, he totally did not believe a single word i said, he even noticed the scratches on my i have no idea how to answer him. 


Noticing my distress, he said "Naa, its ok. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want too." I sat here next to him and stared down at my shoes. Speechless. *Clatter, Clatter* I finally knew where that sound was coming from! I was so cold  and was shivering, i couldn't feel my own teeth clattering against each other. Hyunseung took his blazer and draped it over my shoulders, noticing i was freezing. "No, its a---alright, you'll ca--tch a c-cold like this and i'm n--not that cold," i lied and i struggled of his blazer. "Shhhs, i am just fine and warm like this and there's no need to lie, i know your freezing cold," he assured me. I was cold and freezing, so i let him replace the blazer on me and a flood of warmness wash over me. His blazer smelt of the falling rain and the faint smell of floral washing powder. 


Hyunseung stood up and began to gather all my belonging and replace them back into my bag, he passed my packed bag to me as i thanked him. " I'll walk you home now, i've got a huge umbrella so we can share, and you look quite small so you won't take up much room," he said with a grin. "No No! its really alright, I can walk myself home," i protested. "Aww, don't be like that, its so late for a girl like you to walk home alone in this darkness, and you sound like if you don't want me to walk you home cause you don't like me? I always remembered i had a charm girls, actually your the first girl to refused any offer by me," he said with surprise. "Sorry! Sorry! I really didn't mean it that way and i didn't mean to offend you in any ways!" i said in a blush. "Haha, no offence taken," he said with a laugh. 


I forged through my bag for my phone to check the time but i couldn't find it. "Umm, sorry to bother you but could you please tell me the time?" i as Hyunseung timidly. "You sure have some strange manners, checking the time is no problem! Its 5:30pm now," he answer as he shoved him phone back into his pocket. I thanked him for the time and digged through my bag for my house keys because i had a mini-chain watch on there. I stuck my hand in the bottom of my bag but still couldn't find the keys. And i realized i left the keys and my phone on the kitchen bench in the morning cause i was in a rush. "Oh shoot, i left the house keys at home and locked the door, damn stupid of me... looks like i'll have to camp outside until tomorrow and ask the landlady to unlock the door for me," i muttered to myself, not realizing Hyunseung heard every single word. "Why wait till tomorrow? Can't you just go now, i'll come with you if your scared," he offered. "No its alright, its just that the landlady's old and in her 80's, she likes to sleep early and i don't want to bother her," i replied. Hyunseung stared at me for a while and then just smiled.


"Hey, i know! Why don't you sleep over at my place for tonight?" asked Hyunseung. "Oh no! Seriously, its alright i don't want too disturb your parents and you don't really know me that well," i said, inside my heart was pounding like crazy and i wanted to say yes. "Its all good. My parent are on a oversea business trip for like another 2 weeks so the house is all ours and durr? We don't know each other well so we can get to know each other? It's not like as if i am a scary swamp monster that'll bite of your head if you want to know me," he joked. "okay, are you sure?" i asked and Hyunseung just gave me one of those: of- course- you- dork looks. 


​He took out his grey umbrella and held it for me as we walked into the rain and out of my nightmare and into my the sweetest dream, but instead it was reality. 


Thank you for reading and hope you like!

Omgg, i love the main image for this chapter! Its so ... um.. gloomy

you could say~ it has random chinese characters on it

and i don't know what they mean, lol, but it still looks cool to me ;)

Oh yes, if u didn't subscribe yet please do ;D

Byee ~! 

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Chapter 1: Lol ty ;)
Chapter 1: GAH! nice newspaper poster!!
Updatingg ;) i am to lazy ;<
Chapter 10: Icloud sshi why u dont want to update?? *crying* Please update it soon
Omg, the reply button isn't working ;( i am sad... anyways rai_suzuki and ninjass thank u so much for reading and i'll be updating chapeter 10 :D its just a short one~
Chapter 10: a short chapter but i enjoyed these two together :D . update soon
Chapter 10: WHY IS THIS CHAPTER SO SHORT !! ?? irsudkgjkzds,j WRITE MORREE
O_O they got a new reply feature but i dont think it works... for me at least
Aw.. i want bubble bath in there too XD haha...
Update soon ^^
:) TYY ~