
Can you feel my pain?

"where do you think your running, Hyuna? Away from us? Are we really that scary? Well, looks like your going to have a fun evening with us today," said Jihyun, pushing me against the wall. The rain started to pour down harder against the timber roof make a a deafening roar as lighten flash across the dark sky.


"Now you broke the rules. We even were nice and warned you about getting good marks in the math test, and look at you now. 100% huh? aren't we so proud of you?" mocked Jihyun. She suddenly slapped me hard across the the face, leaving a painful sting across my left cheek. She shoved me hard against the wall, until i could feel the coldness through my school shirt. Jihyun grabbed my face and forced me to look at her "Well, what a pretty face you have, beautiful and flawless, the skin is so soft like a peach," she said, my cheek.


I felt panic rising up into my chest and my instinct are screaming for me to run but i was trapped in this corner and with 4 against 1, i will definitely suffer if i tried. "I am so jealous of your skin and i don't like being jealous so... how are we going to make me not jealous but happy instead? How about we leave a a pretty scar on the right cheek, or maybe the forehead? Naa... I still like the check better... where everyone can see it... Pass me the scissor please, Gayoon," said Jihyun in a sweet and deadly voice. 


​Gayoon obediently took the scissor out of her bag and passed it to Jihyun. The blade glistened in the dim of the school and as the lighten flashed in the sky it lit up Jihyun face which was filled with pure evil. He eyes shone with pleasure, seeing me corner up like this by her and smirked a sinister smile. "Unnie, don't you think were going too far?" asked Sohyun. "SHUT UP! LISTEN TOO ME OR ELSE IT'LL BE  YOU I'M CUTTING!" screeched Jihyun. Sohyun shrank back against the far wall and was stunned in silence. 


​Jihyun smiled and press the scissor blade against my cheek and felt the cold blade press against my skin... I was scared. Really scared.. The fear crippled through me, freezing every muscle of my body and i could  tell I am shaking on the outside. My hand hands were slick with cold sweat and she dug the blade deep into my skin.


I was prepared for the searing pain, the warm blood to trickle down my cheek and the cut of metal deep into my skin but the pain never came. "HHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Look at you dork, got you really scared didn't I? I'm in a good mood today and won't cut that ugly face of yours but next time you won't be so lucky!" said Jihyun in a fit of giggles and laughed at my stupid pain attack. "So i won't cut you today but you still deserve to be punished for showing of your "smartness" and talking to Hyunseung," Jihyun said as her tone turned serious again. 


She pushed me onto the ground, roughly face-first. I manage to stick out my hands down to support myself  but scraping the skin on my hands and knee as i fell. Jihyun snatched my school bag off the ground and emptied everything onto the floor. "You seem pretty at english since you never speak and i don't give a about your science but your math is too good" she grabbed my math book off the ground and tossed it into the rain. I watched the pages slowly get soaked in the muddy water. "Oh ! You ! You chipped my nail polish when i picked up your useless math book!" screamed Jihyun as she examined her nails carefully. 


​Advancing towards me Jihyun bent down in front of me and slapped me hard in the face again and ran her sharp manicured nails along my arm, digging the nails into the surface of my skin. I could feel the cutting pain and i was sure it was going too leave angry red lines. Jihyun kicked me hard in the stomach as i doubled over in pain, "Oi, Are you 3 going to just stand and watch?! This chipped my nail, can't you see!? AND YOUR GOING TO JUST STAND THERE AND DO NOTHING?!"  screeched Jihyun stabbing a finger in my direction.  


Gayoon came up to me and brutally pulled my hair back causing unbearable pain in my scalp and slapped my swollen cheeks again with out any mercy, no wonder she was Jihyun's best friend. They were both so evil and y. Jiyoon slammed the back of my head against the wall and i felt my brain shake around, she hit my head hard but not with enough force to damage anything and Sohyun came up last and kicked me in the ribs. Gently! She pretended her kick was hard and forceful but actually it was gentle and barely cause any pain, as Jihyun was distracted checking her chipped nail, Sohyun gave me a small and apologetic smile. I somehow knew out of all 4, Sohyun was the odd one out, it seems she didn't enjoy Jihyun's ways and only did them because she had no choice.


"Okay, okay. That enough, anymore beating would make her look the ugliest person on earth and that would be a total shame to our school and a disgrace to her family and theres no point bashing her now, if she gets too damaged and goes to hospital, how are we going to have out fun for the next few weeks?" sneered Jihyun with a wicked smile.


Gayoon kicked my school bag out of the way and cleared the path for Jihyun to walk as if she was the queen of the world or something like that, at least i was lucky and it didn't end up the rain like my math book which is all soggy and mushed. "Ugly old hags, I hope they trip in the rain and fall in a muddy puddle," i cursed under my breathe. ", got something there to say? I didn't hear you, how about saying it louder?" declared Jihyun as she swiveled around staring at me with her mocking smile. "Ohh, of course not, i didn't say anything, sorry," i whispered back as my voice trembled with fear. "Sure then, bye! Oh one more thing, i noticed your umbrella looks nice so i'll be keeping that and using to walk outside, of course, unlike you, i won't be walking in the rain home. Now i have this lovely umbrella to walk to the gates and i'll get my chauffeur to pick me up, by the way, any objections on me keeping your umbrella? i'll take lovely care of it," Jihyun said in a sweet - poisoned tone while she twirled my favorite pink-laced umbrella in her hand. I shook my head and she flashed me a perfect smile and walked off in satisfaction.



Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed!

*sigh* Today im having a bad day. 

i just relised the stars looks like jumping patrick from spongebob, Lol.


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Chapter 1: Lol ty ;)
Chapter 1: GAH! nice newspaper poster!!
Updatingg ;) i am to lazy ;<
Chapter 10: Icloud sshi why u dont want to update?? *crying* Please update it soon
Omg, the reply button isn't working ;( i am sad... anyways rai_suzuki and ninjass thank u so much for reading and i'll be updating chapeter 10 :D its just a short one~
Chapter 10: a short chapter but i enjoyed these two together :D . update soon
Chapter 10: WHY IS THIS CHAPTER SO SHORT !! ?? irsudkgjkzds,j WRITE MORREE
O_O they got a new reply feature but i dont think it works... for me at least
Aw.. i want bubble bath in there too XD haha...
Update soon ^^
:) TYY ~