Dinner with You

Can you feel my pain?

Hyunseung was casually sitting in an arm chair reading the newspaper without any interest. As he heard my footstep, he tossed the newspaper aside and stood up. “Finally you’re done! It’s nearly 7pm so I’ll go make some dinner,” he said with a frown and walked towards the kitchen. I trailed after him and follow him into the kitchen. As I guess the kitchen was big, spacious, cosy and fully stocked. “Umm, so what’s for dinner tonight,” I asked. “I have totally no idea, to be honest I never cooked an edible meal before, and the hot chocolate doesn’t count,” he said with a smile. I looked at his eyebrows furrow together as he tried to think of what to cook. That expression was adorable and so cute on him as I suppressed my giggles.


“Can I cook instead? Looks like you’re having some trouble,” I said cheekily. “Haha, sure why not? The food I make will probably be poison as usual,” he joked. I walked around the kitchen looking at the available supplies and I had to say they had every ingredient I can think of! Collecting all the things I need, I started with the rice. Washing the rice and placing it in the cooker. Then I made a simple chicken soup and 3 dishes to go with the rice. *BEEP BEEP* The rice was ready and I opened the cooker as a gush of hot steam greeted my face.


Placing the food onto the table that Hyunseung set up. I place the food down and we sat down opposite each other. “Um…so let’s eat!” I said awkwardly. There were no replies as he just stared at food with his mouth wide open. 

"Hello, are we going to eat or not?"

"sorry! Its just that... I never EVER had a homemade meal before," he replied, staring down at the table.


"Opps, didn't mean too be loud and rude, sorry! Sometimes i just lose it!" I apologized. 

"Its ok, i understand, it does sound weird but my parents are so "busy" they don't ever have

the time to cook me a simple, homemade meal, it's always restaurants, take away, or some posh food made by some

famous chef,

"Ohh, I'm sorry"

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Lets just eat,"  I saw a flicker of anger in his eyes, i wonder what happened between his parents, sigh~ although that's none of my businesses.     


Dinner passed in total silence except for the scraping of cutlery on the dishes and the tick of the grandfather clock. I stuffed the last spoon of rice in my mouth and wiped it with my napkin. Standing up i gathered the dishes and took them to the sink. I was about to turn on the tap to wash them when Hyunseung interrupted me "Leave them there, the maid can wash it up tomorrow when she comes." I left them there without a word and i can clearly see he looks pissed off and in no mood to argue. 


Leaning against the sink awkwardly we just stared at the floor... Finally someone broke the silence "It's getting late, i'll take you too the guest bedroom. We got school tomorrow and should sleep early." I just nodded my head and follow Hyunseung up the stairs and to the bedroom, a typical hotel-like bedroom. A single bed in the middle of the room with fresh crisp sheets, a empty makeup desk, laptop on the coffee table and a door leading to a small bathroom. "I'll leave you here, my bedroom is next door, if you need anything just ask," he said. "Th--ank you for tonight, good night!" I stuttered but Hyunseung already left the room. 


Today is one of 


So i'm to lazy to update the rest of this chapter ;) i'll be up and typing when 

i finish being lazy which is never.


Yaa! I finished this chapter, its quite short compared to my others but watever,

Please do comment and sub if u haven't already xo 

Also new blog post on free resources and background for graphic posters, please do check it out:


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Chapter 1: Lol ty ;)
Chapter 1: GAH! nice newspaper poster!!
Updatingg ;) i am to lazy ;<
Chapter 10: Icloud sshi why u dont want to update?? *crying* Please update it soon
Omg, the reply button isn't working ;( i am sad... anyways rai_suzuki and ninjass thank u so much for reading and i'll be updating chapeter 10 :D its just a short one~
Chapter 10: a short chapter but i enjoyed these two together :D . update soon
Chapter 10: WHY IS THIS CHAPTER SO SHORT !! ?? irsudkgjkzds,j WRITE MORREE
O_O they got a new reply feature but i dont think it works... for me at least
Aw.. i want bubble bath in there too XD haha...
Update soon ^^
:) TYY ~