Please wake up

Can you feel my pain?

The rain just kept pouring down mercilessly and splashing against the car windows, the darkest clouds cover the sky, the thunder roared and cracks of lightening flashed across the sky, illuminating the dark night sky. Suddenly the car brakes screeched as they tried to stop without success. The brakes failed to work as the car skidded and spun. My small world suddenly lurched upside down as the car flipped over. 


I screamed until my throat felt raw as the car spun for a few seconds longer, then came to a halt as it hit the side of the road dead on. I saw my parents bodies jolt up and down from the final impact. “MUM! DAD!” I scream.


Mum head twitched. She turned around from the front passenger seat. The scarlet blood gushed from the wound on her forehead, her hand was twisted in sickening angle and shards of glass were embedded deep into her skin. 


“Hy..una…w..we’ll always you. It's time you go on wi..i..without us. Pro...mise me, that'll st..ay strong,” she stammered and as the final words left my beloved mother’s lips her eyelids fluttered close and her head stumped down. 


"Mum! Dad! Wake up... please wake up, don't leave me, please...." I whispered. I shook my mum’s shoulder hard but there was no reply. “P…please… mum, dad… don’t leave me like this, I promise I’ll stay strong, no matter what happen..j..just d..don’t leave me,” My whole body shook as I sobbed, the salted tears flowing down my face and stinging the open wounds on my torn skin.


I didn’t care. I couldn’t feel the pain. All I can feel is my heart is breaking. Into pieces, into pieces that can never be put back together. And then I knew my parents left this world… and left me too…


I heard the many splashes of footsteps in the rain, the faint cry of sirens in the distant and people crowding around the violent scene but I didn’t care. I continued to cry until there were no more tears left and after I continued my faint tearless sobs. Soon my vision started faltering. Black engulfing around the edges then finally filled my sight and I closed my eye.


Ohhai there, 

Thank you for reading the first chapter of "Can you feel my pain?" 

It was so hard to write this, the first chapter is always the hardest, so is the second, third and forth LOL!

Anyways i hope you liked it because i tried my best! Please subscribe if you like unicorns!

I hope too see you again in chapter 2! 


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Chapter 1: Lol ty ;)
Chapter 1: GAH! nice newspaper poster!!
Updatingg ;) i am to lazy ;<
Chapter 10: Icloud sshi why u dont want to update?? *crying* Please update it soon
Omg, the reply button isn't working ;( i am sad... anyways rai_suzuki and ninjass thank u so much for reading and i'll be updating chapeter 10 :D its just a short one~
Chapter 10: a short chapter but i enjoyed these two together :D . update soon
Chapter 10: WHY IS THIS CHAPTER SO SHORT !! ?? irsudkgjkzds,j WRITE MORREE
O_O they got a new reply feature but i dont think it works... for me at least
Aw.. i want bubble bath in there too XD haha...
Update soon ^^
:) TYY ~