Chapter III: Holden University of Seoul Part II

Another Chance <--- play this. Angel - Exo K


"Do you know how hard it is for me to buy a phone?" Miyoung exclaimed.

"Well, if you weren't texting while walking you should've saw me coming your way..." Kris defended.

"Well, if you were not doing anything you should've moved away from me!" Miyoung sassed.

"Well. . . . . . " before he could continue, he suddenly remembered a someone from the cafe. He was looking at her face for minutes, trying to distinguish who she was.

"Hey, no creepy looks." Miyoung walked ahead while looking for Junghee.


"Hey!" Junghee came out of nowhere.

"Where were you?" Miyoung asked.

"I was calling your phone five minutes ago." Junghee explained.

"I, I mean, he broke my phone." Miyoung told her.

"He?" Junghee asked conciously.

"Nevermind, come on." Miyoung grabbed Junghee's hand and walked away.


"Good morning, to all new students. We've got 50 new students and 2 new scholar students." the middle aged woman greeted. The new students were like "two scholar?" "omg, who is that?"

"I'm gonna announce all new students first, raise your hand if I call your name." she said.

When the teacher mentioned "Kris Wu" the girls were "OMG, Kris is his name!" they were looking at him and were spazzing.

"Girls! Girls! Quiet!" the teacher shouted. "I shall proceed to the two scholars, please stand up as I call your name. Lee Junghee!" the teacher called and then Junghee stood up confidently. "and Lee Miyoung who was the first one to get the perfect score!" the teacher announced cheerfully.

Junghee and Miyoung had their jaw dropped when they heard the Miyoung was the first one to perfect the exam. The teacher handed over their exam results. Junghee got 157 out of 170 items. Miyoung got 170 out of 170 items.


Kris's pov


OH MY GOD! She's gonna be my schoolmate, or even better SHE'S GONNA BE MY CLASSMATE! That beautiful girl is actually going to study in Holden University of Seoul! I love my life in Seoul

"Kris!" my mom interrupted my daydreaming.

"What?" I shouted back.

"It's dinner time." my tiger mom shouted again.

My mom is such a bother. x( I hate her.




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britt29able1 #1
Please update soon. (:
Chapter 13: frustrating....good but frustrating XD
Chapter 10: update soon :)
SophiaExoticsShawol #4
Waiting for many chapters to come!:D
i love it ;)
eunhee_shin #7
OMO! I just read it once again. ♥ Can't wait. Update 50 chapters a day! Pleasee!
eunhee_shin #8
Can't wait for the chapters! I know this will be a good story. Hope you get featured.
SophiaExoticsShawol #9
Love it! <3
rande255: yes yes! :)