Chapter 9

I Hate Bigbang

purple: mins thoughts

green: taeyangs thoughts

The next day min got up she was still a little jumpy from what happened last night but decided to not think about it


when she got to school everyone was staring at her, she was use to it but today was different more people stared at her and they had a disaproving look on there faces min ignored it and went to class. She saw the guys standing and sitting around taeyangs and her desk talking and laughing when they saw min they all smiled and waved

"hey" min said and sat down in her seat

"you ok?" taeyang asked softly 

"yeah i feel much better" min said smiling

"that's good" daesung said with a huge grin on his face

they all talked about random stuff for the next 2 minutes then the bell rang and they all rushed to there classes the teacher walked in and class started min couldn't help but feel students staring at her every once in a while she could feel there cold and mean stares


"yes! schools over!" taeyang said happily

they walked out of the school and met up with the others

"so who want's to go and eat some dubbuk at that stand over there?" g said already walking toward it


"that was so good" daesung said smiling

"what do you guys want to do now?" top said

"idk" g said shrugging his shoulderthey looked at him fuuny because

"let's go to my house" min said "shins going to be home in a bit we can all have dinner together!" min said happily

they all walked to mins house and saw shin sitting watching t.v. he looked up and waved

"yo" shin said getting up

"hey oppa!" min said

"hello" they guys said in usion

they all watched t.v. and joked around when dinner time came around they all decided to order pizza.


"so any news on when you have to leave?" min asked after dinner

"yeah" shin said looking a bit sad "i have to leave saturday morning"

"this saturday?!?" min said surprised

"yeah....." shin said

"well then we have to all hang out on friday and have a going away party!" g said loudly

"of course" taeyang said smiling at min

min smiled back, after more t.v. watching and talking the guys left

"so should you start to pack?" shin asked

"i'll do it later" min said

she sat down next to shin on the couch 



"i'll miss you"

"i'll miss you too

they then watched there two favorite studio ghibli films together spirited away and my nieghbor totoro 


One of the biggest test was coming up and everyone was stressing out but min couldn't even think about the big test when her brother was going to be leaving in 3 days today was Thursday and tomorrow was the big test so she had to study like mad today and plan the party luckly she had the guys to help her or she would have exploded with stress 

"thanks again for helping me guys" min said smiling and let them in her house 

"no problem" taeyang said walking in with the guys behind him 

"it's going to be so much fun tomorrow!" g said loudly

 they got a day off so everyone could have more time studying some kids just goof off on this day while others pull all nighters with there friends and study like mad the guys promised to come over to help with the party planning and to pull an all nighter afterwards for the test, min was wearing a off the shoulder pink bunny long sleeved and long black pants that was a little to long for her and her big black glasses instead of contacts and had her hair up in a side bun

"wow you look different with glasses on" daesung said tilting his head a bit

"oh" min said a little embarrassed "i usually don't wear glasses only when i'm not going out or when i just don't feel like it"

You look cute in them

"you look cute in them" g said smiling 

grrrr I was thinking about saying that taeyang glared at him while all g did was smile 

"thanks" min said a little shocked "brunch anyone?" min asked while everyone went into the living room

"sure" they said in usion

"ok i'll make something" min said walking into the kitchen

"you should have said something to her before I did" g said to taeyang and sat down on the couch with the others guys, the guys smiled and nodded knowing that taeyang really like min 

"shut up" taeyang said a little embarassed 

the rest of the day went by super fast with studying, party planning, laughing, games, and movies.


"today was super fun" min said ploping on the couch next to shin at the end of the day

"good thing you have such good friends" shin said smiling at min, deep inside shin knew he would miss her so much and hated to leave her when she just made new friends he was very thankful to the guys for being her friends and caring for her it made him feel better leaving her here with the guys.


The next day min and the guys got to school and looked at the classrooms they got assigned for the test day.

"YESSS! we are all in the same classroom!" g said smiling

taeyang was super excited to be with min and he tried so hard to not show it but failed at it, they all could tell that taeyangs and mins smile became wider

After the big test everyone went to mins house to help her pack it was only 10 so they could all relax and take there time they stopped by some shops to look for decorations for the house they bought a bunch of every party decoration they could find. When they got back to the house they went straight to mins room, min got her suitcases out and started to put all of her belongings in it.


"done!" min said smiling they brought the stuff downstairs by the door and started putting up decorations when they where done the downstairs part of the house had a bunch of  colorful balloons and streamers with a big banner that said WE WILL MISS YOU! on it with big, bold and, colorful letters. They also had party hats, noise makers and other things.

"it looks awesome!" daesung said giving a big thumbs up

"looks like a kids party...." seungri said while chuckling

"i think it looks wonderful, shins going to be so happy" taeyang said smiling at min and winked at her which made min blush she could feel her cheeks heating up and quickly looked the other way so they couldn't see her blushing.

"it's 6 right now shins coming home at 8 right?" g said looking at his phone

"oh we better get cooking" min said walking to the kitchen with the others following

since no one knew how to cook except min and taeyang they suggested on them two just cooking

"NO i want to help!" g protested and crossed him arms over his chest

"yeah! we need do something!" seungri said pouting while daesung frowned and crossed him arms they looked like little kids, that  made min and taeyang laugh which made them pout even more.

"ok, you guys can help" min said she tripped over her long gray pants and was falling toward taeyang he lost his balance and fell down with min coming down after him, she ended up on top of him there eyes grew wide open as they realized they were kissing.


Hey everyone! sorry i haven't been updating for a while i swear i will try to update more often.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! ^___^   

(p.s. thanks to everyone who has subscribed to my story it makes me super happy, you guys are my motivation to keep on writing!)

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JBL511 #1
Chapter 20: Keep up the good work. Fighting :)
JBL511 #2
Chapter 20: I laugh so hard. This is the first time I ever finish reading about taeyang beind read the main lead. Usually I will always skip through his story and read about my bais
JBL511 #3
Didn't read but still vote just because the comment was good.
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 20: Doneeee reading this story...loveee it :)
Chapter 20: Sequel????
Hey guys! Thanks for subbing and commenting. PLease vote on this story! That would be super helpful! :)
courcour #7
Chapter 20: ahhh I loved it so much please let their be a sequel.
Chapter 20: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Loved it!
Chapter 14: FRIEND-ZONED THATS WHATS UP!!!! Only Taeyang can be with min!!! :)