Chapter 19

I Hate Bigbang

Purple: Mins thoughts

Green: Taeyangs thought 


Taeyang and Min looked at each other at the same time and they just happened to be right next to each other, shoulders touching and faces inches away.

They quickly backed away and awkwardly sat there.

"HEY GUYS I HAVE GOOD NEWS!" Papa YG said as he walked into their hotel room "did i come at the wrong time?" he asked as he noticed an akward silence between everyone

"NO!" they all yelled in usion 

"...ok....anyways you guys get to stay here for the rest of the weekend doing whatever! It's my treat to say thanks for doing such a good job so far!"

"THANK YOU!" they all yelled in usion. after Papa YG walked out of the room and the door was shut everyone cheered with excitement "WOOHOO!"

"two whole days of whatever! That means we can hang out anywhere and eat anything!" G cheered with excitement "I LOVE JANPANESE FOOD!" 


"wake up!!" The guys all yelled at Taeyang

"what do you want?" Taeyang mumbled into his pillow 

"we all decided to go to the amusment park" Top informed Taeyang 

"and it's going to be super fun we all want to go in half an hour so get ready" Seungri said and left the room with the others

When Taeyang came out he found everyone watching t.v. The guys all wore some type of skinny jeans with high blazer nikes and a t-shirt. Min wore white shorts with a blue button up jean shirt with tan sandals and her hair was wavy. 

"stop eye her dude" Daesung said chuckling 

Taeyang glared at Daeusng while Min blushed 


"AHHHH!" Min screamed clutching onto Taeyangs arm as the roller coaster went down a steep hill 

she's so adorable 

"Phew" Min said as she got off but not before tripping of course but regained her balance before she could land on her face. 

"you ok?" Taeyang asked putting his hand on her shoulder to help her regain balance 

"yeah" Min said as they continued to walk to another ride 

"let's go on that ride!" G said as he pointed to a ride twice as big and fast as the one they went on a mintue ago 

"no thank you" Min said looking scared "i'll just wait here for you guys" She said gesturing to a bench by the waiting line 

"i'll wait with you" Taeyang said smiling 

"you sure?" 


"ok you guys go hang around then we'll catch up with you later" Top said as they all went into a long line 

Min and Taeyang decided to go to a food stand to get cotton candy. Min pulled out a 5 dollar bill and handed it to the lady at the counter but just before the lady could take it Taeyang took his money and handed it to the lady and the lady took Taeyang money with a smile. 

"hey i could have payed"

"i know but i wanted too" Taeyang said smiling 

The lady handed them the cotton candy.

"give me some" Taeyang said as he reached over to take some up Min held it back so he couldn't then started to laugh 

"heyyy" taeyang whinned like a little child 

"hahaha" Min laughed and ran away from him with Taeyang running after her.

"gottcha" Taeyang said as she grabbed her from behind like he was hugging her he then swung her around as Min laughed. 

"look at those two" Seungri said poking his head behind a building with the others also poking their head out 

"maybe we should just leave them be" Top said as he walked away with Seungri and Daesung 

"Hey wait for me!" G said once he noticed them all walking away 

After a while with The guys going on rides and Min and Taeyang walking around playing games it started to become dark out. 

"wow we spent the whole day here" Min said noticing how dark it was getting and how the lights started to light up all around the park. 

"it was fun" Taeyang said then he spotted a game "come on!" He said happily and grabbed Mins hand pulling her with him 

Taeayng hit the last bottle with his last soft ball "YES I WON!" Taeyang cheered as he picked out a Panda bear and then handed it to MIn "for you" He said smiling 

"thank you!" Min said taking it and hugging it "it's adorable!"

so are you

"i heard there are going to be fireworks tonight wehn it get's pitich black and all of the lights in the park turn on" Taeyang said smiling as they walked a bit then Taeyang stopped infront of the ferris wheel "perfect spot to see fireworks" he said as she gestured toward the ride 

"hmm... not fast, or scary, and you get a good view of the fireworks, works for me!" Min said running toward the ride with Taeyang chuckling as he walked behind her. 

"COME ON!" Min said running back to Taeyang and grabbed his hand dragging him toward the ride with excitement 

"hold on!" He said laughing 

"quick up!" Min said still holding onto his hand and trying to dragg him to the ride faster 

"woohoo!" Min said as she sat on the seat next to Taeyang. The ride started to move and Min extended her arms and hands in the arm "i'm flying!" She said happily 

why is she so darn cute?

When they started going down from the top of the ferris wheel they ended up talking about Woonji 

"do you like him?" Taeyang asked hoping that she wouldn't say yes 

"like a friend yes, more then a friend no" Min simply answered 

Taeyang felt as if a huge, heavy weight lifted up off his shoulders and his confidence boosted up 

"do you like anyone?" Min asked looking at him 

please say no please say no please say-

 "yes" Taeyang simply answered. Min felt as if her heart just got stabbed and crushed into a million pieces 

" long have you know her?" 

"hmmm i met her this year" He said simply and turned toward Min 

"is she pretty?, what's she like?"

"She's the most beautiful girl i have ever met, she makes my heart pound faster and faster each time i see her, she's the nicest girl ever, she can be clueless at times but that's what makes her so adorbale she's also a klutz but i love everything about her" 

Min felt a sharp pain and felt like crying but forced a smile onto her face 

"oh...she's lucky" Min said simply 

"i wounldn't say that, she doesn't know i like her"

"you should tell her" Min lied. She noticed that they alsmost made it one round around the ferris wheel, one more round to go

"i should, shouldn't i?" I Taeyang asked as he looked back at the dark night sky with stars scattered evrywhere "to be honest-" Taeyang started 

"HEY TAEYANG, MIN!!" G yelled as he and Seungri jumped onto the seat infront of them and Top and Daesung jumped onto the one behind them 

curse these guys 

"sorry we didn't call we ended up going on all of the big scary rides so we didn't call" Top said from behind Taeyang and MIn 

"it's ok!" Min said forcing yet another smile on her face 

ok so it's comfirmed he likes someone else, see Min you got your hopes up, but you have to be happy if your not you'll ruin the mood for everyone else

Soon they reached the top once again 

"BOOM!" The first fireworks shot up into the dark sky lighting it up for a couple of second then slowly falling back down then more fireworks exploded into the sky all different colors blue, pink, red, green, purple, making the stars in the sky look even more beautiful and brighter then they already were. 

"WOWW" Taeyang said alsmost in a whisper with a twinkle in his eyes looking at how beautiful the fireworks were as everyone looked up into the sky. Min looked up into the sky then at Taeyang 

I wish I could be happy for him, but I want to be with him..

After everyone came back to the hotel they all got changed and ready for bed. Min put in her headphones and  turned up her Ipod volume up full blast and layed in her bed looking up at the ceiling the song Fly Me to The Moon came on which made her think of Taeyang. Min closed her eyes and listened to the lyrics


Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars 
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling, kiss me

Fill my life with song
And let me sing forever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling, kiss me

Fill my life with song
Let me sing forever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore

In other words, please be true
In other words, 
In other words
I love you

Min slowly opens her eyes. She reaches out and hugs her stuffed panda tightly "I love you" Min whispers to nothing as a tear slowly runs down her face. 


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JBL511 #1
Chapter 20: Keep up the good work. Fighting :)
JBL511 #2
Chapter 20: I laugh so hard. This is the first time I ever finish reading about taeyang beind read the main lead. Usually I will always skip through his story and read about my bais
JBL511 #3
Didn't read but still vote just because the comment was good.
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 20: Doneeee reading this story...loveee it :)
Chapter 20: Sequel????
Hey guys! Thanks for subbing and commenting. PLease vote on this story! That would be super helpful! :)
courcour #7
Chapter 20: ahhh I loved it so much please let their be a sequel.
Chapter 20: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Loved it!
Chapter 14: FRIEND-ZONED THATS WHATS UP!!!! Only Taeyang can be with min!!! :)