Chapter 7

I Hate Bigbang

purple: mins thoughts

green: taeyangs thoughts

The next day min was late for class

"i'm sorry i was late" min said apologising to the teacher

*haha min the perfect students going to get a tardy* nana thought happily

"it's ok this is the first time you came in late so i won't count it in my tardy list"

"thank you!" min said and sat down

*that btch get's everything* nana thought and glared at her

"why are you so late?" taeyang asked

"my brother said he would drive me but then his car didn't start"

class continued

*ring ring*

"schools over!" taeyang said streching

the guys ran in mins and teayangs class

"hey min!" the said in usion

nana was still in the classroom she gared at min even more "i thought i told her to stay away from them!" she said to her friends and walked out with them

"is that nana?" top asked

min nodded and they left the school together

"she was glaring at you" g said frowning

"just let her be, i'm use to it"

"fine" top said "but it's only because you asked us too"

"so what do you guys want to do?" g said happily

"i have a ton of homework" min and taeyang said together they looked at each other, blushed, then looked the other direction

"well then you guys should do your homework together" daesung said winking at the other guys

"homeworks boring let's go out!" g said not getting the hint

seungri covered his mouth "he means we will go out, you two have homework to do"

"bye!" they said in usion and ran off before min and teayng could say anything

"my house or your house?" taeyang said camly 

"your house my brother would bother us" min said

they walked in awkward silence to taeyangs house it was a pretty big house since all of the guys lived there too

"i'll show you around" taeyang said dropping his backpack on the floor and walking upstairs

taeyangs room was super clean so was all of the others guys rooms but they all had different themes with there favorite color(s) beging the main color(s) in there rooms, there's 6 bathrooms total one in each room including an empty room. The kitchen was totaly white and pretty, The living room was big with a couch and bean bag chairs facing a big flat screen t.v. by the t.v. there was an xbox, wii etc. with stacks of different types of games.

"i'm guessing you guys play games a lot" min said looking at the stacks of games

"yeah we do, we can do our homework in my room" taeyang said grabbing his bag and walking upstairs to his room min followed with her bag

they did homework together min mostly helped taeyang with his homework except for math taeyang was super good at math. They where half way through math when min's stomach decided to sound like a dying whale.

"i'll make something to eat" taeyang said smiling and  walked down the stairs and into the kitchen min followed him into the kitchen feeling so embarrassed

"i can make somthing" min said looking around in the fridge and drawers

"no your the guest, i'll make something" taeyang said taking food out

they ended up cooking together and having a blast doing so

"min pass me the salt" taeyang said

min grabbed the salt and handed it to him but tripped over tomato skin that taeyang dropped but forgot to pick up before she could fall backwards on to her taeyang caught her they stayed in that position shocked, then teayang leaned in and was about to kiss her when her phoned ringed they got up being shocked by the noise taeyang continued cooking while min picked up the phone

"h-hello?" min said into the phone

"min where are you?" shin said sounding worried

"oh i'm at taeyangs place"

"why are you at his place?!?" shin shouted

"we are doing homework oppa"

"oh ok, you guys ate yet?"

"we are making food right now"

"good then i won't wait for you"

"ok then oppa i'm going to hang up now"

"oh min,if you guys do anything.... use protection!" shin said jokiinly and hung up

"that girl" shin said smiling knowing that she won't do anything

min hung up and started to blush a little bit she got the bowls and stuff out trying to hid her face so he couldn't see she was blushing

"was that shin?" taeyang asked

"y-yeah how did you know?"

"cause you only call shin and that one guy oppa"

"his name is bae" min said correcting him

"whatever" taeyang said

"someone jelous?" min teased

"yeah i'm jelous so what?"


"it was a joke!" taeyang said laughing

"oh haha" min said gosh i thought he was serious but he would never like me in that sort of way

why did i say that? stupid taeyang!

after they ate they went upstairs to finish up ther homework when they finished they went downstairs to watch some t.v. and before they knew it they fell asleep min's head was on taeyangs shoulder and taeyangs head lightly rested on her head


"wonder if taeyang and min are getting alone?" daesung said 

"i bet they are" top said

"well it's 10:00 i think she's probably home already" g said

"or they could be doing something else?" seungri said smiling ertedly

"ert!" g said and and kicked him

"oww what was that for!?!"

"that was for being a ert they would never do anything like that they aren't even dating!" g said with the rest of the guys backing him up

"fine whatever i was just saying"

they walked back to there house and quietly opened the door just incase taeyang was asleep they walked passed the living room and heard the t.v. still playing

"taeyang must have fallen asleep on the couch wacthing t.v." top whispered they went over to the t.v. to turn it off then they saw min and teayang sleeping

"aww" g said smiling

"they really should just become a couple" daesung said

"and then do the nasty" seungri said smiling "i'm kidding, i'm just kidding" seungri quickly added when the guys gave him glares

they quickly went to there rooms and went to bed


i know i haven't updated in a while.....

but my weekends have been filled with family time or a bunch of homework or both

hope you guys enjoy this chapter! ^___^





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JBL511 #1
Chapter 20: Keep up the good work. Fighting :)
JBL511 #2
Chapter 20: I laugh so hard. This is the first time I ever finish reading about taeyang beind read the main lead. Usually I will always skip through his story and read about my bais
JBL511 #3
Didn't read but still vote just because the comment was good.
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 20: Doneeee reading this story...loveee it :)
Chapter 20: Sequel????
Hey guys! Thanks for subbing and commenting. PLease vote on this story! That would be super helpful! :)
courcour #7
Chapter 20: ahhh I loved it so much please let their be a sequel.
Chapter 20: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Loved it!
Chapter 14: FRIEND-ZONED THATS WHATS UP!!!! Only Taeyang can be with min!!! :)