Chapter 18

I Hate Bigbang

Purple: Mins thoughts 

Green: Taeyangs thoughts 

The guys and Min got to school and they each got a sheet of new class for the last trimester of school

They all ended  up having the same classes together. They all walked toward there class room, G opened the door but ended up pushing it to hard so the door made a loud SLAM! sound which made everyone look in their direction. All eyes were now on Min and the guys. The teacher and students all looked at them with surprised and wide eyes. After what seemed like forever the teacher finally got everyone to pay attention to the lesson and told Min and the guys to take a seat they all sat 2 in a row Taeyang and min sat together with Daesung and G behind them and Top and Seungri behind them. They could all feel their classmates stare at them once in a while.

After their morning classes were over they went up to the roof to eat lunch.

"everyone was staring at us in all of our classes, it was awkward" Daesung said taking a bite of his sandwhich

"i know i feel so weird when everyone is staring at me like that" G said as he opened his water bottle 


"WOOHOO! schools over!" Taeyang said getting up 

They walked out to their van and got ambushed by students asking for autographs, pictures, or just asking questions. They all stood their for a bit looking at each other stunned because they wanted their pictures and autographs. They finally snaped out of  it and spread out a bit to take pictures and sign notebooks and albums. Taeyang looked up and saw Mins face a little pink and shocked at how many people were surounding her but she smiled and took pictures and signed notebooks. 

she's so cute Tayenag smiled and continued to also take pictures and such


"yeah, they all crowded us for autographs and pictures" G said in his phone to papa YG "ok bye!" 

"what did he say?" Top asked 

"he said it was normal and to remind us that we are going to have an offical signing in seoul.......and JAPAN!!" 

"wait no one said anything about Japan" Top said furrowing his eyebrows together in confusion

"WHEN?!?" Daesung, Seungri, Taeyang, and Min yelled at him in which made him back up acouple of feet in surprise

"we are going to Seoul first then to Jpan the next day, can you believe it?!?!?!" G said jumping up and down in excitement 

"wow we are popular in Japan already?!?!" Min shouted happily



The guys and Min came to their first offical signing in Seoul by their surprise hundreds of people were their waiting to greet them they also saw some people from their school and people from the dance battle groups. They spent the day their answering questions, taking pictures, signing autographs, talking with their fans, recieving gifts, and just having fun and goofing off with each other and the fans.


"PHEW  i'm tired" Daesung said as he sat down on a couch inside their hotel room "i didn't think that many people would show up"

"I'm so happy the fans were amazing and so sweet i can't believe  we got so many gifts from them" Taeyang said with a huge grin on his face

"I'm so tired up super happy i had a great time" Min said and then she went into her room 

The hotel room they got was kind of like a mini house in a hotel their room has 4 bathrooms and 6 rooms one for each of the guys and Min and a mini kitchen. After 20 or so minutes they all came out of their rooms in P.js a.k.a. sweats with t-shirts/tank tops. They all decided to watch a movie. Min and Taeyang went into the kitchen to make popcorn and get sodas while the guys decided on a movie to watch. 

"what the-"" Taeyang said startled and turned around toward Min looking innocently at him 

"what?" she asked poping some popcorn in  

"did you throw popcorn at me?" he asked already knowing the answer 

"noooooooo" she said smiling Min turned around to get another bowl from the cabinet. Taeyang then threw popcorn at the back of her head. 

"heyyyyy" Min whinned turning around "what did i do?" she asked him 

"are you serious?" he asked in disbelief at how childish she was acting. Min then threw some more popcorn at him and he threw popcorn at her soon it turned out to be a popcorn fight. 

"ahhhhh!" Min yelled as she shield herself with an empty bowl 

"HAHA got you now!" He yelled smirking and kept on throwing popcorn at her 

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING!?!?" G yelled in horror "FOOD WASTERS!!" he yelled pointing at them like they just killed a puppy. The other guys came in the kitchen and saw the popcorn on the floor

Min took some popcorn and lightly threw it at G. G looked at her then an evil smiled slowly apeared on his face.

"OH NO" everyone but G said in usion they all them quickly grabbed bowls to sheild themselves while G continuously threw popcorn at them. Soon they all were in a popcron fight. After what seemed like forever they got all of the popcorn cleaned up made more popcorn and all sat down on the couch to watch a movie. 


"1, 2, 3" Min quietly whispered with the guys behind her as she slowly reached down about to tickle Taeyang and the guys ready to join in, but before she could do anything Taeyang grabbed her hand and pulled her into his embrace.

"what the?" Min said thinking he was awake 

"umm....Min he's still asleep..." Daesung whispered to her trying not to wake up Taeyang 

"can you guys help-" Min started to say but before she could finish the guys were already out of the room. great thanks guys

"umm Taeyang?" She asked him look up at his face. When he didn't respond she poked him on the cheek. Taeyang hold suddenly tightened as he pulled her closer to him. Min face turned a rotten tomatoe red as she tired to get out of his grip but it was no use he would only hold her closer to him. Finally surrendering she stopped trying and just layed there waiting for him to wake up and let go of her 


"BWAHAHA" The guys laughed but then quickly became quiet they didn't want Taeyang to wake up just yet 

"Mins face when we left it was priceless" Daesung laughed 

"no wonder Taeyang likes her, she's adorable" Top laughed then quickly all of the guys looked at him the same question going threw their heads 

" you like..Min?" G finally asked 

"not like that!!" Top said quickly "she's like a sister to me! and i'm sure you all think she's cute but in a brotherly way"

"true" Sungri agreed

The only person who Liked Min was more then a friend was Taeyang, but actually at first no one knew Taeyangs type he was the one that never really liked anyone and he never really told anyone his past dating life if he even had a girfriend before. 

"we'll wake him (Taeyang) up in an hour or so" G said laughing They all then went into there own rooms to do whatever.


Min just layed there looking up at a peaceful looking Taeyang. 

this is going to take a while she thought as she looked down from him because her neck started to hurt she was now looking at his chest. His bare chest. 

Taeyang woke up half an hour later and looked down at what he was hugging he saw MIn 

"hi" she said smiling up at him once she realized he was up 

"why are you in my bed?" he asked her 

"because me and the guys where about to tickle you awake but then before i could you grabbed my arm then hugged me, the guys ran out of the room without helping me so i had to wait till you woke up" Min said nonchalantly 

"oh sorry about that you could have tried to wake me up"

"i tired" 


"umm...can you ket go of me now?" Min asked 

Taeyang quickly let her go and sat up on his bed he then realized he was half so he quickly shot up frm his bed and pulled on a shirt 


"TO THE AIRPORT!" G shouted as he hopped into the van only to get pulled out by Top 

"hey i want to drive!" G whinned 

"that " Top said then sat in the drivers seat making G sit at the back 

"FINE!" he yelled "i'll just sit next to MIN" and he stuck out his tougne while the others laughed at him


When they got to the airport they got surounded by fans with bodyguards making a clear path for them. Min and the guys waved and smiled at their fans. 


They got off the plane and walked out into the airport to be greated with tons of Japanese fans, and reporters. The Bodyguards lead them into there car and to their hotel where they met up with papa YG. Papa YG looked super haopy to see them and they all sat down and talked to him for a while. Papa YG descided to let them stay the weekend in Japan doing whatever they wanted to do. They all thanked him  and then went to there signing. 

"HELLO EVERYONE!" They all said into the microphone in Janpanese 

Min happened to know Japanese pretty well so she talked into the microphone freely without the translaters help the others knew Japanese to but only the main stuff. The rest of the day was spent answering questions, signing stuff, and taking pictures. The also sang a little bit for the fans.


"hey guys come here and look at this" Seungri said looking at his laptop "there's this wesite dedicated to us and it has stuff the fans can vote on like the most sweetest, the most funnyist and more"

They all surounded Seungri and his laptop 

"OH! click on that!" G said pointing at the screen "The fans voted on Taeyang and Min being the cutest as a couple!" 

Taeyang and Min looked at each other at the same time and they just happened to be right next to each other, shoulders touching and faces inches away.


Sorry i haven't updated in FOREVER i have a super bad habit of procrastinating...

BUT i will try my best to update once a week or at least update once twice a week 



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JBL511 #1
Chapter 20: Keep up the good work. Fighting :)
JBL511 #2
Chapter 20: I laugh so hard. This is the first time I ever finish reading about taeyang beind read the main lead. Usually I will always skip through his story and read about my bais
JBL511 #3
Didn't read but still vote just because the comment was good.
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 20: Doneeee reading this story...loveee it :)
Chapter 20: Sequel????
Hey guys! Thanks for subbing and commenting. PLease vote on this story! That would be super helpful! :)
courcour #7
Chapter 20: ahhh I loved it so much please let their be a sequel.
Chapter 20: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Loved it!
Chapter 14: FRIEND-ZONED THATS WHATS UP!!!! Only Taeyang can be with min!!! :)