Chapter 11

I Hate Bigbang

Purple: mins thoughts

Green: taeyangs thought

Sunday was a lazy day for everyone no one really did anything and the day went by super fast before they knew it, it was already 9

"i'm going to bed schools tomorrow" top said walking up the stairs and into his room with daesung and seungri  also going into there room. After about 30 minutes of watching t.v. g went into his room so now it was just min and taeyang. Min suddenly started to blush just thinking about the kissing incident the other day she quickly turned away. Taeyang yawned and streched his arms up in the air

"i'm going to go to bed" they said in usion they both reached for the remote at the same time and there fingers touched min quickly jerked a way.

"i'll go upstairs first" she said alsmost running upstairs and into her room she could feel her heart beating faster. "why do i feel this way?" she whispered to herself with her back againts the closed door

"she must feel awkward being alone with me.....but i think i might be starting to like her......" taeyang said quietly to himself he turned off the t.v. and went to bed


Min woke up half an hour early that morning to make breakfast for everyone. After she took a shower and got dressed she went into the kicthen and made eggs, bacon, and homemade orange juice. The first person to come down was surprisingly top.

"good morning" he said when he saw min making breakfast "i'll go wake up everyone else" he said already walking up the stairs

"WAKE UP EVERYONE!" he yelled as he walked into each and everyone of there rooms and pulled there blankets off there beds. Everyone then started to go downstairs after they got dressed.

"morning!" min said happily she put there breakfast infront of them

"thank you!" G said with a mouthful of food

"thanks min" daeusng and seungri said at the same time

"don't talk with your mouth full" top said tsking G. Gjust stuck his tongue out which made some already chewed food fly out.

"your so gross" taeyang said shaking his head


When they got to school they all got off of the van they just got, they decided they should get another car instead of just using the 5 seated car. All of the students looked in surprise to see min getting out of the car with the guys and she was smiling and talking to them the girls whispered and gossip while the guys wondered why guys like that would hang out with her.

"oh my god" one of nanas friend said. Nana turned around to find min getting out of the car with the guys.

"that biatch" she said with flames in her eyes

*ring ring* the bell rang and students all rushed to there classes.


"schools over!" G yelled and ran into min and taeyangs classroom making other girls squeal with delight at Gs cuteness

"you guys go ahead, i have to go to the restroom" min said getting up

"ok" the guys said in usion and walked out into the hallway. Min walked into the girls room to find nana and her 2 followers there they suddenly stopped talking and glared at  her, she ignored them and went into a stall when she came out to wash her hands they still glared at her.

"hey min, who the hel do you think you are? hanging out with Daesung, Seungri, Top, G, and Taeyang!" nana screamed "you of all people need to realize you don't belong with such beautiful guys"

min ignored her and walked out of the restroom nana followed "YAH! don't walk away from me!" nana yelled and pushed min to the wall she then extended her arm and was about to slap her but min grabbed nanas hand then her shoulders and turned her to the wall.

"i can do whatever i want like i said before" she said with a calm voice and stepped back. Then nana screamed bloody murder and fell to the ground. The guys ran over when they saw nana on the ground with min standing infront of her min, nana made sure min looked like she did it.

"why would you hit nana, min!" one of nanas friends yelled

"yeah! what the heck! all she wanted to do was be nice to you!" the other friend said

"lets get her to the nurses room" taeyang said getting her up and taking her to the room with min, the guys, and nanas friends following

"i didn't do anything" min said sitting on a bench by the nurses room

"we know" the guys said sitting down with her "i have an idea to prove that min didn't hurt nana" Daeung said with a smile


Nana slowly opened her eyes pretending to have trouble sitting up

"are you ok?" taeyang asked

"y-yeah i think so"

"what happened?"

"i don't know min hit me, i was trying to talk to her but i guess i said something to make her upset with me..."

"she would never hurt anyone"

"she's so nice to you guys but she so cold to me i....i don't get it" nana said pretending to be sad just then nanas friends ran in.

"are you ok?!?"

"i can't beleive she would do that!" they said at once

"i'm fine" nana said smiling

"but min didn't do, i'm positive" taeyang said standing up

"but she did!" nanas followers said in usion

"no she didn't" Seungri said walking in with the other guys he took out a security camera and showed it to taeyang.

"why would you lie?" taeyang said to nana with disapointent after we watched what happened

"don't you dare hurt min again" seungri said

"if you do your going to have to deal with us" daesung said

"we know about all of that bul you have been spreading aboout her" g said

 The guys walked out of the room with taeyang following but nana got up and grabbed taeyangs hand.

"what do you see in her!" she yelled "i'm way more popular, prettier, everyone likes me! you never look at me even though i am so much better then min!" she cried

Taeyang looked down at her and pulled away from her grasp "Min is way better then you in so many ways. She might not be as popular but she's not two faced, not everyone likes you and unlike you mins beautiful on the outside and inside all you have is a decent face but on the inside your hidieous"  Tayenag said with a clenched fist. The guys all walked out of the room ignoring nana and her crying.

"YAHHH!" she screamed messing up her hair while stomping on the floor "that-that-that little biatch!!" she yelled letting herself fall to the floor


Min got up when she saw the guys walking out. "let's go" top said looking pissed

"i'm going to talk to nana for a second" she said and walked in the room before the guys could say anything. nana was crying and her friends trying to get her to stop

"what do you want!?!" she yelled when she say min

"i want to say that i'm going to forgive you for doing all of those things to me but if you do something to hurt anyone i know and care for i'm not going to forgive you" min then walked out of the room.

"let's go" min said quickly when she saw everyone with a face that looked ready to kill. "let's eat out today, i know an awesome dumpling place" min said linking arms with g and top then seungri and daesung joined them as taeyang followed behind.                                                                                                                  

i need to cheer everyone up since they are such good friends too me min thought smiling

she's so cheerful even when something like this happened Taeyangs fist unclenched and he smiled as he joined them.


Hey guys!

I'm trying to update every weekend if you didn't notice.

Hope you like this chapter! ^__^





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JBL511 #1
Chapter 20: Keep up the good work. Fighting :)
JBL511 #2
Chapter 20: I laugh so hard. This is the first time I ever finish reading about taeyang beind read the main lead. Usually I will always skip through his story and read about my bais
JBL511 #3
Didn't read but still vote just because the comment was good.
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 20: Doneeee reading this story...loveee it :)
Chapter 20: Sequel????
Hey guys! Thanks for subbing and commenting. PLease vote on this story! That would be super helpful! :)
courcour #7
Chapter 20: ahhh I loved it so much please let their be a sequel.
Chapter 20: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Loved it!
Chapter 14: FRIEND-ZONED THATS WHATS UP!!!! Only Taeyang can be with min!!! :)