Chapter 20

I Hate Bigbang


Purple: Mins thoughts

Green: Taeyangs thoughts

The next day Min woke up early and went out into the living room type area and watched t.v. it happened to be the drama Playful Kiss

"oh you're awake" Taeyang said and sat down next to her

"yeah.." Min said in almost a whisper "can i ask you a question?"


"um....did you have a girlfriend before?"

"yeah, one"

"can you tell me about her?"

"well....her name is Eun-Jo. She's really nice and sweet, we dated for a year. She ended the relationship because she was moving to the states um... i met her through some friends and the guys don't know about her becuase she went to a different school and i didn't really talk about her a lot to people, i still don't talk about her a lot"

Oh was all Min had to say it was silent for a while intell Taeyang asked if she had a boyfriend before. When Min answered no Taeyang felt a little happy hoping that he would be her first boyfriend, then he turned to Min.

"you know last night how i was talking about this one girl i like?"

"yeah...." how could i forget

"well you see i want to ask her out, but i don't know how"

Min felt a like someone just stabbed her through the heart but was determind to be happy for him no matter what

"you should, i bet she would say yes"

"really??? how?"

"like that" Min said pointing to the screen it showing Kim Hyun-joong (main guy character) kissing Jun So-min (main girl character) in the rain

Taeyang chuckled "every girl would like that right?"

"yep! it's so cute and romanctic even if it is cliche!"

"can you go out with me today to help me pick something out for her?"

Min hesitated for a mintue but then agreed thinking it could help her get over him


"see you guys!!" Min said waving at the other guys as she and Taeyang walked the opposite diretion as them

"so what were you planning on getting her?" Min asked

"umm... i have no clue maybe jewlery?" Taeyand asked looking clueless

"well, what does she like?"

"just show me things that you like, she has the same taste as you"

Just as he said that they passed a small shop full of cute little things like jewlery to phone acssesorys

"OHH OHH HERE!" Min yelled and dragged Taeyang in before he could say anything else

They walked to the jewlery section and looked at the necklaces and earrings. Min pointed to a necklace that had a small heart on it

"this ones cute, oh and this one!" Min said pointing to one with a star on it

They then looked at phone chains they passed by many that were cute like ones with colorful fuzzy pom poms and hello kitty ones, But they left that store empty handed. They then entered another shop full of Japanese trinkets and Manga and Anime related stuff. They found cute Kawaii stuffed animals and other things like that, but none caught there eyes.

After a while of walking they went into a coffee shop for a break. Min ordered a chocolate mocha and Taeyang ordered an espresso. When they got there drinks they sat down at a table

"how can you drink something so bitter?!" Min asked making a face

Taeyang chuckled at her cuteness "how can you drink something so sweet?"

"it's not that sweet!" Min protested as she took a sip of her mocha. Min then took some of her mocha foam and wiped it on his nose. Min giggled at how silly he looked and took a picture before Taeyang could wipe it off.Taeyang playfully glared at her as he took a sip of his drink still glaring at her.

"i'm going to the restroom before you burn a hole through my face" Min said and went to the restroom. Min came back after acouple of minutes and sat down taking her drink she took a sip

"EWWWE!" Min yelled making a face "why is this so bitter!??!" Min asked still making the face why is she so cute?!

Taeyang couldn't hold it in any longer he burst into a fit of laughter he clutched his stomach as he laughed almost falling out of his seat

"it's not funny!" Min yelled pouting and crossing her arms which only made Taeyang laugh even more

"hmph!!" Min grunted and looked the other direction still pouting and crossing her arms to her chest. After Taeyang stopped laughing and they finished there drinks they went out of the shop.

"thank goodness it was rush hour and everyone was loud or else we would have gotten so many stares" Min said smiling

"oh trust me, we got stares all right" Taeyang chuckled as they walked past a flower boutique shop

"you should get her flowers" Min said simply "mutliple colors and kinds, but not right now when you confess or else they will wilt and die when you give it to her"

As the day went on they couldn't find anything, either Min said no girl would like it or Taeyang thought it was ugly.

"I'm hungry" Taeyang said rubbing his tummy and leading her to a cute resturant

"um..are you sure you want to eat here? It's really fancy and expensive" Min said unsure as they walked in

"positive, we are in Japan we need to try different stuff" Taeyang said smiling and pulled out a chair for her

When they got there food they took there time eatting and chatting mostly about random things and about the future of their careers. Taeyang insisted on ordering a mini cake even though Min felt like she was about to explode he said they could give the left overs to the other when they got back.

"if i eat more i think i might die" Min said when the cake came

"well we don't want that do we" Taeyang chuckled as he got up "i'll be right back, restroom" Taeyang said and went into the back of the resturant where the restrooms were. Taeyang came back and sat down infront of her. Min then notcied that there were no one else in the resturant expect them

"um.. are the closing soon? should we go then?" Min asked looing around the place. Min didn't notice before but there was barley any light. Then all of a sudden the lights went out.

"ahh!" Min yelled in shock "what happened Taeyang?" Min asked scared to get up and run into something

"one second Min i'll turn the lights back on" Taeyang said Min heard Taeyang get up from his chair. Seconds later she hear someone singing

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling, kiss me

Suddenly an outline of a Big heart lit up

"whats going on?" Min asked "Taeyang why are you singing?" Min asked reconizing his voice

As Taeyang sang the next verse another big outline of a heart lit up right next to the first heart. When the song ended there were 6 big heart outlines lit up. There was a light instrumental of Fly me to the moon still playing in the background. Then the words WILL lit up on the first heart, then YOU, then BE, then MY, then GIRL, then lastly the question mark. The lights turned back on Min saw Top holding the first heart, Daeusng holding the second one, Seungri holding the third one, G holding the fourth one, Bae oppa holding the fifth one and Shin oppa holding the last one and Taeyang standing by Shin with a happy and nervous smile on his face. Min couldn't speak all she could do was stare at everyone then her eyes landed on Taeyang. Taeyang slowly walked up to her smiling.

"so, will you be my girl?" he asked smiling at her nervously

"um..what about the girl you like?" Min asked

"don't you see? she's you" Taeyang said smiling and leaned in to kiss her, there lips touching moments later. Then on cue small silver stars rained down on them making Min pull away.

"i know we aren't kissing in the rain, but i thought this would be better" Taeyang said smiling at her

"much better" Min said smiling as there lips touched again forgetting about everyone else. They pulled away when they heard someone clearing their throat.

Min cheeks heated up and she looked smiling at everyone.

"I"M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!" G yelled and ran to hug Min

"you guys are together now! finally!" Top yelled playfully

"HA i told you it would be this month, pay up!" Daesung yelled at Seungri who muttered something then handed Daesung 50 dollars

"you betted on when me and Min would get together!?!" Taeyang asked angrily

"nooooooooo" Seungri answer

"we betted on when you would actualy ask her" Daesung answered smiling

They then quickly ran behind Min

"help Min your boyriend wants to kill us!!" Seungri yelled looking over Mins shoulder

Min blushed at Taeyang being called her boyfriend but then quickly looked up a Taeyang

"let's not kill anyone today" Shin chuckled from behind them. Min quickly turned around toward Shin and ran up to him giving him a tight hug

"Oppa i missed you!" She yelled

"you too kiddo" he said smiling

"you lied to me Min" Bae oppa said as he walked up to her "when you were little you said you would grow up and marry me!" he pouted playfully

"i'm sorry oppa you can marry your girlfriend" Min said smiling

"GIRLFRIEND!?!?!" Shin yelled surprised

"heh...heh... sorry i didn't tell you, i'll tell you later" Bae oppa said scratching the back of his head


They all headed back to the hotel and watched movies, played games, and ate. Everyone wanting to catch up with everyone else. Taeyang looked around noticing Min wasn't anywhere he looked out the balconly and saw Min standing there looking out into the starry sky. Taeyang slowly walked out there and wrapped his arms around her waist making her jump a little.

"hey" Taeyang said as he rested him chin on her shoulder

"hi" Min said not looking up from the sky "it's so beautiful tonight" Min commented smiling

"yeah it is, isn't it?" Taeyang said smiling. He moved to her side and put his arm over her shoulder

"i've been wanting to say something for a while" Min said

"and that is?"

"i love you"

"i love you too" Taeyang said smiling. When Min heard that she felf all warm inside and giddy like a little girl

"you never answered my question" Taeyang said softly

"what question?" Min asked turning to look at Taeyang with a confused look

"will you be my girl?" Taeyang asked smiling

"Hmmm....let me think about it" Min said tapping her chin

"WHAT!?!" Taeyang yelled making Min laugh

"my answer is yes" Min said chuckling

Taeyang walked behind her and pulled out a necklace from his pocket

"and this is for you" he simply said smiling as he put it on her. Min looked down on it, it was a silver treble clef necklace with a heart in the middle not just a swirl it had small diamonds linning the treble clef

"thank you, it's beautiful!" Min gasped in awe as she turned around to face Taeyang

"not as beautiful as you" Taeyang said softly as he leaned in and kissed Min, their lips melting together into one.


WOOHOO DONE!! I hope you guys liked this story!!

I also have a sequel to this story called I Love BigBang :) 

I lied I just didn't have time and it just didn't work out the way I wanted to, GOMEN! 

I know i didn't update as much as you guys or I wanted BUT i'm determind to do better on my next story!!

I would love it if you guys gave me some instructive criticism as long as it isn't too mean, so if you would/could please do ^___^ 




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JBL511 #1
Chapter 20: Keep up the good work. Fighting :)
JBL511 #2
Chapter 20: I laugh so hard. This is the first time I ever finish reading about taeyang beind read the main lead. Usually I will always skip through his story and read about my bais
JBL511 #3
Didn't read but still vote just because the comment was good.
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 20: Doneeee reading this story...loveee it :)
Chapter 20: Sequel????
Hey guys! Thanks for subbing and commenting. PLease vote on this story! That would be super helpful! :)
courcour #7
Chapter 20: ahhh I loved it so much please let their be a sequel.
Chapter 20: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Loved it!
Chapter 14: FRIEND-ZONED THATS WHATS UP!!!! Only Taeyang can be with min!!! :)