Chapter 15

I Hate Bigbang

Purple: mins thoughts

Green: taeyangs thoughts

Before they knew it, it was there day to go to YG entertainment for there first day of work. The day after min and woonji's date a.k.a. "hanging out" as min would say. Woonji asked her out again but got rejected because taeyang said they had planned to hang out with min the whole week and weekend.

"i'm excited!" min said jumping into the van

"SAMEE" the others said in uison

When they got there the place was decorated with christmas lights and everything christmassy (since it's verry close to christmas) after they admiried how pretty the building looked they went straight into papa YG (Yang Hyun-suk) office. And then right after a short chat they went into songs and music and what was going to happen and etc.



"shin!" min said running down the stairs and into his arms

"hey min! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" he said hugging her back

After a while of talking and hanging out Min and Taeyang made dinner for everyone, then they watched a bunch of short kids movies till around 9.

"let's open presents!" G said jumping up and down

Everyone sat around the christmas tree and gave each other gifts. Daeusng gave them all ear buds each different colors and differnet designs. Seungri gave everyone hats, Daesung a hat with gray cat ears, G got a penguin, Top got a white mouse, Taeyang got a panda bear, Min got a pink bunny, Shin got a pig.

"hehehe" min said as she laughed at how silly they looked

"what's so funny?" taeyang said smiling and made a silly face which made her laugh even more "well your getting it!" he joked. He threw min over her shoulders and put her down on the couch and attacked her with tickles

"ATTACK!" top yelled smiling everyone then started to tickle each other intell they breathed heavily

"water anyone?" Top asked they all followed top except min and taeyang

"haha i won" taeyang said smiliing

"no way i won" min said back and playfully pushed him

"woah you don't want to do that unless you want to be tickled again" he said smirking

"fine i surender" min said standing up and walking past but not before ruffling his hair (she learned from Top that Taeyang hates that)

"now you asked for it" taeyang said teasing and chased her into the kitchen where everyone else was

"OPPA!!" min yelled while smiling and hid behind shin

"your lucky this time" taeyang said smiling a huge grin

The others just smiling and winked at Taeyang. Taeyang could feel his cheeks turn red and he noticed mins face turning red also she must have seen them winking

"water min?" he asked she nodded


G gave the everyone money becuase he didn't know what to get everyone and waited till the last minute to go out shopping but ended up not having enough time.

"wow G did you do this last minute?" Seungri asked smirking

"hey it's the thought that counts!!" g said defensivly

"yeah, and how much thought was put into this maybe 20 minutes?" Daesung teased

"hmmph" G said pouting and turning away from them

Top gave everyone "I <3 BigBang" braclets he made himself (aka custom made and ordered online) which made everyone surprised, they looked amazing, he made himself a silver one, daeusung a white one, seungri a gold one, G a green one, Taeyang a blue one, Min a red one, shin a light blue.

"wow someones girly artsy side has finally showed!" Daesung said smirking

"YAH!" top said angrily "and i ordered them online all i did was pick the design and colors"

"hehe i like them a lot" min said puting it on

The only people who gave everyone totally different gifts was Taeyang, Min,and Shin. Shin gave top a pair of nike high blazer shoes in red, he gave Daeung Tommy Hilfiger colonge, he gave seungri a leather jacket, Taeyang a dark blue blazer, and Min a a coach shoulder bad and coach wallet. Min gave daeusung and seungri both an xbox game and a new controller for them, top got 2 fladora hats, G got the drama Your beautiful and seeking love  (which he loved), Taeyang a pair of dr. dre headphones, and Shin a new cell phone (cuz his is super old). Taeyang got Daesung a new phone case, Seungri a new laptop case, G got a pair of nike high blazer shoes in green, Top a black calvin klein sweater, Shin a rolex watch, and min a new guitar

"a guitar!" min said looking super suprised

"yeah, since you don't like to play on your moms guitar a lot i got you a new one" Taeyang said smiling "it also has your name engraved on the back in super fancy letters"

"thank you sooo much!" min said jumping up and hugging him

Mins back was to the guys so she didn't see them winking and smiling while Taeyang blushed like crazy

"HEYYY what about our presents we gave you?! we never got a huuuugggg" G whinned

"sorry guys" min said letting go of taeyang and opening her arms towards the others, they all tackled her to the ground in a big group hug

"you should play a song!" shin said happily

Min then began to play Stand by me by SHINee (which made G fan boy because it's in the drama boys over flowers) while everyone sang along


"Shin you should stay longer" Min said carrying his suit case down the stairs slowly

"i'm sorry min, but i have work back in the states" shin said putting on his coat

Top asked once again to drive shin to the airport but the taxi was already infront of the house. Shingot his suit case and headed out the door with everyone else following

"DON'T LEAVE SHIN!!" G, daesung, and seungri cried grabbing onto his arms

"you know i thought i would be the one doing that...." min said chuckling a bit

"i know right, they are such babies" top said teasing them

"we are not babies" seungri said wiping his tears

"you guys....i'm going to miss my flight if i don't go right now" Shin said struggling to get away from G and daesung

They all said there final goodbyes and Shin left


"Noooo i don't wanna go to school" min mumbled under her covers while all of the guys tried to get her up and made the loudest sounds possible

"min we are all going to be late if you don't get up right now" seungri said shaking her a bit

"unless....." Top said smiling a mishevous smile

"unless?" the others said in uison

"we ditch" Top said like it was nothing

Just then mins phone rang

"hello?" she said sleepily into her phone "yes this is she, OH hello how can i help you?" min said jumping up from bed making seungri fall flat on his face since he was still sitting right next to her

"OWW" he moaned getting up from the floor

 "sorry" she mouthed as she raided her closet for some clothes "ok thank you bye" she said finally before hanging up "we have to be at YG today they already called the school to let them know we will be absent

"wow that was a short notice" Top said surprised "well i geuss we will have to ditch some other time" he said pretending to look disapointed

"yep it was last mintue desicison" min said quickly holding onto the bottom of her shirt about to pull it off over her head, then remebered the guys still in her room they looked a way quickly and covered there eyes with there hands

"get out of my room and get ready" she said quickly and pushed them all out before they could say anything.

"phew" daesung said "i thought we where going to see more then needed"

"yeah let's go get ready" taeyang said blushing


"i'm excited!" G said jumping out of the van before it came to a conplete stop

"that's dangerous G you could have gotten hurt" Top said getting out of the car

"seeee this is why youuuu are the responsible one" G said smiling and running into YG entertainment

"so what do you think we are going to do today?" taeyang asked min as they walking into YG entertainment

"i have no clue...maybe some good news?" min said, being the klutz she is she slipped on the wet floor even though there was a wet floor sign right when they walked in and  she was about to fall on her but taeyang caught her in time. There faces inches away.

this always seems to happen

they blushed like crazy

oh no i can feel the heat burning my cheeks.. 

"hey guys quick up!" daesung yelled not even looking back at them

Taeyang quickly lifted her up and pretended to clear his throat

"thanks" min said blushing some more and was about to catch up to them

"wait" taeyang said and grabbed her hand "i don't want you slipping again" they then walked toward the office hand in hand


"they look good together...." woonji said sadly to himself and walked back up the stairs of YG


I'm sorry guys i know i haven't updated...

i've been getting writers block alsmost everytime i sit down infront of my laptop

so please bare with me!! ^__^

well hope you guys liked this chapter!! :)







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JBL511 #1
Chapter 20: Keep up the good work. Fighting :)
JBL511 #2
Chapter 20: I laugh so hard. This is the first time I ever finish reading about taeyang beind read the main lead. Usually I will always skip through his story and read about my bais
JBL511 #3
Didn't read but still vote just because the comment was good.
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 20: Doneeee reading this story...loveee it :)
Chapter 20: Sequel????
Hey guys! Thanks for subbing and commenting. PLease vote on this story! That would be super helpful! :)
courcour #7
Chapter 20: ahhh I loved it so much please let their be a sequel.
Chapter 20: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Loved it!
Chapter 14: FRIEND-ZONED THATS WHATS UP!!!! Only Taeyang can be with min!!! :)