[GD FANFIC] Love is PAINFUL (Too fast to live, Too young to die) - CH. 9

[GD FANFIC] Love is PAINFUL (Too fast to live, Too young to DIE)


Author's note:

AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Finally finished with this chapter. Been on my drafts for a long time && I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY x10000000000000000000000 for leaving all my wonderful readers D: (if there is any .__. LOL, JK I LOVE YOU FOLLOWERS!!!!) Since school got in the way for me I havent gotten time to update this chapter. I'M SOOO SORRY SORRY SORRY. I really appreciate the patience^^ UGH, I HATE SCHOOL. )x But anyways, ENJOY!!~


You ran into a small ally and hid yourself behind a dumpster to hide from the three black men that were chasing after you.

"where'd she go?!" You heard a voice yelling out. "I don't know! I was following you!'' a different voice said. "You idiots! You lost her?! Let's separate! You guys can never do anything right!"

You hear them going separate ways, you waited until it was quiet. You looked through the trash and found a pair of old ripped tennis shoes. It was just what you needed. You took them and wore them, then got out of the dumpster. Even though  now you must've smelled like a mix of and trash, atleast you didn't get shot. You walked down the ally and into the subway. You took the train back to your motel. When you got to the motel, you took off the dress and threw it in the trash. You checked your work phone and saw that your boss had called. 'He must've wanted an update' you thought to yourself. You took a quick shower and called your boss back.

The phone ringed, and your heart beated. You knew he would be mad for failing your mission twice.

" So?" Your boss answered.

You hesitated for a moment, "I......I need more time."

You hear him sigh over the phone, "Time isn't always gonna be by your side _______. Why haven't you killed him yet? I thought you were better than this. I assign you one man to kill and the ONLY time I can track him down, you can't even get it done. "

"I'm sorry. But if you just give me more time! I promise, I can get it done."

"_________-ah. You have never needed time to kill someone. Is there something holding you back?" There was silence for a moment. " Is that that man?!"

You suddenly get nervous and held in your breath. ' how did he find about Ji Yong?' You thought to yourself.

"I know about this man you've been seeing __________. I told you from the beginning to not get close with people. I warned you it would be bad for you! I can't believe you're failing me because of a man. I know you've been seeing him for awhile now, I had someone follow you before I assigned this mission to you."

You get mad at his words. You couldn't hold in you anger anymore. You were so tired of him criticizing you for all your wrongs, after all the years you served under his orders, all you wanted was a normal happy life without having to lose anymore people you were close to. And Kwon Ji Yong was the only person left.

"I can do it!!! I will kill him! And when I do, I want you to terminate my contract with you. After I met Ji Yong, I feel like I've become a HUMAN BEING! I don't want to kill for you anymore! I have never once felt happy or loved ever before until I met Ji Yong. I.........I'VE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH HIM. For everything he has made me feel and for everything he has done for me. This is going to be my last mission for you! Rather I die or not, it's up to me. 

"Okay, if that's what you want. This will be your last mission. You already know the rules. " You both hung up the phone. You clutched the phone in hands. You were burning up inside. You had already messed up twice, now you know it was either DO OR DIE. You decided since it was your last mission that you would head back to Korea tomorrow to prepare for you last mission.


You packed your luggage and checked out of the motel. A taxi came by to take you to the airport. When you got to the air port you waited till 12pm so you could get check in and get onto the airplane. When it was about time to get onto the plane, you got up from sitting down. You walk towards the line to get onto the plane when suddenly you hear a familiar voice calling out your name.


You turn around to look, it was Ji Yong. "Why am I seeing him everywhere?!" you said to yourself. None the less, you were happy to see him as well. 

"Ji Yong!" You smiled and waved at him. He ran to you and hugged you tightly.

He sighed heavily on you. "You had me worried! I thought something bad happened to you after seeing you yesterday! Why didn't you tell me where you were going yesterday morning huh? You made me worry sick! I couldn't even think straight for one second! And then I saw you at the museum...What was all that about?! I thought we agreed that you wouldn't get yourself into that kind of dangerous stuff again. Why did you go out on your own like that. Don't ever make me worry like again. I feel like my heart could just drop into the ocean worrying about you this much." He sighs again and hugs you even tighter.

His presence and his words made you smiled, you hugged him back by the waist, "yahhhh, I'm okay! I'm sorry about everything Ji Yong-ah. Are you leaving to Korea too?"

"MmmHm! You too?" He asked you with an excited voice.

"MmmHm! Let's go together!" You said. He grabs your hand and you startle. He gives you one his sweet innocent smile and drags you with him. You both got onto the plane. You followed behind him, still holding his hand as he guided the both of you an open seat. You two got seated and he put his arm around your shoulders. 

"You were gonna leave Paris with out me?" He asked you.

"Well, I came here with out you. And coincidentally met you here, and coincidentally, I'm leaving with you too. " you responded back innocently.

He laughed, " But you did it all with out me knowing. Are you stalking me?!"

You smile and laughed alittle, "of course not! I should be asking if you're stalking me! Every where I go, you seem to somehow appear!"

He smiled at you, "Maybe it was just meant to be!" 

You laughed at how cheesy he said that, and leaned your head on his shoulders.


Gdragon became worrisome after not finding ________(you) anywhere when he left the museum. He wanted to search some more around Paris for her, but he couldn't with all the fans around him. Gdragon walked back and forth around his hotel room with an anxious feeling. He couldn't stand still not knowing where she was and how she was doing.

"UGHHH!" He strike a punch at the couch trying to release his stress.

Kim Nam Gook, who was sitting down on the sofa jumped up in surprise and looked at Gdragon. "Ouu! You scared me Ji Yong!" Gdragon was looking down hard at the floor. "Are you that worried about ________?" He asked GDragon.

"Hyung-ah. If I wasn't this worried, you would never see me like this would you? When have I ever acted this way before? I just want to know if she's okay."

"I'm sure she's fine. She's always saying that she could take care of herself. And I believe that she can. Ji Yong, if you believe that she can too, then maybe she's still alive somewhere and okay. You're making your self worry too much." Kim Nam Gook said to Gdragon.

This made GDragon upset. He didn't understand her situation and hated the fact that she was always hiding secrets.

"I wish we could stay here longer Ji Yong, I really do. I want to help you find ______ too. I've seen how much you care for her but its about time we have to leave paris. It's my job as your manager to keep you away from trouble. " Kim Nam Gook continued.

"I can't go yet! I'm gonna stay here until I find her, even if it's gonna destroy my career. " Gdragon said with no hesitation. He knew that if he didn't go back in time to prepare for his upcoming activities, he would make Yang Han Suk mad. But it didn't matter to him anymore because he was already in a bad situation with Mr. Dixie and his music career.

Kim Nam Gook became tense and scared hearing Gdragon's words coming out of his mouth. He has never picked a girl over his career ever before. Nam Gook decided it was best to stay longer since he didn't want Gdragon to end his career when he had so many things coming up, and especially not over a girl.

"Okay Ji Yong, we can stay longer and find her, I'll delay our flight until tomorrow morning, but after that, promise me you'll go back to Korea, even if we don't find her."

Gdragon didn't want to make that promise, he was far too worried about not ever finding ____________(you). But he didn't want to disappoint his manager either. Although he didn't want to agree with the promise, he was thankful to his manager for helping him all this time. 

"Thanks Hyung." Gdragon said with an emotionless face. He then headed straight to the door leaving the hotel.

Gdragon rented a car and looked every where in Paris. From subways to restaurants and motels around the area. He spent the whole day and night searching. But there was no sign of ________ anywhere. 

-ring ring-

Gdragon's phone ringed and he picked up. It was his manager.

"Ji! Where are you? It's already 4 in the morning, are you lost in Paris?"

"ohhh hyung, I'm not lost. But I couldn't find her....." His eyes get teary and he pauses. He couldn't stop his tears from falling, he was disappointed in himself for not being able to find ________ or protecting her. He felt guilt because he couldn't do anything to help ________. The thoughts of _________ being dead, gone, or hurt devoured him. He was weeping in the car silently on the phone. 

"Jiyong-ah? Are you crying?" Kim Nam Gook asks through the phone.

Gdragon sniffs and heavily sighs. He wipes away his tears and tries to catch his breath after crying. "I don't know what to do anymore Hyung." he says answering his manager.

" Ji, I think it's best to just leave it be. Come back and get some rest you haven't had sleep and we leave today. Here's what I'll do , I'll have someone here to look for __________. I know how important she must be to you since I'm seeing you like this. I've never seen you like this before. As a Hyung, it also makes me sad to see you sad too. How about you come back to the hotel okay? I've already contacted a close friend here to look out for _________. "

Gdragon knew Kim Nam Gook would never let him stay in Paris forever to look for __________(you). He knew he couldn't stay forever either to find _________. It was best for him to just go back and hope that who ever his friend was, would find _________. It gave him a little relief, and he was gonna hang onto to that.

Gdragon headed back to the hotel and took some rest. Him and his manager left to the airport at noon. When he got to the airport and got checked in, he walked towards a long line when suddenly he saw a familiar face. His face enlightened and he smiled looking towards at _________(you). He couldn't believe she was right in front of his eyes, still alive and doing well. All his worried thoughts quickly disappeared and all he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and never let go.

"_________-ahhhh!!!" He screamed and ran towards her. He hugged her so tightly, not letting go. He was so relieved that was she was there, with him. Gdragon couldn't felt any happier when he saw her and got to feel the presence of her. 

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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 9: I can’t wait to read the rest.
ThaiiPandaa #2
really good story *_* ♥
Chapter 9: he finally found her again ji is so sweet when he is worried xD <3 update soon
oh so mr dixie will threathen GD if he doesn't accept his offer :O
yah!! GD dn't listen to him u better find her & turn his offer >__<
(i liked GD's new MVs were awesome xP as expected were talking about G-Dragon here so its normal xD )
jiyong u better find her soon >___<
before she is still injured >__<
ji u better protect her >___<
finally he knew the truth =D
lovis89 #7
but if she quits... they will be in danger right???
lovis89 #8
omg... so ummm... i'm keen to know what happens next
aguslagar #9
OMG!!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE! This story keeps getting more and more interesting alkdfjas;dfja;sdk can't wait for your next update!!
LOL. I was thinking the same thing about City Hunter too when I was writing this story, but I didn't think it would turn out to be like that until I read the chapter.haha. BUT THANK YOU. ^^