[GD FANFIC] Love is PAINFUL (Too fast to live, Too young to die) - CH. 8

[GD FANFIC] Love is PAINFUL (Too fast to live, Too young to DIE)


Your POV:

You returned to your motel you rented to stay at the first week you had stayed in paris before running into Ji Yong at the Fashion Show. When you got to your motel, you headed towards a brief case sitting on a table in the middle of the room and you took out the files and information you had about the CEO of DIXIE's. It contained his schedule in Paris which you used to stalk him down. You go through the bunch of papers and found that he was going to be at a famous Museum in Paris. You couldnt let this chance fly by so you stuff the files into your bag and headed out. You took the subway to a shopping center to buy yourself some new clothes having your credit card w/ you. You had a whole new different plan today. You went into the most expensive store you saw and bought a new outfit that was different from your usual wear. You bought a MJ BLACK SILK DRESS, a pair of Gucci black patent leather Pumps, and a Marc Jacobs leather shoulder bag.  After purchasing your new outfit, you went to a salon and got a make over. You had more make up on than usual and your hair was styled into a bob with your bangs curled to the side. You went back home to get dress into your new outfit. You knew you had to be extra careful now because your ankle wasn't completely healed and you were gonna expose yourself to the CEO of DIXIE's.
You put on your dress, slipped on your heels and stuck a gun into your purse. After much preparation for your new plan, you walked to the museum. You arrvived at the museum and the CEO of DIXIE's was already there. He was looking at paintings and pictures that hung on the walls. You walk his way and stopped next to him to casually look at the pictures too, " This is a piece of art..." you said out loud.
The CEO of DIXIE's turn his head to see who was talking him, you smile sweetly at him but he ignores what you said. 
You decide to try harder to get his attention, " Say! Aren't you Mr. Dixie? CEO of the DIXIE's company? I've heard much about you. I work for a famous magazine company as a head chief editor and reporter in Japan, my name's Azumi Hayashi. It's such a pleasure to come across a famous investor like you here."
Finally getting his attention, he turned around to you and nodded his head, "Yes I am." he pauses and scans you from head to toe, "what is a reporter like you doing here?".
You give him a fake smile, "Reporters also like art too, we don't just write and interview all day."
"They seem to be paying reporters alot these days." he responded with an arrogant  tone.
You ignore his rude comment and drive the conversation into the art and the museum instead trying to get his interest in you. After 30 mins of talking with Mr. Dixie, you excuse yourself to use the restroom. While walking to the bathroom, you saw one of Mr. Dixie's bodygaurd walking towards you. 'Oh !' ,you thought to yourself and quickly looked down at the ground as if you were texting. It was the same bodyguard that had shot you yesterday at the fashion show. While walking past him, you held your breath hoping he wouldn't recognize you.
You got to the bathroom and did your business, you washed your hands and head towards the door, but you stopped right in front of it and didn't open the door when you heard a deep voice coming from outside the door.
"Sir, i'm positive it was the girl from yesterday, I remember her face clearly. I followed her to women's restroom.........Yes. Yes sir."
You came to realize that the voice coming from outside the door was probably the bodyguard you walked passed by earlier, ", he followed me." You said to yourself.
Luckily you weren't the only person in the restroom. You waited for a women to go outside the door before you and you followed behind. When she opened the door the bodygaurd quickly aimed his gun at her mistaking her for you. She screamed and you took out your gun from your purse. The women infront of you had both her hands up, so you aim your gun at the bodyguard using the women infront of you a shield so he won't shoot. You fired your gun straight at his shoulders and ran out of the scene. You ran out of the hallway of the restrooms and took a left to the stairs that went down stairs. One other man in black tailed you from behind. Running down the stairs, you tripped from your injured ankle and fell down the stairs. You took out your gun and shot towards him but missed. You quickly got up and took off your heels. You were limping now, which slowed you down. The other bodygaurd caught up to you and grabbed you by the neck. You flipped him over and shot him in the chest. You ran through the back door and bumped into someone.
You looked up and your eyes widen, it was Jiyong. ' Why he is here too?! Oh my gosh things are getting worse with him in my life' You thought to yourself. He grabbed you by both the shoulders, "_________-ah!" , he looks at you from head to toe. "Why are you dressed like this? Why are you here?" 
"Jiyong, I'm sorry. I can't talk right now! I have to go. I can't be seen with you." You grab his hands and took them off your shoulders then ran away from the Museum. 
"Ji Yong, we have to get going to the museum. You have an appointment there."
Gdragon's manager said to him while Gdragon was sitting on the couch looking deperessed wondering where _________(You) went.
" I can't go. I have to find _______(You) first! What if she's in danger again. She can't be out there with all those injuries Hyung." Gdragon said to his manager.
Kim Nam Gook sighed "I should've never let you get into this mess. I knew that girl was bad news when I saw her yesterday. Jiyong-ah, i didn't know you liked girls like that."
"Hyung! How could say that. She's not what you think. She's a really nice girl. Its just, just.........her life is complicated." there was silence was for a bit, "Hyung, I can't go anywhere until I find her." Gdragon finally said.
"Fine, how about we do this Ji. Lets go to the museum first, our meeting with Mr. Dixie is important. After that, we can spend the rest of the day finding _______(You). I'm sure it wont take long at the museum."
GDragon agreed and got ready to go to the Museum for his meeting with Mr. Dixie. They got to the Museum and entered through the back door to ignore paparazzi and fans. Before they could open the door, somebody had pushed the door from inside the building and tripped infront of them. Gdragon and Kim Nam Gook jumped back in surprise and looked down to see a women panting for air. Gdragon went over to help her up and was shocked to see that it was __________(you). He was confused as to why she was here, and why she was all of a sudden dressed differently.
"________-ah!? Why are you here? Why are you dressed like this?" Gdragon asked her.
"Jiyong, I'm sorry. I can't talk right now! I have to go. I can't be seen with you." she said to Gdragon and ran away from him as fast as she could.
Gdragon was about to run after ________(you) but Kim Nam Gook grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Ji! Don't do this. We're already behind schedule. Let's go in first. She can take care of herself. We don't need this trouble!" Gdragon's manger said to him.
"But hyung!......." Before Gdragon could finish his sentence, three big guys in black ran rushed out through the door infront of them and headed ___________(you)'s direction. Kim Nam Gook looked at Gdragon and shook his head. Gdragon frowned with a worrisome face. He felt bad inside because he couldn't help her when she needed it the most.
Kim Nam Gook pulled Gdragon's arm and headed inside the building. Gdragon followed his manager with his head down. So many thoughts were going through his head now, but now he had to focus on his meeting with Mr. Dixie. They headed to the second floor where Mr. Dixie was waiting for them. He was by a window looking outside.
"Mr. Dixie!" Kim Nam Gook yelled out to him.
He turned around to Gdragon and his manager, " Ah! Mr. Gdragon! You're here!"
Gdragon bowed his head and greeted him.
"Do you by chance know that lady outside? The girl who tripped infront of you." he asked GDragon.
Before Gdragon could answer Kim Nam Gook answered for him, "NO! We don't know her. Gdragon was just being the gentleman by helping her up. It looked like she caused alittle trouble." Gdragon tugged on his manager's arm and whispered to him in a furious voice "Hyung!" he didn't want to hear anything bad about ________(you). His manager elbowed Gdragon alittle and hushed at him.
Mr. Dixie smiled and laughed at Kim Nam Gook's statement, "Oh I see, Mr. Gdragon must have a lot of girls all over him then being the gentleman he is."
Kim Nam Gook laughed in agreement while Gdragon faked a smile. 
"Well, now that we're all here, shall we take a little tour around the Museum?"
They walked around the museum looking at paintings, sculptures, handmade craft and old antiques.
"Mr. Gdragon, I understand you're a very talented artist. You must really enjoy the art of music." Mr. Dixie said to GDragon as they were walking around the museum.
Gdragon couldn't get his thoughts away from _________(you). He felt hurt that he couldn't protect _________(you). He didn't hear Mr. Dixie's question so Kim Nam Gook elbowed GDragon.
"Oh! Yeah! Yes, I've loved music since I was young." Gdragon replied with simplicity. 
"Ahh, I see. I wanted to meet you with today to ask a favor. I want to invest in your music. You can make 50 times more than you make now if you give me 30% of your income every time you release a new song. Rather you create it for some one else, your band or even yourself. This could also help your company make 10 times more the money so YG can make more groups or soloists in the future. If you consider this, I promise you it'll be a good deal. But if you deny it, there won't be such a happy ending." Mr. Dixie said to GDragon.
Gdragon thought about his offer, he only wanted to create music so he could share his feelings with the world. He felt like this was wrong for him to do. Gdragon wanted to deny his offer, but Mr. Dixie's last words ' But if you deny it, there won't be such a happy ending. ' scared him. 
"So, why me?" Gdragon asked.
"YG trusted you the most. I believe he made the right choice in choosing you Mr. Gdragon." Mr. Dixie said.
"This is such a big offer, it could be a big help to us in the future, but I think I'll have to think about it first." Gdragon said to Mr. Dixie.
"Well then, I understand you'll be leaving Paris tomorrow afternoon. Please take it into consideration and give me an answer by tomorrow morning."
Gdragon nodded his head, "We'll see. I'll have to end our meeting here Mr. Dixie, it was very nice to meet you again today." Gdragon shook hands with Mr. Dixie and turned to leave.
"I hope you'll make the right choice Mr. Gdragon!" Mr. Dixie yelled out to GDragon as he left. 

Author's Note:

Been busy the past few days spazzing over GD's new MVs and songs and look and EVERYTHING. Sorry guys. Here's the long awaited chapter 8. I HOPE YALL ENJOYED IT~! (: Working on Ch. 9 right now. ^^


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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 9: I can’t wait to read the rest.
ThaiiPandaa #2
really good story *_* ♥
Chapter 9: he finally found her again ji is so sweet when he is worried xD <3 update soon
oh so mr dixie will threathen GD if he doesn't accept his offer :O
yah!! GD dn't listen to him u better find her & turn his offer >__<
(i liked GD's new MVs were awesome xP as expected were talking about G-Dragon here so its normal xD )
jiyong u better find her soon >___<
before she is still injured >__<
ji u better protect her >___<
finally he knew the truth =D
lovis89 #7
but if she quits... they will be in danger right???
lovis89 #8
omg... so ummm... i'm keen to know what happens next
aguslagar #9
OMG!!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON PLEASE! This story keeps getting more and more interesting alkdfjas;dfja;sdk can't wait for your next update!!
LOL. I was thinking the same thing about City Hunter too when I was writing this story, but I didn't think it would turn out to be like that until I read the chapter.haha. BUT THANK YOU. ^^