I Like You.

My Empty Heart

Jieun's Point of View~


What did I do to make him do all of that, and to make him know about that?

I had never meet a person like Kai. Damn he's one of a kind. He always makes me angrier than anything, but nothing can do him a defeat. I had always try to stand before him, but why is he always a further step a head? I really can get this. 

"Class, so the first lady had always taught us about to stand in between the damage, and we all have to do that. Guys, remember what I taought you today, and for next week, do not forget about the paper I share to you guys today. Class, dismissed."

Finally the class is over! Hearing it over and over again about what the first lady of America told us was, somehow, boring. My eyes kept on closing and it was in the urge of closing tightly, and in a second I would be drawn in my morning sleep. It was not 12 o'clock yet, but I am already exhausted. Yeah, exhausted because of that guy, thankfully. 


I almost threw my phone after hearing that loud voice I know the most. 

"I am awake, crazy!"

I punch her hand lightly and she just showed me her dimples on her left and right cheek. She smiled in shame because of her crazy-everyday routine of shouting in my ear. Thank God my ear are not disfunctional yet. 

"Hehe, chill out. After meeting your parents, your temper has risen up! What's got in to you?"

"Me? Wait, how did you know that I met my parents yesterday, did-"

"Kai told me. He told me everything. And he also told me that you used Luhan to pursue your parents and to lie to them? Was it true?"

She scratched her head back and up, as she made a curious looking face to me. I groaned in hateful. Urgh, how I wanted to punch that guy for being an , and why does he has to tell Krystal. No, wait a second?

"Did he tell that, only to you, or to.....?"

"Everyone. He stood up when the class was over, and he told us, all of us, that he had experienced an awesome day yesterday. And he also told us about everything he felt for you."

I widened my eyes when I heard her telling me what she heard in the class. 

"What the!"

"Kidding! he told that only to me, dumbo! Hahaha! You must have seen that freaking of yours!"

I widened my jaw, I was really shocked, mad, and relieved that he had only tell it to her. At least, he still has the pity feeling for me. Should I be happy for that? Hell no. And most of it. I have to talk to Luhan. I have to apologized for being the person I was tonight. I have to find him. 




Looking for Luhan was not a problem at all. Now, currently, I saw him laughing to his friends at the corner of the cafeteria. He was smiling really bright when his fellas told him, probably a very funny story, or a hilarious experiences. And i can also see all the girls in the cafeteria were zooning towards him. They would even leave their work just to look at his handsome smiling face. Lucky me I can contact him whenever I wanted to.  But, what makes me want to step back from talking to him was, the person I hate the most.

Sitting behind him, looking at his phone. He rested his head on the table while feet crossing on the chair. What can I say, he is cute. No. he's very very cute. And daring, and of course handsome as always. And everything he does, people would kill for that. 

I texted Luhan to meet me at the library, to prevent making a fuss of it. And to avoid people's stares. I still have my pride to show.

From        : Jieun

Can you meet me at the library? There is something I need to tell you about. A.S.A.P okay? Sorry for disturbing you time. Thank you. 

To             : Luhan.

After all the crazy issue going on last week, the gossip of me are replaced by the new headline of the school. How Minah, our pretties student in this university, is dating one of the member of Boyfriend. Minwoo. Everybody were envious by her, and me, I would even kill for being his boyfriend. And guess what, people loves to talk. The rumors of Minwoo, the singer itself was forced to be with her, just to get her popularity rises up. 

Human, crazy as they are. 

I saw him looking at his phone that he had held even before i came here. He pressed the screen of his phone. He started to look around. Is he looking for me? I laughed at my own crazy imagination, and I headed to the library. There is no way he is the one to be waiting right? For a woman, sometimes you can be the gentleman right? 




Luhan's Point of View~


I smiled to her text. I looked around the cafeteria just to know where she was at that time. I looked around and I see nothing. And that's when I decided I will go to the library. I tapped at Kai's leg so that he will know that I will be away for a second. he nodded at me, and continue playing with his phone. Guess what? Shouldn't I be mad at him? No, I am not mad at all with him. I found it was pretty funny. For a guy like him, to suddenly came barging in to the scene, it was pretty rare. 

I walked out of the cafeteria, and my, what, okay, fan girls were swooning over me. I can't tell what are they swooning to me? I walked, and few of my fan girls  followed me from behind. It was very irritating. So i stopped at my walk, and smile to them. And in an instant, all of their jaws were hung open widely. In a simple gesture, I walked straight to the library. 




I walked to the library and started to look for her. First, I checked on the table, but I didn't find any marks of her. So I headed towards the book shelf, and all i see was just book on the shelf. I rested my shoulder, and I can see a heels were put aside to the leg that was on the floor. 

I walked silently to the exact place, and saw a girl was sitting on the floor, without heels, reading a book. 

She stood up quickly, and she bowed for awhile. Why did she has to bow to me? I bowed back just to make the mood lighten up a bit. She smiled to me and her eyes seemed to be in a very sad time. 

"What are going to say to me?"

"Ugh, what? Oh yeah."

She startled a bit at me sudden words that shocked her thoughts. 

"So.......... what?"

"Umm, I was going to tell you, that I am really sorry. Really really sorry for yesterday's incident. I know that I was wrong to accept your offer, and I promise that I will never ever do that again. Sorry, very truly sorry for my behavior."

"Chill out a bit, I am not mad at all. I was just confused yesterday. And I am not mad at you, even a single bit."

I smiled to her. Looking at her frowning face. 

"Really? But usually, people are going to be mad over me if i made a mistake. But, why aren't you mad at me? Its really okay to be pissed with me! And even so, I knew that I think, I did something wrong, so you have the certain right to be pissed, but, if you're pissed, I would be good."

I laughed at her sudden declaration, it was pretty funny looking at her behavior, changing. Always changing. But why aren't I mad with her? Oh yeah. I have to tell you guys something. Ever since I saw her for the first time, I felt something new. It was an awkward feeling. Especially when I first talked to her. Looking at gestures, my heart skips a bit. It sounds pretty cheesy I know, but I might know now, why was I like that.

"What? Pissed? Haha, why would I even be pissed to you. I will tell this once again, I am not mad to you miss, so stop being so ridicilous. I am vey vey, not mad, nor upset, and not pissed by what you did. I was just confuse, okay? And you sounded like you were in the court just then"

"Urgh, fine, I'm pissed. SEE? Huff, okay. And thank you. Very much. And sorry again."

She smiled to me, and i replied her smile with my daring and caring smile. 

"Besides, why would I be mad with you."


"Why would I even be mad over the person I like, okay?"

Like, yeah. 

"What?! You like me?!"

Well, she looked shocked, pretty shocked. 

"No, I don't like you. I love you, even from the very first time I saw you, my heart sank into the deepest part of your beauty. Get that?"

"Gee, Luhan. Stop joking around, won't you? It's not funny at all!"

She scoffed at me, and her dimples was really cute too.

"I was not joking! It was true! from this!"

*Pointing to the chest*

"Heesh, jerk. Playing?"

She's still whinning.

"I like you, Lee Jieun. Even at the first look of you, I had fallen for you. Serious."









Hehe, miss me? I updated! And guess what, Luhan fell for her. hahahahahahhaha

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update please..i beg u..please..please..
i love this story..
Update pleaseeee
Chapter 10: Hehe please update soon ;)) Don't know who t ship with.
Chapter 10: nice chapter..
update soon..and write more please :)
MilkyCouple4ever #5
Chapter 10: Luhan FTW!! Ha Kai!! That's watcha get for being a jerk!!
Chapter 9: Cheer Luhan all the way. Please update soon:))
Chapter 9: OMG~ it's great . Really great moment :D
Luhan's confussion :3 kyaaaa,, update soon
MilkyCouple4ever #8
Chapter 9: WOAH~~~~ CONFESSION!!!
MilkyCouple4ever #9
Chapter 8: Omg Kai what do u call it er/headblocker? Update soon